a thorough survey

202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone? - No
203. What color are your bedroom-walls? - white :(

204. Do you talk with yourself? - Not out loud, but in my head a lot. (same as Rusty)
205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness? - No, except ADD

206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs? - their choice, not mine, i don't care unless they try to impose it on others
207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing. - the continental united states

208. What is the best pick up -line you know? - they all suck
209. Toilet seat, up or down? - Depends on the occasion. I don't know what the big deal is anyway. (same answeras Rusty)
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet? - I did for a week

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop? - no, she sucks
212. Is Elvis the king? - yes

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower? - No
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had? - 0/0 :erk:

215. Will you ever get married? - maybe
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city? - suburb

217. Nuclear Power Plants? - sure, why not?
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants) - no

219. Boat or airplain? - never been on a plane...
220. When was the last time you cried? - September 17, 2002

221. Hugging or kissing? - I wouldn't know. (same answer as Rusty)
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market? - no

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right) - electro@hockeymail.com
224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing. - not anymore... used to watch hockey with my dad before he died

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark? long time ago...
226. What is/was the best ride? - don't remember

227. Are you superstitious? - Nope.
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over? - living here

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food? - not often now....
230. Do you like old people? - no
i officially change my answer to the question "when was the last time you've been crying?" to now. only, it's not that i'm particularly sad or moved, it's just my eyes acting silly.

and hearse, you should come up with new questions. i've seen it written in the stars.
1.What is your full name? Luis Muñoz Alvarez
2.How old are you? (don´t cheat, ladies!!) 23

3.Favourite color? black and red
4.Favourite food and drink? it varies...right now tacos al pastor and sparkling apple juice
5.Favourite movie? Pulp Fiction
6.Favourite tv-serie?none

7.Favourite cartoon character? Woddy woodpecker
8.Favourite game? right now, age of mythology

9.The sickest thing you know? ebola
10.What is the thing you like doing best? OR
10.Is sex the best thing in the world?
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye ) sex is a great thing, but there are also other nice stuff to do

11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you? can't really remember
12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you? I love you, among others

13.The best gig you´ve ever been to? perhaps Rotting Christ
14.What foreign countries you have visited to? USA and Guatemala for like 15 minutes

15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday? all of europe, south america, some african and asian countries and australia and NZ
16.The best coutry in the world? will answer when I visit them all

17.Coffee or tea? both
18.Milk or water? water

19.The ugliest thing you own? I don't own ugly things
20.The best word in the whole wide world? pendejo

21.What is your job? student
22.What would you WANNA do for living? I don't know for sure yet

23. The worst band you know? too many to name
24. Best season? autumn

25. Who is your best friend? Ernesto
26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? yup, many

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman) Johnny Depp and Natalie Portman (I like the girl next door type of beauty better)
28. Best in Christmas? dinner

29. Do you like sleeping? way too much
30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear? a few, but since none of you know them it's pointless to write names

31. Best author? Gabriel García Márquez
32. Your favourite book? One Hundred Years Of Solitude

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)? UM I think
34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens? people interrupting me while I speak

35. For what are you fanatic for? nothing
36. Support McDonald´s? it's utter shit

37. Death Metal or Black Metal? death metal
38. Darkness or light? darkness

39.Like Lord of the Rings? yes
40. Who´s the best charachter in it? Glorfindel

41. Rain or shine? rain and fog
42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die? torture an innocent

43. what colour is your toothbrush? blue and white

44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they? yes, I don't wish to name it here
45. g-strings: yes or no? sexy panties are better

46. name 3 favorite band of yours Dark Tranquillity, Dismember, Carcass
47. Do you have pets? a dog :)

48. Do you have siblings? I had a sister
49. Can you sing? I can, but it sounds terrible

50. Puppies or kitties?definitely puppies, though kittens are cute too
51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?) haha

52. do you believe in love from the first sight? yes
53. Are you religious? no

54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation 9.5 cause there are so much good things about me, though I haven't reached my peak potential yet

55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind? no
56. Do you dye your hair? never

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one? no one should be king of the world
58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors? sometimes in black, sometimes other colors

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind? mute
60. Are goths gay? no

61. What is your favourite tree? oak
62. Do you wear socks? yes

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture? bookshelf, bed
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult? yeah, though not in the stereotyped sense

