a thorough survey

1.What is your full name? Nicholas Ross Caines
2.How old are you? (don´t cheat, ladies!!) 21

3.Favourite color? Green or blue
4.Favourite food and drink? I dont have a favorite food as of this moment, but drink I would have to say root beer .

5.Favourite movie? Conan the Barbarian
6.Favourite tv-serie? Mail Call or The Simpsons

7.Favourite cartoon character? Captain McCallister from the Simpsons
8.Favourite game? I dont have one

9.The sickest thing you know? It depends what you mean by sick
10.What is the thing you like doing best? OR
10.Is sex the best thing in the world?
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye ) No it isnt, its rather good, but not the best. I like going for walks.

11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you? I cant recall, obviously it wasnt too evil :p.
12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you? My niece Abigail saying: I love you finitiy (infinity)

13.The best gig you´ve ever been to? In Flames at Riley's Rockhouse
14.What foreign countries you have visited to? None while I could remember .

15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday? Italy, Finland, Germany, and the rest I dont know.
16.The best coutry in the world? U.S. ;)

17.Coffee or tea? Coffee
18.Milk or water? Water

19.The ugliest thing you own? This mask I made when I was 12.
20.The best word in the whole wide world? Schlong

21.What is your job? Cook
22.What would you WANNA do for living? Who knows anymore.

23. The worst band you know? Hammer Fall
24. Best season? Fall

25. Who is your best friend? Robert Krasneiwski
26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Nope

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman) Christina, and Arnold
28. Best in Christmas? What?

29. Do you like sleeping? Yes
30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear? Jessie Richardson, and it almost happened too, damnit!

31. Best author? Brian Lumley
32. Your favourite book? Necroscope

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)? UM
34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens? Nothing really, I take it all with a grain of salt.

35. For what are you fanatic for? Music
36. Support McDonald´s? Not really

37. Death Metal or Black Metal? Death Metal
38. Darkness or light? Abit of both

39.Like Lord of the Rings? Yes
40. Who´s the best charachter in it? Gandalf

41. Rain or shine? Rain
42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die? Eat out some old fat lady.

43. what colour is your toothbrush? White and green

44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they? I just like women in general.
45. g-strings: yes or no? yes

46. name 3 favorite band of yours. Dark Tanquillity, Jethro Tull, Testament
47. Do you have pets? Yes, two corn snakes (Banshee and Frig), a Western Hognosed Snake (Lilith), a breeding pair of Eyelash Geckos (Bumble bee and Graves), a newt with no name, and my dog Isis.

48. Do you have siblings? Yes, two older sisters and one older brother.
49. Can you sing? If I try, yes.

50. Puppies or kitties? Puppies
51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?) Nope

52. do you believe in love from the first sight?No, just lust at first sight.
53. Are you religious? Not in the slightest.

54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation. 5, Im nothing special

55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind? Yes, Freddy vs. Jason, Amon Amarth, Pantera, and a picture of Dimebag Darrel one of my ex's has drawn.
56. Do you dye your hair? No, but I dyed my beard once.

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one? No one, that is utter bullshit.
58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors? Yes, I like black, but I also have many differant colored shirts, but my pants are all blue or black.

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind? Mute.
60. Are goths gay? ;) Some of them *cough*Ben*cough*

61. What is your favourite tree? Birch
62. Do you wear socks? Yes, I never put on shoes without them.

More when Im bored again.

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture? Chair
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult? In certain situations

65. Your opinion on marijuana? I like to smoke it
66. Leatherpants or jeans? Jeans

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion? Not really.
68. What language would you wanna learn? possibly Italian, or the Dobe !Kung dialect.

69. Do you wear glasses? Yes
70. Studying or working? Working
71. What festivals have you been to? Milwaukee Metal Fest, Tattoo the Earth
72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well) I would shoot them all.

73. Will you one day have kids? Who knows
74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they? I want a Nick Jr. :)

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park? Haunted House
76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to? Both

77. What do you parents do for a living? Nurse and Buisness owner
78. Did you have a happy childhood? Happy and sad

79. Roof or floor? Roof
80. Do you often picture people naked? Not really

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it? No.
82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot? Holmes

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES) They have never given me any trouble.
84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat? Blow your head off.

85. Skating or skiing? Neither
86. Hair open or with a pony-tail? Open

87. Gymnastics or dancing? Dancing
88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do? Give him a mint.

89. Do you have a driver´s licence? Yes.
90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself? A very good one.

91. How tall are you? 6'3" or 1.92 meters
92. Would you wanna build your own house? Would be cool.

93. Do you like being photographed? I dont care.
94. Have you ever posed nude? Does getting drunk at a party and jumping through a bon fire naked count?

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself! Yes and No, Im the Winter yes, other time usually not.
96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not? No, b/c it doesnt look right on me.

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...) Weigh the other options.
98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see? A large, scary person.

99. What animal would you wanna be? Wolf or Bear.
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not? Sometimes, I usually listen to an AM radio station that gives you news from a more objective perspective.

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) Not really, nothing special.
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? No, and no.

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? Henrietta from Evil Dead 2.
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? Knife, much quicker and hard to predict sometimes.

105. Long skirts or short ones? Both.
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? Im at work.

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? I almost died once from a fever when I was 2.
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. Yes, especially on the South Side, fucking gang bangers.

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? Cut my hair in a stupid style.
110. Math or languages? Math

111. Blonds or brunettes? BRUNETTES
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? God's cum

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? Yeah, Battlefield Earth and Water World.
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? Nothing really.

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? Yes
116. Have you kept a diary? Nope

117. What magazines you like to read? Military History, BW&BK, and more I cant think of.
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? No, the places I lived have usually been shit. Cicero was total shit, and Forest Park is turning bad.

119. Are you bi-sexual? Nope
120. Enough yet? :p Nope

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? A nice blend of the two.
122. Why are we still here? I dont know.

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? Yes
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? Yes

125. George W. Bush? Is from the South, enough said.
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? Nope

127. You like getting a tan? I dont care
128. You got tattoos/piercings? Yes, 3 tattoos

129. ...shit... happens
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? When I was 12

131. When is your birthday? November 23rd
132. Getting or giving gifts?Both, more giving than getting.

133. Do you boicot something? Nope
134. Could somebody else please take over? :p Sure :D

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) Not I.
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... I cant really remember what it was like, I was too little, but in my more adult life I havent.

137. How often do you wash your hair? Once a day
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? 20-30 minutes

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"?Nothing, I like my body the way it is
140. Speaking or listening? Listening then speaking, or the otehr way around.

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) Bruce Lee
142. Politics? Bullshit

143. Are a good cook? Yes, a very good one :)
144. Do you like cleaning? Sometimes

145. Suicide is...? Too easy
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? Like the singer from Dimmu? Stupid pratts.

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? Both.
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? No

149. How do you want to die? With dignity
150. Tell me what you think of me (Lumitalvi). I dont know you.

151. What is the most stupid stereotype? That white guys with shaved heads are nazis
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? Actor

153. Britney or Christina? Britney
154. What is/was your favourite toy? Anything He-Man

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? Yes
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? I get nervous, but I usually pull it off ok.

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? Blacksmith
158. Wiccas are...? Decent people most of the time

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? Yes
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? Of coarse

161: What do you think of me (Rusty)?? I dont know you either

162. What do you think of rahvin?? Good guy, had many a chat with the fellow.

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska? ;) B/c he's a pussy?
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him?? Death by stereo

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning? I dont know, mine doesnt either.
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? B/c you dont work enough


167. How many cousins do you have? Waaaaay too many to count
168. Do you often buy new clothes? Not really, shirts mostly

169. Is honesty the best policy? In some cases
170. Do you take good care of your health? Well I smoke and smoke pot, but I am pretty active, so sort of.

171. Vegetables or fruits? Fruits
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? Well not including the bar where I work, maybe 2.

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best)This show at a local bar. Crap
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) Not really.

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? Sort of
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? Nope

177. One thing in your life you would do differently. Stop smoking, but then I would have to want to stop.
178. Is fucking animals cool? No, but it doesnt stop Thanatos.

179. What instrument would you wanna play? Piano
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with* *walks away with it , and adds it to the collection*
181. Do you actually read others answers? Yes
182. What do you think of Marko? Dont know
183. What do you think of Toni? Decent guy
184. What do you think of Lassi? Eyes are too blue
185. What do you think of Horza? Dont know
186. What do you think of Tooled? Dont know well
187. What do you think of Hearse?Same as Lassi
188. What do you think of Maza?Dont know
189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? They suck ass
190. What do you think of Farmakon? Sounds like crap :p

191. What is your favorite sex position? Dont really have one, maybe the woman on top :rock: .
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?) :lol:
And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower :hypno: Haha, yes then I do.

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? Both
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? No

195. what do you think of while having sex? Usually nothing
196. Do you like the scent of heat? I didnt know it had one.

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? Testosterone
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? Giving head :blush:

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? No, thats boring

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? Nope
201. Want more sex related questions? Why the hell not?

My testament!!!!!!!!

1. what is your full name?



2. how old are you?



3. favourite colour?

dark blue


4. favourite food and drink?

pizza; beer


5. favourite movie?

the seventh seal


6. favourite tv-series?

currently: c.s.i. las vegas
all times: x-files


7. favourite cartoon character?

leela from futurama


8. favourite game?

heroes of might and magic iv


9. the sickest thing you know?



10. what is the thing you like doing best?
10. is sex the best thing in the world?

writing, and no, sex might rank among the top ten best things (at times), but it's not the best.


11. the most evil thing anyone has ever said to you?

the worst things are those said behind people's back, not to their faces. but if i have to choose amongst the ones i know, i'd say "you can't help".


12. the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you?

"if i ever manage to reach the fireworks, i'll give them to you"
i wish that person meant it, which is not the case.


13. the best gig you've ever been to?

vnv nation at the m'era luna festival in 2002.


14. what foreign countries have you visited?

portugal, spain, france, germany, holland, denmark, england, greece, austria, switzerland, sweden, finland


15. in what foreign countries you'd like to go someday?

u.s.a., russia, ireland


16. the best country in the world?

possibly sweden


17. coffee or tea?



18. milk or water?



19. the ugliest thing you own?

my head?


20. the best word in the whole wide world?



21. what is your job?

librarian, professional translator, soon-to-be journalist for a music magazine, soon-to-be italian teacher, hopefully-at-some-point-to-be full-fledged writer


22. what would you wanna do for a living?

write. duh


23. the worst band you know?

righteous pigs


24. best season?



25. who is your best friend?

name's claudia. she's ultimatemetal user hyena


26. have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

sort of, i guess, but she wasn't exactly a teacher of mine


27. the most goodlooking famous person (man and woman)?

man: edward norton
woman: no one, really, i don't pay attention to famous women


28. best in christmas?

days off work in the winter


29. do you like sleeping?

not at all


30. person you'd like to kill or at least make disappear?



31. best author?

jorge luis borges


32. your favourite book?

john steinbeck's to a god unknown


33. internet site you use the most?



34. what thing pushes your buttons every time it happens?

when i fall into the trap of hoping against hope all over again


35. what are you a fanatic of?

nothing really


36. support mcdonald's?

i do eat there from time to time and enjoy the food, if that's what you mean


37. death metal or black metal?

death metal


38. darkness or light?



39. like the lord of the rings?

the book is ok, the movies are boring and useless


40. who's the best character in it?



41. rain or shine?



42. what is such a horrible thing that you would never do it, you'd rather die?

there's too many. let's say sexual abuse.


43. the colour of your toothbrush?



44. do you have fetishes, and, if yes, what are they?

don't think so, no. but i like hair a lot (on other people).


45. g-strings: yes or no?



46. name three favourite bands of yours

dark tranquillity, bad religion, therapy?


47. do you have pets?



48. do you have siblings?



49. can you sing?

no, for the love of god, no


50. puppies or kitties?



51. are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *rotfl* :lol:


52. do you believe in love at first sight?

not even in any other kind


53. are you religious?



54. rate yourself from one to ten with explanation

1. i have never done anything that made a meaningful positive difference in anybody's life, i have never achieved what i wanted, and it's apparent i'm always out to cause as much hurt as humanly possible amongst anyone around me. a stable, high opinion of me is only to be trusted in my best friend, and i know that after all she herself is just cutting me slack because of the long years of mutual affection.


55. do you keep posters on your wall? what kind?

yes, i keep a few ultimatemetal posters on the wall, as in, forum members. i feed them some bread and water once in a while and torture them daily until they agree on posting on the dark tranquillity board


56. do you dye your hair?



57. who should be the king of the world if there could be one?

my best friend hyena. and queen of the world, of course


58. do you dress in black clothes? if not, then in what colours?

sometimes in black. other possible colours are grey, dark blue, dark green, and white


59. what would you rather be, deaf, mute, or blind?

mute. i don't really have that much to say anyway


60. are goths gay?

no more than metalheads or people in other subcultures


61. what is your favourite tree?

the one right outside my house in the mountains. and no, i don't mean all those of its kind, just that one


62. do you wear socks?

unless it's the heart of summer and i'm home, yes i do


63. what is your favourite piece of furniture?

table lamps


64. do you consider yourself as an adult?

an adult donkey, yes


65. your opinion on marijuana?

not interested. those who are can do what they want with it


66. leatherpants or jeans?



67. do you feel that text messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion?

there never was a real way of discussion to destroy: sms and mails just provide the users with new strategies to play with form and content, which is something that has always happened


68. what language would you wanna learn?

currently i need swedish and finnish


69. do you wear glasses?



70. studying or working?



71. what festivals have you been to?

i can't remember them all. some punk thing in my country last summer - just to see a.f.i. playing - and the already mentioned m'era luna festival in 2002, and wacken in 2003... maybe some more local festivals when i was younger


72. if there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well)

talk two of them into beating the shit out of the other two, jam all the windows, leave the room through the door and lock the door behind me


73. will you one day have kids?



74. do you have names picked up for them already? what are they?

they all shall go by the name of bu.


75. if you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park?

a big arena where people have to run in circles while being chased by tigers


76. are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to?

the flame is nice, and the near-darkness effect is too. all the hype with scented candles and atmospheric scenarios and whatnot is just crap though


77. what do your parents do for a living?

my mom teaches crystal chemistry at the university and my dad works for a national newspaper


78. did you have a happy childhood?

i've had a decent childhood equipped with lots of care and nice experiences. still, being the idiot that i am, i didn't enjoy it a bit


79. roof or floor?



80. do you often picture people naked?

very rarely: 99% of the people are uglier naked anyway


81. are you expecting something exciting this very minute? what is it?

there's nothing that has any likelihood to happen right now that would be remotely exciting. somebody's mail or somebody else's call or message would provide some satisfaction, but nothing more


82. sherlock holmes or hercule poirot?

hercule poirot


83. do you hate copy-machines?

we're certainly not friends


84. crowded buses... place to blow your head off or good place to chat?

blowing my head off. i never take the bus unless i'm being forced at gunpoint


85. skating or skiing?



86. hair open or with a pony-tail?

depends on whom. on me, neither


87. gymnastics or dancing?



88. some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do?

i talk to him. there's many unpleasantries concerning other people, and bad breath is certainly not the worse thing i might end up facing


89. do you have a driver's license?



90. what kind of driver you'd classify yourself as?

automatic. i've been driving a long time and often for job reasons, so i can do it blindfolded


91. how tall are you?

a whopping 171cm


92. would you wanna build your own house?

given the time and the means, why not. sounds interesting


93. do you like being photographed?

nope, pictures reveal my vampiric nature :rolleyes:


94. have you ever posed nude?

possibly when i was a few months old


95. are you lazy? explain yourself?

not really, although i might have a tendency to procrastinate some stuff. i'm in fact quite active and i have problems standing still


96. do you wear jewelry? what kind?/why not?

i don't, i don't like wearing stuff that might hinder my movements


97. when something doesn't go your way, what do you do?

while often keeping outwardly calm, i accumulate tension and anxiety and strive to make things go my way again and again and again, even in the face of obvious failure, until i hurt myself in some spectacular way and i'm forced to leave the battlefield. yes, i'm a poor loser


98. look at yourself with some other person's eyes. what do you see?

a cynical good-for-nothing loser who's very quick with words


99. what animal would you wanna be?

a bear, to hug myself silly


100. do you watch the news? why?/why not?

yes. it's important to remain at least partly focused on the world around me so that i can understand how it works


101. do you like nine inch nails?

they're ok


102. have you ever worn a beret? do you like them in general?

i have, but can't say i like 'em


103. you run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. what do you see when you open the hatch?

nothing: it's pitch dark down there


104. what weapon is scarier? a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it?

a dirty knife


105. long skirts or short ones?

short skirts


106. how do you usually spend your saturday nights?

once i used to go out with friends and drink, now i tend to either stay in and drink or stay in and study/work


107. what is the worst illness you've had?

none of the acute kind. i've been recently diagnosed with an incoming hernia, but aside from that i've never had anything more serious than the common cold


108. seen a dead person? in real life, i mean

two actually, one dead, one dying


109. the most stupid thing you did during your childhood?

didn't get off the ski-lift at the end of the track: ended up bumping my head hard against a stone pillar


110. math or languages?



111. blondes or brunettes?

*shrugs* brunettes, i suppose


112. the best ice cream tastes like...?



113. have you ever walked out of a movie theatre in the middle of the show 'cause the movie sucked so hard?



114. what thing you did buy, paid lots for, and didn't even like?

my education


115. are you able to see things often from another person's angle?

i don't really think so


116. have you ever kept a diary?



117. what magazines do you like to read?

humour stuff online


118. is the world now a scarier place than it was when you grew up?

quite the opposite


119. are you bisexual?

yuk, no


120. enough yet?

no way

121. what do you prefer: science fiction or horror?

in books, sci-fi. in movies, horror is usually funnier


122. why are we still here?

because it's hard to reconcile ourselves with the knowledge that the good times will never come


123. is arnold tougher than sylvester?

is summer warmer than winter?


124. have you completely forsaken vhs now that dvd's have come?

almost completely, yes


125. george w. bush?

not the most competent man during hard times


126. do you have snail-mail buddies?

not at all. i refuse to even talk to people who are not online most of their time


127. you like getting a tan?

i hate it, and yet it happens to me so very easily


128. you got tattoos/piercings?

nope. my body's a temple (of disgrace), not a fashion gallery


129. ...shit...

indeed. and caviar


130. when is the last time you've built a snowman?



131. when is your birthday?

on the 12th of may


132. getting or giving gifts?

both. i like giving better but choosing is an annoying activity


133. do you boycot something?

lots of things. the church of scientology is at #1 though


134. could somebody else please take over?

i vote for hearse, or rusty. not someone dull please


135. who's going to wacken?

not me, not this year. tuska, though


136. have you travelled by airplane? what is it like?

countless times. i really like it, it's a bit like being on a rollercoaster, during landing and take-off, only much more relaxing. it's the only place where i can manage to get some proper sleep, btw, and i really wish i could live on an ever-flying plane


137. how often do you wash your hair?

when i'm almost shaven (like now) i just do it a couple of times a week - there's nothing much to wash. in other circumstances i can get to three times


138. how long does it take for you to take a shower?

about fifteen minutes


139. could you go in a plastic surgery? what would you fix?

nothing i might want to fix can be reached through surgery, and i don't really mind whether my outside is appealing or not since the inside stays repulsive enough anyway


140. speaking or listening?

speaking. other people have hardly ever any interesting things to say


141. who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive)

about 80% of ultimatemetal forum members


142. politics?

interesting opportunity for when i'll be older, if i ever reach old age


143. are you a good cook?



144. do you like cleaning?

yeah, i find it rewarding


145. suicide is...?

too easy a way out


146. what do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up?

if they feel good about it it's fine by me, but if they do it as a fashion statement or to belong to a group i think they're full of shit


147. are policemen our friends or enemies?



148. are you afraid of going to the dentist?

nope. my teeth never required intervention so far


149. how do you want to die?

taking the bullet meant for someone else


150. tell me what you think of me

i don't really know you very well, but you're entertaining, you got initiative, you're often online and you can take jokes, which means i like you. ;)


151. what is the most stupid stereotype?

all rulers are assholes


152. would you rather be an actor or a popstar?



153. britney or christina?

britney. some of her songs do rock. or pop. whatever


154. what is/was your favourite toy?

i never liked toys that much, i used to play without. and at some point there simply was a computer as a substitute all the time


155. did your parents read bedtime stories to you?

they started when i was three and gave up five months later because i wanted to read them myself and started learning to


156. are you afraid of giving speeches?

not at all, i'm pretty much at ease talking in public


157. blacksmith or shoemaker?



158. wiccas are...?

a silly new-ageish cult


159. do you consider yourself as a patient person?

quite possibly the least patient person i know


160. wanna go out when it's raining?

why not?


161. what do you think of rusty?

you seem to be a rather shy person who doesn't think highly enough of himself. after all you're nice and witty and there's no reason why you shouldn't qualify for achieving appreciation, respect, and love through human relationships.
still, you are not that good at formulating questions, as you should have made it sound more like "what do you think of rusty?" to avoid misunderstandings when everyone else will start posting the very same question concerning themselves. ;)


162. what do you think of rahvin?

an oversensitive arrogant asshole who's experiencing a weird sort of popularity on forums online mainly due to (a) the quantity of his free time; (b) a personal friendship with the people in dark tranquillity; (c) a superficially fascinating suicidal vein


163. why the fucking hell isn't rusty gonna come to tuska?

because he's cruel and mean and doesn't care about our plight


164. in what eeeevil and very much hurting way should we punish him?

making him choose to either eat his whole collection of nine inch nails records, or just a bunch of nine inch long nails


165. why doesn't my stomach like food in the morning?

because lack of sleep makes your system kickstart a little later in the day


166. why am i so fucking short of cash?

you spent all your money buying the complete set of books in the "how to entertain users on forums online" series


167. how many cousins do you have?



168. do you often buy new clothes?



169. is honesty the best policy?

often, but not always


170. do you take good care of your health?

no, i don't really care about it


171. vegetables or fruits?



172. how many nights a month you sit in a bar?

might be ten


173. what's the last gig you've seen?

amaran, katatonia and somebody else in helsinki, on the 7th of february


174. do you consider yourself as a scenepolice?

a what? if you mean if i want to be the one deciding what's allowed or not in a scene, uh, nope. i wouldn't know what scene we're talking about anyway, i don't belong to any. i might have some ideas about what's popular in the hard electronic music scene, but it's just observation, not prescription


175. are you desperately waiting for spring to come?

i'm desperately waiting for last spring to go away


176. have you tried out what dog food tastes like?

oh, maybe when i was a kid, i don't really remember


177. one thing in your life you would do differently

my studies. as in, i would actually want to do them


178. is fucking animals cool?

fucking any living thing that cannot express its consent is abominable regardless of the object


179. what instrument would you wanna play?

the kazoo


180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with*

*unloads the gun and hands it back*


181. do you actually read other people's answers?

yes, thoroughly


182. what do you think of windom pearl?



183. what do you think of nevershine?



184. what do you think of downfall?



185. what do you think of horza?

i just gathered he's got himself all figured out


186. what do you think of tooled?

from his posts he seems like a nice guy. not very active online though...


187. what do you think of hearse?

sweet, sensitive, exhuberant, a little too easy to lead along


188. what do you think of mazah?



189. what do you think of these "what do you think of x" queries?

they'd be more interesting if i knew the people we're talking about


190. what do you think of farmakon?

interesting band actively trying to bring something new to the scene


191. what is your favourite sex position?

woman on top, mirroring my views on life


192. do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals?

ye-es. as in, it's ok. not as in i'd want it as a new ice-cream flavour


193. do you like it ruff or gentle?



194. like to receive/do some spanking?

i do not want to associate any remotely violent activity to sex, ever, under any circumstance


195. what do you think of while having sex?

pleasuring my partner


196. do you like the scent of heat?

wtf? :lol: hearse, do you shapeshift into a hound dog while having sex? :p
anyway... i guess. yes.


197. what makes you lust for the opposite sex?

hormones. but ok, the interesting answer is: brilliant conversation and a fascinating facial expression


198. what do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay?

i'm particularly turned on by doing to my partner whatever she enjoys the most. i'm quite fond of kisses, myself


199. ...and do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get it over with" type of man?

oh, definitely foreplay. foreplay is way better than the act, no doubt about it.


200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions?

not at all


201. want more sex-related questions?

only if someone can make them more thought-inducing and, for the sake of rusty and others, virgin or beginner friendly

new questions for the few who have already reached nr. 201...

lumitalvi said:
202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone?
203. What color are your bedroom-walls?

204. Do you talk with yourself?
205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness?

206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs?
207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing.

208. What is the best pick up -line you know?
209. Toilet seat, up or down?
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet?

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop?
212. Is Elvis the king?

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower?
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had?

215. Will you ever get married?
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city?

217. Nuclear Power Plants?
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants)

219. Boat or airplain?
220. When was the last time you cried?

221. Hugging or kissing?
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market?

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right)
224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing.

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark?
226. What is/was the best ride?

227. Are you superstitious?
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over?

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food?
230. Do you like old people?
right. i thought i'd waste my day in some other way, but this looks entertaining enough...

1. what is your full name?

francesco. surname is too long and would probably make the board crash.


2. how old are you?



3. favourite colour?



4. favourite food and drink?

anything spicy; beer


5. favourite movie?

back to the future


6. favourite tv-series?



7. favourite cartoon character?

mr. burns (the simpson)


8. favourite game?

we're talking about pc, right? morrowind


9. the sickest thing you know?



10. what is the thing you like doing best?

being useful.


11. the most evil thing anyone has ever said to you?

don't know.


12. the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you?

don't know. but i always think that if someone says something nice to me, he/she probably doesn't mean it.


13. the best gig you've ever been to?

dream theater. three weeks ago.


14. what foreign countries have you visited?

england, france, spain.


15. in what foreign countries you'd like to go someday?

russia, australia, canada.


16. the best country in the world?



17. coffee or tea?



18. milk or water?



19. the ugliest thing you own?

a pen that looks like a cow.


20. the best word in the whole wide world?



21. what is your job?

student. if you can call it a job.


22. what would you wanna do for a living?



23. the worst band you know?



24. best season?



25. who is your best friend?

his name is lorenzo.


26. have you ever had a crush on a teacher?



27. the most goodlooking famous person (man and woman)?

man: johnny depp.
woman: winona ryder.


28. best in christmas?



29. do you like sleeping?



30. person you'd like to kill or at least make disappear?

donald rumsfeld.


31. best author?

fedor dostoevskij


32. your favourite book?

crime and punishment. (look above for the author)


33. internet site you use the most?



34. what thing pushes your buttons every time it happens?



35. what are you a fanatic of?



36. support mcdonald's?

i eat there sometimes. not my favourite place, anyway.


37. death metal or black metal?

prog rock.


38. darkness or light?



39. like the lord of the rings?

the book is awesome, the movies are ok (and sometimes more).


40. who's the best character in it?

sam. saruman as well.


41. rain or shine?



42. what is such a horrible thing that you would never do it, you'd rather die?

cause pain to people intentionally.


43. the colour of your toothbrush?



44. do you have fetishes, and, if yes, what are they?



45. g-strings: yes or no?



46. name three favourite bands of yours

dream theater, rush, king crimson.


47. do you have pets?



48. do you have siblings?

don't know what a sibling is. i feel quite ignorant.


49. can you sing?

yes. when i do it in public, people feel the urgent need to kill me.


50. puppies or kitties?



51. are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?)



52. do you believe in love at first sight?



53. are you religious?



54. rate yourself from one to ten with explanation

5. i'm fine with my life, but i've nothing really to be proud of.


55. do you keep posters on your wall? what kind?

a star wars poster and other useless junk that i'm too lazy to throw away.


56. do you dye your hair?



57. who should be the king of the world if there could be one?

robert fripp.


58. do you dress in black clothes? if not, then in what colours?



59. what would you rather be, deaf, mute, or blind?



60. are goths gay?

yes. everyone is gay.


61. what is your favourite tree?

as strange as it may sound, i don't have a favourite tree.


62. do you wear socks?

yes. unless i'm in bed, sleeping.


63. what is your favourite piece of furniture?



64. do you consider yourself as an adult?



65. your opinion on marijuana?

never had it. people should do what they want, anyway.


66. leatherpants or jeans?



67. do you feel that text messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion?



68. what language would you wanna learn?



69. do you wear glasses?



70. studying or working?



71. what festivals have you been to?



72. if there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well)

i let them kill me and haunt them as a ghost.


73. will you one day have kids?

don't think so.


74. do you have names picked up for them already? what are they?

no. short names are better, anyway.


75. if you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park?

a time machine.


76. are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to?

both of them.


77. what do your parents do for a living?

my mom teaches italian in a primary school and my dad claims to be a geologist. i've never understood what he actually does.


78. did you have a happy childhood?

yes, quite so.


79. roof or floor?



80. do you often picture people naked?



81. are you expecting something exciting this very minute? what is it?

a new song to begin on the cd i'm listening to. woohoo.


82. sherlock holmes or hercule poirot?

sherlock holmes.


83. do you hate copy-machines?

i enjoy their company very much actually.


84. crowded buses... place to blow your head off or good place to chat?

place to listen to people's conversations and have a laugh. though as soon as someone talks to me i wish my head would blow off spontaneously.


85. skating or skiing?



86. hair open or with a pony-tail?



87. gymnastics or dancing?



88. some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do?

i talk to him, trying to end the conversation as soon as possible. however, i'd do this regardless of the man's breath.


89. do you have a driver's license?



90. what kind of driver you'd classify yourself as?



91. how tall are you?

something like 170 cm.


92. would you wanna build your own house?

no. it'd fall on my head.


93. do you like being photographed?

no. i hate it.


94. have you ever posed nude?

hahaha. most amusing.


95. are you lazy? explain yourself?

yes. if i can do something later, i will. if i can't, i'll try anyway.


96. do you wear jewelry? what kind?/why not?

no. i do like jewels, anyway.


97. when something doesn't go your way, what do you do?

i stay calm and try to think a way to make things go better. most of the times i fail, but it's worth trying.


98. look at yourself with some other person's eyes. what do you see?

a useless person who has never anything intelligent to say.


99. what animal would you wanna be?

a cat. possibly a wolf too.


100. do you watch the news? why?/why not?

yes. i like to know what happens in the world.

101. do you like nine inch nails?



102. have you ever worn a beret? do you like them in general?

yes. no.


103. you run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. what do you see when you open the hatch?

the floor.


104. what weapon is scarier? a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it?

a dirty knife.


105. long skirts or short ones?

short skirts.


106. how do you usually spend your saturday nights?

go out or stay in. heh.


107. what is the worst illness you've had?



108. seen a dead person? in real life, i mean



109. the most stupid thing you did during your childhood?

can't remember. probably annoying people to death continuously.


110. math or languages?



111. blondes or brunettes?



112. the best ice cream tastes like...?



113. have you ever walked out of a movie theatre in the middle of the show 'cause the movie sucked so hard?



114. what thing you did buy, paid lots for, and didn't even like?

some crappy computer game when i was younger.


115. are you able to see things often from another person's angle?

yes. too much, i daresay.


116. have you ever kept a diary?



117. what magazines do you like to read?

hmm. music magazines.


118. is the world now a scarier place than it was when you grew up?

it's the same.


119. are you bisexual?



120. enough yet?

no. please, go on.

121. what do you prefer: science fiction or horror?



122. why are we still here?

because we're lazy.


123. is arnold tougher than sylvester?

yeah, i suppose so.


124. have you completely forsaken vhs now that dvd's have come?

no. but that time will come pretty soon, i hope.


125. george w. bush?

an idiot.


126. do you have snail-mail buddies?



127. you like getting a tan?

i don't know what a tan is. insult me, please.


128. you got tattoos/piercings?

no. i never will, hopefully.


129. ...shit...

can't say i disagree.


130. when is the last time you've built a snowman?



131. when is your birthday?

on the 11th of november.


132. getting or giving gifts?

getting. i'm such a selfish person.


133. do you boycot something?

intelligence. with all my might.


134. could somebody else please take over?



135. who's going to wacken?

a lot of people.


136. have you travelled by airplane? what is it like?

many times. i've always enjoyed the flights. i'm a bit afraid of the landings.


137. how often do you wash your hair?

two/three times a week.


138. how long does it take for you to take a shower?

twenty minutes?


139. could you go in a plastic surgery? what would you fix?



140. speaking or listening?

listening. i don't have anything interesting to say.


141. who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive)

anyone who's willing to meet me.


142. politics?



143. are you a good cook?



144. do you like cleaning?

not really.


145. suicide is...?

the last way out.


146. what do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up?

they can do what they want.


147. are policemen our friends or enemies?



148. are you afraid of going to the dentist?

no. i've never been hurt by a dentist.


149. how do you want to die?



150. tell me what you think of me

who is 'me'?


151. what is the most stupid stereotype?

don't know. something connected with racism, probably.


152. would you rather be an actor or a popstar?



153. britney or christina?



154. what is/was your favourite toy?

can't remember.


155. did your parents read bedtime stories to you?



156. are you afraid of giving speeches?



157. blacksmith or shoemaker?



158. wiccas are...?

don't know. the name sounds plain idiot though.


159. do you consider yourself as a patient person?

yes. i can wait forever.


160. wanna go out when it's raining?



161. what do you think of rusty?

don't know him enough, sorry.


162. what do you think of rahvin?

he's the person i admire the most right now. when i say 'right now' i mean 'since a year or so'.


163. why the fucking hell isn't rusty gonna come to tuska?

he has better things to do, i suppose. perhaps staring at the wall, just like me.


164. in what eeeevil and very much hurting way should we punish him?

force him to listen to random black metal records 24/7.


165. why doesn't my stomach like food in the morning?

because it has a twisted sense of humour.


166. why am i so fucking short of cash?

because you gave all your money to me?


167. how many cousins do you have?



168. do you often buy new clothes?



169. is honesty the best policy?

not always.


170. do you take good care of your health?



171. vegetables or fruits?



172. how many nights a month you sit in a bar?

a random number from 1 to 10.


173. what's the last gig you've seen?

dream theater in milan on the 5th of february.


174. do you consider yourself as a scenepolice?



175. are you desperately waiting for spring to come?

not so desperately.


176. have you tried out what dog food tastes like?



177. one thing in your life you would do differently

i'd pick chemistry at the university. i'm fine with my current studies though.


178. is fucking animals cool?

no. it's disgusting.


179. what instrument would you wanna play?



180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with*

*shoots in the air and waits for the bullet to come back*


181. do you actually read other people's answers?

i read all the answers of not all the people.


182. what do you think of windom pearl?

don't know him enough. i guess he's a farmakon member.


183. what do you think of nevershine?

don't know him enough. i guess he's a farmakon member.


184. what do you think of downfall?

don't know him enough. i guess he's a farmakon member.


185. what do you think of horza?

a nice nick he has.


186. what do you think of tooled?



187. what do you think of hearse?

i like his posts. he's cheerful and puts me in a good mood. his band is quite interesting too.


188. what do you think of mazah?



189. what do you think of these "what do you think of x" queries?

i wasn't able to give a proper answer to most of them.


190. what do you think of farmakon?

nothing. i'm currently too lazy to buy/download anything.


200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions?



201. want more sex-related questions?

i didn't see any sex-related question... :grin:
202. have you given to/received from anyone a single red rose?

no. i find the idea of buying flowers rather cheesy and cliche-ish, let alone a rose, let alone red. and hopefully no one is so silly as to actually buy me one.


203. what colour are your bedroom walls?

light green/white


204. do you talk with yourself?

yes. not out loud or that often though


205. have you been diagnosed with some mental illness?



206. what do you think of people who don't drink, smoke, or do drugs?

hooray for them, i hope they never feel the need to do any of the above


207. classic: what would you take with you along to an island? only one thing

a screwdriver


208. what is the best pick-up line you know?

"hi. i spend 15 hours a day on a metal forum online flirting with other men and glorifying pineapples, would you want to be my wife?"
i wonder who could resist

209. toilet seat, up or down?

down. i don't know, it looks... neater


210. will i survive from 3 days without the internet?

yes, but you'll have a nervous breakdown


211. is madonna the queen of pop?

quite probably


212. is elvis the king?

not of pop, anyway


213. do you have a massaging shower?

no, my shower is just a shower. it seems to be happy like this


214. how many boy/girlfriends have you had?

boyfriends: zero.
girlfriends: properly, i'd say five. considering situations where no one was sure about what the hell was going on, eight or nine in total


215. will you ever get married?

only if dead sopranos come back from the grave to sing "we will rock you" in my backyard. and i don't even have a backyard


216. wanna live in the countryside or in a city?

there's good and bad sides with either, but for now cities are my faves


217. nuclear power plants?

a little outside of town, near a river and close to where i'm gonna build the industrial zone. surround with parks and connect by railway to the residential blocks


218. are you often commando? without underpants



219. boat or airplane?



220. when was the last time you cried?

properly, it was in december 1998. getting teary-eyed and generally feeling mellow in a sad kind of way, possibly last month


221. hugging or kissing?



222. do you like going to buy food in a market?

yeah, kinda


223. what is your email address?

typing it out here means receiving tons of random spam from bots scanning websites for email addresses. however, it's
myusernameonultimatemetal22@tin.it. you're all clever enough to figure it out by now :p


224. are you into sports? like watching, not doing



225. when was the last time you visited some amusement park?

possibly four or five years ago


226. what is/was the best ride?

a pirate ship spinning furiously leaving people upside down shattered the walls of my sanity, because i'm slightly acrophobic. i suppose this means it was good


227. are you superstitious?

not at all


228. about what thing you're happy it's over?

my puberty


229. how many times in a week you eat junk food?

once or twice


230. do you like old people?

most of the times i don't. those who are cool, though, are usually cooler than young people

98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see? A rather silly person

99. What animal would you wanna be? My cat, who does what she wants all day
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not? Sometimes I do

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) i don’t know them very well
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? no

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? “ha-ha!” written on the floor
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? Dirty knife

105. Long skirts or short ones? long
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? Out in some pub with boyfriend and our friends

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? a cold with about 39° fever, I’m almost never ill
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. I’ve seen my grandma, if this is what you mean

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? Being silly and bugging everyone (mostly parents) with questions and stuff probably
110. Math or languages? I like both

111. Blonds or brunettes? :err: I’m a girl, about guys I’d say dark haired
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? the flavour doesn’t matter much,
hagen daasz (I don’t know the spelling) is the best ever

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? no
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? Nothing really

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? Not much
116. Have you kept a diary? no

117. What magazines you like to read? I don’t read magazines usually
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? no

119. Are you bi-sexual? no
120. Enough yet?
almost :p

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? depends
122. Why are we still here? Good question

123. Is
Arnold tougher than Sylvester? Yes?
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? No, though in this period I can’t watch vhs

125. George W. Bush? :err:
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? :guh:

127. You like getting a tan? I just burn if I try
128. You got tattoos/piercings? Some in my ears and one in my nose, no tattoos, for weird reasons that are too long to explain :p

129. ...shit... really?
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? I tried some times when I was a kid

131. When is your birthday?
13th december
. Getting or giving gifts? I’m not a gift-person, I like getting gifts but it’s not important, I like giving gifts too, but I have problems choosing them

133. Do you boicot something? no
134. Could somebody else please take over?

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) I don’t know
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... some times, it’s ok, I like it

137. How often do you wash your hair? 3 times a week
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? Depends if I want to relax

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? I have things of me I don’t like but I wouldn’t do plastic surgery
140. Speaking or listening? listening

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) many persons
142. Politics? :guh:

143. Are a good cook? I’m ok
144. Do you like cleaning? Sometimes yes

145. Suicide is...? an end
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? That it depends on the situation, the skirt and the make up :p

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? : err:
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? no

149. How do you want to die? peacefully
150. Tell me what you think of me (Lumitalvi). I don’t know

151. What is the most stupid stereotype? Too many of them
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? actress

153. Britney or Christina? Oh god
154. What is/was your favourite toy? When I was a kid I mostly played with warriors (manowar style :p ), cars, or war with my cousins, with swords and guns

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? I don’t remember
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? yes

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? : err:
158. Wiccas are...? silly

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? Not much
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? sometimes

161: What do you think of me (Rusty)?? I don’t know you enough

162. What do you think of rahvin?? I think very well of him

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska?
I have no idea
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him?? maybe

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning? I don’t know, mine doesn’t either
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? Same as above


167. How many cousins do you have? 3
168. Do you often buy new clothes? no

169. Is honesty the best policy? It’s good
170. Do you take good care of your health? no

171. Vegetables or fruits? none
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? It depends

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best) I’ve seen only small gigs of local groups lately
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) ?

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? Not at all
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? no

177. One thing in your life you would do differently. Right now I’m in a moment of changes, so for now nothing
178. Is fucking animals cool? bleh

179. What instrument would you wanna play? all
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with* nop
181. Do you actually read others answers? some
182. What do you think of Marko?183. What do you think of Toni?184. What do you think of Lassi?185. What do you think of Horza?186. What do you think of Tooled?187. What do you think of Hearse?188. What do you think of Maza? I have no idea

189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries?
that I had no idea :p
190. What do you think of Farmakon? I’m too lazy to download too :p

191. What is your favorite sex position? I change my mind often :p
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?) :err: it’s ok, i’m not crazy about it though

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? gentle
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? no

195. what do you think of while having sex? The other person
196. Do you like the scent of heat? ?

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? A lot of things together
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? The closeness

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman?

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? Surprisingly no :p
201. Want more sex related questions? I’m fine with these thank you
202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone? Yes
203. What color are your bedroom-walls? Bluish green

204. Do you talk with yourself? No
205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness? No

206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs? Their choice
207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing. A woman :p

208. What is the best pick up -line you know? I dont use that cheesy crap, but "My face is leaving in 5 minutes, you better be on it," is great.
209. Toilet seat, up or down? Up
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet? Sure

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop? I guess
212. Is Elvis the king? Hell no

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower? Yes
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had? 7

215. Will you ever get married? Maybe
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city? Both

217. Nuclear Power Plants? Dont care
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants) Yes

219. Boat or airplain? Boat
220. When was the last time you cried?Afew days ago

221. Hugging or kissing? Kissing
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market? Sometimes

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right) Not telling
224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing. Boxing

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark? When I was 13
226. What is/was the best ride? Rolling Thunder

227. Are you superstitious? Not really
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over? Class

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food? Too many
230. Do you like old people? Indifferant
117. what magazines do you like to read?

Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Washingtonian, George (it's out of print but I still read old issues), and People.


118. is the world now a scarier place than it was when you grew up?

The neighborhood I grew up in (and live in currently, after some moving around) was a bit rough, but I assumed it would get better with time because its population is largely black, and the longer they have equal rights, the shorter they'll be in poverty, right? How naive. It's gotten much, much worse.


119. are you bisexual?

No. I'm not turned off by lesbian sex, but the emotional aspect would not be present.


120. enough yet?

I've just gotten my second wind.

121. what do you prefer: science fiction or horror?



122. why are we still here?

Because I'm skipping class today because I stayed up til 7:00 finishing a paper. Hence, I don't have to hurry and shower.


123. is arnold tougher than sylvester?

I suppose, but I can't stand either of them.


124. have you completely forsaken vhs now that dvd's have come?

No, because all three of the DVD players I've owned have not worked! Just bad luck, but I got sick of fussing with it.


125. george w. bush?

He represents what I dislike most in people, particularly in Americans: cocky, willfull ignorance and disdain for all things enlightening. An apathetic party-boy fuck-up who unwittingly stumbled into the White House. It's inane.


126. do you have snail-mail buddies?

Yes, my cousin Linda in Norway and my friend Devan in Connecticutt. But I'm lazy about writing.


127. you like getting a tan?

No. I burn immediately.


128. you got tattoos/piercings?

Eight piercings in my ears, but that's all.


131. when is your birthday?

July 19. Or 19 July. :p


132. getting or giving gifts?



133. do you boycott something?

Many things, if not always militantly, like church, CNN...


135. who's going to wacken?

Not me.


136. have you travelled by airplane? what is it like?

I fly 5-10 times per year, so a lot. I hate flying, not out of fear of crashing (though that still remains a teensy bit), but because there's no fucking leg room for us tall folks. And inevitably, I get some asshole in front of me who reclines his seat, and there's literally nowhere for my knees to go. If I ask politely, the person usually puts his seat back up, but on a flight to Russia this guy yelled at me. :cry: Mean Russians.


137. how often do you wash your hair?

Every day


138. how long does it take for you to take a shower?

15 minutes


139. could you go in a plastic surgery? what would you fix?

I'm not morally opposed to it, but I'd be embarassed to get it.


140. speaking or listening?

Both, I like the give and take, interaction.


141. who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive)

Mark Twain, for famous people. And tons of UM members.


142. politics?

Yessa. Politics isn't about politicians, it's about the issues that affect our everyday lives.


143. are you a good cook?

No, but I'm learning.


144. do you like cleaning?

No. I don't mind mess.


145. suicide is...?

Often the result of the loved ones not understanding enough about psychology and not being observant enough to realize that person needed help.


147. are policemen our friends or enemies?

Friends. Though I tend not to respect the type of person who becomes a police officer. It's no coincidence they have the highest rates of spousal abuse of any profession.


148. are you afraid of going to the dentist?

I haven't been in 5 years because the last time I was there he said they'd take out my wisdom teeth on my next visit. :erk: I really need to get it over with.


149. how do you want to die?



152. would you rather be an actor or a popstar?

Both sound terrifying, but actor I guess.


153. britney or christina?

Britney's hotter, Christina sings better.


154. what is/was your favourite toy?

Sit 'n' Spin!!! :Spin:


155. did your parents read bedtime stories to you?

My mom did. My dad made me read books with him on DNA structure. I'm not joking. And no, it's not admirable.


156. are you afraid of giving speeches?



159. do you consider yourself as a patient person?

I assess the situation and sometimes yes, sometimes no. When I'm training a new employee at work, I'm patient. When I'm debating with my mom, I become impatient.


161. what do you think of rusty?

I like him. He's a familiar "face" around here, part of the gang, someone who makes this place feel like home. We've socialized with different people, but I really wish he could go to Tuska, because I think we'd get along.


162. what do you think of rahvin?

No one has a bad word to say about him, except himself, which saddens me. I like him immensely, on different levels. He intrigues me, which is rare. I hope we become very close.


163. why the fucking hell isn't rusty gonna come to tuska?

Fucking hell, why indeed.


167. how many cousins do you have?

5 first cousins, several more distant cousins that I stay in touch with.


168. do you often buy new clothes?



169. is honesty the best policy?

Sometimes, not always, duh.


170. do you take good care of your health?

Not when it comes to food, but since the beginning of the year I've been eating very differently, and I'm seeing results.


171. vegetables or fruits?

Veggies. Especially BROCCOLI. Yummy.


172. how many nights a month you sit in a bar?

Maybe 1 or 2, if you include for gigs.


173. what's the last gig you've seen?

Novembers Doom, Agalloch, The Gathering -- Feb 16.


179. what instrument would you wanna play?



181. do you actually read other people's answers?



182. what do you think of windom pearl?
183. what do you think of nevershine?
184. what do you think of downfall?

They all hate me. So, I can't say I'm looking forward to meeting them at Tuska. :erk:


187. what do you think of hearse?

Again, even though we don't talk much and we probably wouldn't be friends naturally, he's one of those people who symbolizes this place for me, which makes me like him.


191. what is your favourite sex position?

When feeling raunchy, from behind. When feeling sensual, missionary.


192. do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals?

They don't really have a taste, assuming everything is fresh. I like the taste of...pre-cum though. There was no dignified way to say that.


193. do you like it ruff or gentle?

Depends on mood.


194. like to receive/do some spanking?

Like to receive, when feeling raunchy.


195. what do you think of while having sex?

If all is going well, I'm not doing much thinking.


197. what makes you lust for the opposite sex?

Deep conversation and the "pelvic dip," that indentation/curve where the leg meets the body. Makes me SO HORNY. I'm horny just thinking about it.


198. what do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay?

Being generous with each other, exploring each other


199. ...and do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get it over with" type of man?

Depends on mood.

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions?

Not really.
@lina: i'm blushing profusely for what you said about me *blushes profusely* so i have to crack a joke, which goes as follow: no, it doesn't depend on the mood if you're a foreplaying or a "shove it in" kind of man, methinks, it just depends on the fact that you're copy-pasting my edit of the questions. :p

@miolo: come to think of it, i'm blushing profusely for what you said about me too. stop making me blush profusely. i am now teh mask of teh red death.
1. what is your full name?

per lundgren
which, I am quite assured, none but the sweds will be able to pronounce even remotely correct.


2. how old are you?



3. favourite colour?

not sure, why not combine?


4. favourite food and drink?

is chocolate food? otherwise I´d probably say pasta.


5. favourite movie?

haven´t seen enough movies to decide, really.
my friends tend to prefer movies that have either monsters, weapons or not-very-dressed girls on the cover, consequently I´ve missed most of the good stuff.


6. favourite tv-series?

the simpsons, maybe?
but I don´t really follow any.


7. favourite cartoon character?

Bender(/Ingenius) :)


8. favourite game?

computer games: civilization or heroes of might and magic 3 is probably the ones I´ve spent most time on.


9. the sickest thing you know?

the human mind


10. what is the thing you like doing best?
10. is sex the best thing in the world?

good question indeed. listening to great music is of course up there.


11. the most evil thing anyone has ever said to you?

nothing particular that would qualify. never got that close to anyone to be really badly hurt.


12. the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you?

why can´t I come up with anything? :erk:


13. the best gig you've ever been to?

dark tranquillity - 5th december 2002


14. what foreign countries have you visited?

norway, finland, denmark, germany, austria, england, scotland, wales, chechoslovakia (when it was the same, not sure about the spelling, though), probably some more.


15. in what foreign countries you'd like to go someday?

finland. at a certain time this summer :)


16. the best country in the world?

teh land of teh vikings


17. coffee or tea?

both, but coffee is essential to my survival


18. milk or water?

milk. or water.


19. the ugliest thing you own?

my reflection


20. the best word in the whole wide world?

tough one. I´m not in my most creative mood today.


21. what is your job?

mailman (and writing about music on a hobby basis)


22. what would you wanna do for a living?

something music-related.


23. the worst band you know?

of course it isn´t actually the worst, but I´m tempted to answer manowar.


24. best season?

somewhere in between the real seasons. like a warm winter day or something.


25. who is your best friend?

I don´t rank friends. I have some that are closer than others, of course, but no one who wears the official "delirious´ best friend" sign.


26. have you ever had a crush on a teacher?



27. the most goodlooking famous person (man and woman)?

no real point, since I´ve seen/met "ordinary" girls that I find more good-looking. as male I´d probably say johnny depp, but at the other hand I guess it would have been the same thing there as with females if I actually were interested.


28. best in christmas?

not having to work


29. do you like sleeping?

I guess. it´s what comes before and after I´m not too fond of.


30. person you'd like to kill or at least make disappear?

disappearing would be nice.


31. best author?

tolkien... :rolleyes:
I could probably give a somewhat relevant answer in, say, five years.


32. your favourite book?

see last answer.


33. internet site you use the most?

and a couple of swedish communities


34. what thing pushes your buttons every time it happens?

not being able to keep in touch with people annoys me alot.


35. what are you a fanatic of?

chocolate :dopey:


36. support mcdonald's?

I eat there sometimes. that´s it.


37. death metal or black metal?

death metal


38. darkness or light?



39. like the lord of the rings?

it was the first "real" book I read (that I can remember at least, I was very young) so yes; I love it. don´t know if it´d be the same if I read it today, though...


40. who's the best character in it?



41. rain or shine?

light rain


42. what is such a horrible thing that you would never do it, you'd rather die?

break the heart of someone I love.


43. the colour of your toothbrush?

transparent/pink. that´s masculine. :Spin:


44. do you have fetishes, and, if yes, what are they?

don´t know where the line "attracted to/turned on by" and "fetish" goes in some cases.


45. g-strings: yes or no?

yeah, that´s the issue my entire life is based on :Smug:
don´t care, really.


46. name three favourite bands of yours

dark tranquillity, pain of salvation and... kent.
there are a dozen that competes about place 2-3, though.


47. do you have pets?

yes, a dog


48. do you have siblings?

yepp, a sister


49. can you sing?

technically, yes. but it quite much stays at that level.


50. puppies or kitties?



51. are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?)

*puts hand over ears and starts humming loudly*


52. do you believe in love at first sight?

no, but sometimes I need to remind myself of that. or, well, if first sight is meant really literally it´s no.


53. are you religious?



54. rate yourself from one to ten with explanation

I´d rather not


55. do you keep posters on your wall? what kind?

yes. tiamat, pain of salvation and korn are looking down at me.


56. do you dye your hair?

no, but it´s not impossible that I will some day.


57. who should be the king of the world if there could be one?

someone insane, and no one will see very much of a difference.


58. do you dress in black clothes? if not, then in what colours?

very often. and generally I stick to the black-grey-white scale.


59. what would you rather be, deaf, mute, or blind?

mute. easy choice.


60. are goths gay?

depends on if you´re talking about the people trying to be goths or the actual goths. the manson etc. fans are way above average in gayness while there seem to be more decent people among the actual goths.
but at second thought, it probably doesn´t matter very much since most organized forms of people are gay.


61. what is your favourite tree?

I didn´t know you were supposed to have one.


62. do you wear socks?



63. what is your favourite piece of furniture?

don´t know.


64. do you consider yourself as an adult?

no. far from it.


65. your opinion on marijuana?

not my thing, I´ll stick to alcohol.


66. leatherpants or jeans?

on me - jeans


67. do you feel that text messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion?

me not being very old, it has more or less always been there. but it´s probably a little too easy to just post a lot of not too thought through crap. at the other hand, I for one would probably not engage in a hundreth as many discussions without the internet...


68. what language would you wanna learn?

english fluently.


69. do you wear glasses?

no need to


70. studying or working?



71. what festivals have you been to?

it seems it´ll be two this summer, though.


72. if there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well)

it´s not stated anywhere that we´re actually in the room, so...


73. will you one day have kids?

you should never say never but I really can´t see that happening.


74. do you have names picked up for them already? what are they?

see answer above.


75. if you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park?

no idea whatsoever.


76. are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to?

I like ´em. and burning hair smells really bad


77. what do your parents do for a living?

mom: working for the state-owned telephone company
dad: road lighting and such.


78. did you have a happy childhood?

I don´t know.


79. roof or floor?

uhm... floor.


80. do you often picture people naked?

no, not often.


81. are you expecting something exciting this very minute? what is it?

I´m expecting me to continue answering these questions. exciting? not really. but it´s killing time I really have to use for other things. :rolleyes:


82. sherlock holmes or hercule poirot?

don´t know guy number two, and have no particular opinion about guy number one.


83. do you hate copy-machines?

not really. we get along ok, maybe because I haven´t had to use one in ages.


84. crowded buses... place to blow your head off or good place to chat?

a place to turn up the volume on your CD/mp3-player/minidisc alot and tell yourself you´re somewhere else.


85. skating or skiing?



86. hair open or with a pony-tail?

open. pony-tail when the situation demands it.


87. gymnastics or dancing?



88. some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do?

I really hope this isn´t actually an issue to some.


89. do you have a driver's license?

no, and it´ll be quite a while before I get one...


90. what kind of driver you'd classify yourself as?

considering the answer above, one who definitely shouldn´t be behind the steering wheel.


91. how tall are you?

180 cm


92. would you wanna build your own house?

design, maybe. if I actually built it myself we´d have an eeyore situation.


93. do you like being photographed?

hell no. for some reason ( :rolleyes: ) I always turn out horrible on photos.


94. have you ever posed nude?

nope, and I think I´d have a poor future in that business.


95. are you lazy? explain yourself?

quite, yes. I only get things done when under pressure.


96. do you wear jewelry? what kind?/why not?

no. because of no particular reason.


97. when something doesn't go your way, what do you do?

"and I´ve always tried to calm things down
swallow down, swallow down
it´s just another small thorn in my crown


98. look at yourself with some other person's eyes. what do you see?

depends very much on who´s eyes. some probably see a shy, quiet, altruistical guy and some a sarcastic, bitter cynic. and I guess neither os more correct than the other


99. what animal would you wanna be?

an ostrich, so I could stick my head into the sand.


100. do you watch the news? why?/why not?

yes, I try to keep up with what happens.


101. do you like nine inch nails?

yeah, some of the songs aren't bad, prefer KMFDM though.


102. have you ever worn a beret? do you like them in general?

Nope. Not on most men...too poserish.

103. you run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. what do you see when you open the hatch?

Pirate treasure! Yaaaaaaaaaaaar!

104. what weapon is scarier? a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it?

The knife, easily. A huge stick with nails is easy to get away from. Besides, knives just have that 'this is bad aura'.

105. long skirts or short ones?

Long, more mysterious

106. how do you usually spend your saturday nights?

Study, play guitar and chat :grin:


107. what is the worst illness you've had?


108. seen a dead person?

Only a funeral

109. the most stupid thing you did during your childhood?

I smashed a window with a cricket bat, just to see if it would break...5 year olds are weird

110. math or languages?



111. blondes or brunettes?

Hmmm...both are nice


112. the best ice cream tastes like...?


113. have you ever walked out of a movie theatre in the middle of the show 'cause the movie sucked so hard?

Nah, I just endure hoping it will get better.

114. what thing you did buy, paid lots for, and didn't even like?

A leather jacket I liked at the time, and started to hate about 10 minutes later

115. are you able to see things often from another person's angle?

I see it from too many angles, typical virgo

116. have you ever kept a diary?

Sometimes, when I can remember to.

117. what magazines do you like to read?

Terroriser (heavy metal magazine), X-Box Gamer

118. is the world now a scarier place than it was when you grew up?

Definitely, the increased drugs, guns and violence for violence's sake mentality is very worrying.

119. are you bisexual?



120. enough yet?



121. what do you prefer: science fiction or horror?

Science fiction


122. why are we still here?

Because we have a purpose (unicron voice)


123. is arnold tougher than sylvester?

Yes. One has political power (grin)

124. have you completely forsaken vhs now that dvd's have come?

Yep, definitely


125. george w. bush?

A really controversial figure (sidesteps issue)


126. do you have snail-mail buddies?



127. you like getting a tan?

Nah, I look after my skin, I'll look younger longer


128. you got tattoos/piercings?

Nah, they're not 'me'


129. ...shit...



130. when is the last time you've built a snowman?

Never, I need to when I get to Sweden


131. when is your birthday?



132. getting or giving gifts?

Both are nice, I prefer the giving though, tis so nice to see someone's face when they get what they like


133. do you boycot something?



134. could somebody else please take over?

Nope, sorry


135. who's going to wacken?

Probably not

136. have you travelled by airplane? what is it like?

Regularly, and I don't like it much

137. how often do you wash your hair?

Once every second day

138. how long does it take for you to take a shower?

Bout 10-15 mins


139. could you go in a plastic surgery? what would you fix?

Nah, I figure the only thing I would fix gives me personality...THE BELLS THE BELLS!

140. speaking or listening?

Both are necessary, only doing one makes you look foolish ;)
202. have you given to/received from anyone a single red rose?

I've received bouquets, but the only single red rose I've received was at age 16 from my current boyfriend -- but at the time he didn't like me. It was a pity rose. I'd asked him out a few days before Valentine's Day, and he'd turned me down, but he brought me (and the girl he actually liked) a rose on V's Day. We didn't get to know each other until 2 or 3 years later.


203. what colour are your bedroom walls?

Grayish blue, with white trim


204. do you talk with yourself?



205. have you been diagnosed with some mental illness?

No, but I know I have mild cases of depression and social anxiety.


206. what do you think of people who don't drink, smoke, or do drugs?

If it's because they've tried them in the past and just didn't like it, then that's fine/good. But if they're militantly straight edge without ever having tried the stuff, that annoys me just as much as drunk frat boys.


207. classic: what would you take with you along to an island? only one thing

Something practical like a pocketknife. If for no other reason than to kill myself.


208. what is the best pick-up line you know?

"Hi." Works like a charm.


209. toilet seat, up or down?

Obviously I leave it down, but I don't care if my boyfriend does. It's just as inconvenient for him to have to pick it up as it is for me to put it down, so I can compromise.


211. is madonna the queen of pop?

Yes. Too bad she sunk to kissing Britney. For some reason, I thought she had more dignity than that, but I don't know why.


212. is elvis the king?

King of boring.


213. do you have a massaging shower?

Kinda. I can adjust it to pulsate or whatever. My dream shower is with nozzles at multiple heights. Some day...


214. how many boy/girlfriends have you had?

Five boyfriends, but two were at a young age, and another two were only about a month long, basically just physical, so just the one serious steady one.


215. will you ever get married?

Yes. Is it still called marriage if it's not a religious ceremony? There's some confusion over that. But yeah, whatever you call it.


216. wanna live in the countryside or in a city?

City, with a countryside retreat. :)


217. nuclear power plants?



218. are you often commando? without underpants



219. boat or airplane?

Airplane. Though cruises are great.


220. when was the last time you cried?

Oh hell, probably a few days ago. I tear up easily.


221. hugging or kissing?

Smoochy smoochy.


222. do you like going to buy food in a market?

No. I'm just tempted by things I shouldn't buy, and I hate carrying the bags in.


223. what is your email address?

It's not difficult to find.


224. are you into sports? like watching, not doing



225. when was the last time you visited some amusement park?

Last summer maybe? I hate roller coasters though.


227. are you superstitious?



228. about what thing you're happy it's over?

Living with my dad


229. how many times in a week you eat junk food?

Every American meal is probably junk food in comparison, lol, but not so much now.


230. do you like old people?

I get along best with the people in the classes and office who are older -- not because they're smarter, just because they're not as consumed by appearance and trivial matters. As far as elderly people, they're often very lonely, it seems. So I chat with them.

rahvin said:
@lina: i'm blushing profusely for what you said about me *blushes profusely* so i have to crack a joke, which goes as follow: no, it doesn't depend on the mood if you're a foreplaying or a "shove it in" kind of man, methinks, it just depends on the fact that you're copy-pasting my edit of the questions. :p
Busted! :lol:
101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) they're ok
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? no, but they look good on some people

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? a black, deep, endless hole. with money in it.
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? dirty knife. imagine the bacterias :eek:

105. Long skirts or short ones? inbetween
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? on here :p or reading... I don't get out much :grin:

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? a stomach flu
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. yep, my grandfather at his funeral when I was 5.

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? too many to mention, I was a wild child... pushing my 9 years older brother into a glass door, perhaps?
110. Math or languages? LANGUAGES! math is teh horrore!

111. Blonds or brunettes? brunettes
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? chocolate or strawberry or raspberry

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? unfortunately not
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? some clothes, mostly trousers

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? yes, almost always
116. Have you kept a diary? I still do, sporadically

117. What magazines you like to read? Close-Up (sweidsh music/metal) and Vagabond (travel)
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? I grew up in the 80's and early 90's... can it get any scarier than that? :p

119. Are you bi-sexual? No
120. Enough yet? :p Maybe...

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? horror
122. Why are we still here? I have nothing better to do with my time

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? they're both wimps
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? no, I don't own a dvd-player. I must be the last person on earth.

125. George W. Bush? is thoroughly annoying
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? yes

127. You like getting a tan? yes
128. You got tattoos/piercings? no, but a tattoo could be nice...

129. ...shit... jolly good show
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? umm... last year?

131. When is your birthday? july 29th
132. Getting or giving gifts? it's fun to give people something they really like

133. Do you boicot something? tuna. don't like the taste, but I do like dolphins
134. Could somebody else please take over? no

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) again no
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... it's terrifying, but the adrenalin rush at takeoffs and landings are quite nice...

137. How often do you wash your hair? every other day, it's not good for it to wash it every day
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? 15 minutes

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? No
140. Speaking or listening? I listen when I should speak and vice versa... damn...

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) some people I haven't met yet, some on here, and I'd prefer to meet them alive.
142. Politics? I disagree with everything. yet I'm going to study this at university level...

143. Are a good cook? decent, bordering on brilliant when it comes to certain dishes
144. Do you like cleaning? no

145. Suicide is...? not the way to do it
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? if they enjoy it they can do it I guess...

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? neither
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist?nope, I laugh in the face of danger

149. How do you want to die? peacefully in my sleep after plenty of preparation.
150. Tell me what you think of me (Lumitalvi). I really wouldn't know.

1.What is your full name? Steve (i don't trust some of you)
2.How old are you? :heh: (don´t cheat, ladies!!) 15 :erk:

3.Favourite color? blue, i guess
4.Favourite food and drink? not sure... maybe subway subs or trader joe's chicken caeser rollups (not to forget crunchy cheez doodles) and lemon-lime gatorade/blackberry juice/white grape juice (for alcohol, vodka)

5.Favourite movie? don't really have one
6.Favourite tv-series? the simpsons

7.Favourite cartoon character? don't have one
8.Favourite game? lots of them... (monopoly, scrabble, civ1/2/3, dragon warrior series, old nintendo megaman series, simpson's hit & run, gran turismo series, risk...) and for a best of them all... master of magic

9.The sickest thing you know? not sure...
10.What is the thing you like doing best? ninja-ing (if you don't know, ask me sometime... preferably not on a public forum if you want a better description)
10.Is sex the best thing in the world? no comment
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye :lol: )

11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you? probably one of the shows my mom told me i can't go to
12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you? uh, nobody really says anything nice to me...

13.The best gig you´ve ever been to? In Flames, June 2003 (my list is short :erk: )
14.What foreign countries you have visited to? none...

15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday? canada, sweden, finland, norway, poland, netherlands...
16.The best country in the world? they all suck

17.Coffee or tea? tea
18.Milk or water? milk

19.The ugliest thing you own? not sure
20.The best word in the whole wide world? "yes"

21.What is your job? student
22.What would you WANNA do for living? something

23. The worst band you know? hell on earth
24. Best season? spring or winter

25. Who is your best friend? don't have one
26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? no

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman) uh, any answer i give would be sarcastic
28. Best in Christmas? what the hell does that mean?

29. Do you like sleeping? yes
30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear? hmmm... not goign to say it here.

31. Best author? niklas and mikael :)
32. Your favourite book? don't have one

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)? UM
34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens? lots of things

35. For what are you fanatic for? jesus! (sarcastic)
36. Support McDonald´s? hell no.

37. Death Metal or Black Metal? death metal
38. Darkness or light? darkness

39.Like Lord of the Rings? yeah
40. Who´s the best charachter in it? the best what? (oh, character... don't have a favorite)

41. Rain or shine? not rain (I prefer to only go out at night)
42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die? don't feel like responding to this

43. what colour is your toothbrush? white with black rubber things on it

44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they? hmm... don't think I have any (unless pale skin is one)
45. g-strings: yes or no? :heh: nah

46. name 3 favorite band of yours In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Enter Chaos
47. Do you have pets? yeah, a cat that's annoying as fuck

48. Do you have siblings? yeah, an older brother
49. Can you sing? yep

50. Puppies or kitties? kitties
51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?) no

52. do you believe in love from the first sight? no
53. Are you religious? no

54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation :heh: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 (i think i got it right)

55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind? don't have any
56. Do you dye your hair? nope

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one?
58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors? at least half te time...

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind? none of them :waah:
60. Are goths gay? ;) not usually

61. What is your favourite tree? don't really have one
62. Do you wear socks? yeah

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture? bed
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult? yes, but I feel like I'm reated like I'm about 5

65. Your opinion on marijuana? legalize it, let it be used with reasonable restrictions
66. Leatherpants or jeans? jeans

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion? no
68. What language would you wanna learn? swedish, finnish, polish, dutch...

69. Do you wear glasses?no
70. Studying or working? studying i guess
71. What festivals have you been to? none
72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well) kill them

73. Will you one day have kids? maybe
74. Do you yet have names for them pcked up? What are they? jesus (not 'hey-zus')

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park? pocket picker :p
76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to? first one... burning hair smells bad, and nobody should be denied long hair.

77. What do you parents do for a living? my mom's and "educational program coordinator", for a museum, and she does a lot of grant work because their grant director is stupid
78. Did you have a happy childhood? no

79. Roof or floor? floor
80. Do you often picture people naked? no

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it? no
82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot? sherlock

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES)
84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat? place to leave

85. Skating or skiing? neither
86. Hair open or with a pony-tail? open

87. Gymnastics or dancing? neither
88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do? punch him

89. Do you have a driver´s licence? no :(
90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself? agressive :D

91. How tall are you? 6'8"/200+ cm
92. Would you wanna build your own house? big and resonant acoustics

93. Do you like being photographed? no
94. Have you ever posed nude? no

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself! i put too much effort into stuff for other people to be lazy, but it appears i am because i end up fuckign up my own stuff trying to get a few thngs i want
96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not? nope

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...) not much...
98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see? me

99. What animal would you wanna be? none
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not? not usually... it sucks

<cut for too many something>
101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) yes!
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? nope/dunno

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? a hole
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? desribe the knife. and the stick.

105. Long skirts or short ones? depends... usually short for people i like
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? at home getting yelled at by my mom, occasionally at a friends house...

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? chicken pox or scarlet fever
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. yes

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? everything
110. Math or languages? math, sometimes

111. Blonds or brunettes? black hair, although other colors ca nbe nice
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? really good ice cream

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? no
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? never has much money to spend on anything

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? maybe
116. Have you kept a diary? no

117. What magazines you like to read? time, newsweek (sometimes), sometimes others..
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? n/a

119. Are you bi-sexual? no
120. Enough yet? :p no

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? sci-fi
122. Why are we still here? we have no lives

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? no
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? no

125. George W. Bush? fuck no!
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? no

127. You like getting a tan? no
128. You got tattoos/piercings? nope

129. ...shit... good for you!
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? don't remember

131. When is your birthday? april 12
132. Getting or giving gifts? both

133. Do you boicot something? you mean boycott? yeah, lots of things. companies I don't like, places where lots of assholes or unusually dumb people work, etc.
134. Could somebody else please take over? :p they could....

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) I'm going to try in 2006
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... no, never had a chance to

137. How often do you wash your hair? every day
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? 10-30 minutes

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? dunno
140. Speaking or listening? either, depends who it is (usually neither or both)

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) some people from UM, a few bands...
142. Politics? yeah, when I have enough energy to think and I'm not horribly depressed like now.

143. Are a good cook? don't know
144. Do you like cleaning? no

145. Suicide is...? overrated. homocide is better :p
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? they're dumb

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? both
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? no

149. How do you want to die? painlessly
150. Tell me what you think of me (Lumitalvi). who are you?

151. What is the most stupid stereotype? satanists (with long hair, listen to metal)
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? neither1

153. Britney or Christina? neither
154. What is/was your favourite toy? don't remember if i had one

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? no
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? no

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? blacksmith
158. Wiccas are...? annoying

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? no, not impatient usually either
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? no

161: What do you think of me (Rusty)?? you're cool

162. What do you think of rahvin?? you're extremely cool (and nice)

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska? ;) the atlantic ocean? (well, parts of it)
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him?? not seeing the bands

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning? it sucks at life
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? because you don't have a job


167. How many cousins do you have? 10?
168. Do you often buy new clothes? not often

169. Is honesty the best policy? no
170. Do you take good care of your health? sometimes

171. Vegetables or fruits? fruits
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? none

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best) hatebreed/converge/agnostic front (01/03/04)
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) no

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? no
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? no

177. One thing in your life you would do differently. don't know
178. Is fucking animals cool? no

179. What instrument would you wanna play? guitar (at least better)
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with* *pistol whips you*
181. Do you actually read others answers? not yet, i probably will
182. What do you think of Marko? which one? (good, i think)
183. What do you think of Toni? :cool:
184. What do you think of Lassi? :cool:
185. What do you think of Horza? :cool:
186. What do you think of Tooled? :(
187. What do you think of Hearse? :loco:
188. What do you think of Maza? who?
189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? :p excessive
190. What do you think of Farmakon? good band

191. What is your favorite sex position? n/a
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?) :lol: n/a
And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower :hypno: ....

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? n/a
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? nah

195. what do you think of while having sex? n/a
196. Do you like the scent of heat? no

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? a select few of them
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? n/a

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? :p n/a

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? no
201. Want more sex related questions? nope