65. Your opinion on marijuana? I've never tried it and I don't think I will, but I don't look down on people who smokes it
66. Leatherpants or jeans? jeans

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion? no, I rarely send SMS
68. What language would you wanna learn? swedish

69. Do you wear glasses? sunglasses sometimes
70. Studying or working? both
71. What festivals have you been to? festival obscuro
72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well) say "you're late for our appointment, buddies"

73. Will you one day have kids? don't think so, though I don't rule it out
74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they? no, maybe Samael

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park? one that would meant REAL risk of injury for the user
76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to? they are nice

77. What do you parents do for a living? university teachers and scientific researchers
78. Did you have a happy childhood? it was awesome

79. Roof or floor? fuck you
80. Do you often picture people naked? yes

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it? no
82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot? Mr Holmes

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES) no, it would be a lot more painful to copy book pages by hand
84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat? good place to listen to mp3s

85. Skating or skiing? haven't tried the latter
86. Hair open or with a pony-tail? both, depending on the situation

87. Gymnastics or dancing? none
88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do? try to ignore it

89. Do you have a driver´s licence? yes
90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself? reckless speed demon

91. How tall are you? 175 cm
92. Would you wanna build your own house? no, I hate any kind of home improvement stuff like plumbing tiling or such, much less building a house on my own

93. Do you like being photographed? if I'm in the mood, yes
94. Have you ever posed nude? yes

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself! I'm one of the laziest people I know of
96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not? no, I'm not used to it, don't like it very much

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...) depends, maybe try again, forget about it or get mad
98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see? myself, duh :p

99. What animal would you wanna be? I'm a pretty good animal right now
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not? yes

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) haven't listened to their stuff enough to state an opinion
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? no, don't like them

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? catacombs
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? stick with nails, it has a lot more range

105. Long skirts or short ones? long
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? reading/internet

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? neumonia
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. yes

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? try to jump from a second floor window with my superman costume
110. Math or languages? both

111. Blonds or brunettes? both
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? almost any taste as long as it's creamy

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? no
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? can't think of anything right now

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? I'm very good for that
116. Have you kept a diary? never

117. What magazines you like to read? science, political...almost anything but not on a regular basis
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? nah

119. Are you bi-sexual? no one is 100% hetero, though I don't consider myself bisexual, I wouldn't have sex, or even french kiss another man, but I can tell which guy is more attractive in my taste
120. Enough yet? *shrugs*

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? sci-fi
122. Why are we still here? *shrugs*

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? I don't give a shit
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? yes

125. George W. Bush? ignorant asshole
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? used to

127. You like getting a tan? I have a permanent tan
128. You got tattoos/piercings? no

129. ...shit... poo
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? I've never done so

131. When is your birthday? July 27th
132. Getting or giving gifts? getting

133. Do you boicot something? bullfights
134. Could somebody else please take over? not me

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) maybe I am
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... yes...it's a common thing

137. How often do you wash your hair? every other day
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? as long as there's hot water if I'm not in a hurry

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? I'm happy with my looks
140. Speaking or listening? both, in turns

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) almost everyone has something interesting to tell
142. Politics? rotten

143. Are a good cook? yes, though I know very few recipes
144. Do you like cleaning? I hate it

145. Suicide is...? something you're entitled to, though I look forward to life
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? it's ok if they like doing so

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? if they are mexican, enemies
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? no

149. How do you want to die? in my sleep
150. Tell me what you think of me (Lumitalvi). I don't know you

151. What is the most stupid stereotype? most are stupid, others are just funny
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? play actor

153. Britney or Christina? none
154. What is/was your favourite toy? lego blocks

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? yeah, whole books
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? no

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? blacksmith
158. Wiccas are...? people

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? in certain circumstances
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? yeah, sometimes

161: What do you think of me (Rusty)?? nice guy, low self esteem

162. What do you think of rahvin?? I like him

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska? ask him
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him?? ...

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning?--
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? are you done with the retarded questions?


167. How many cousins do you have? too lazy to count
168. Do you often buy new clothes? no

169. Is honesty the best policy? not always
170. Do you take good care of your health? not really

171. Vegetables or fruits? meat
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? don't know, few

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best) RC
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) what's scenepolice?

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? no
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? yeah

177. One thing in your life you would do differently. yeah, some :p
178. Is fucking animals cool? no

179. What instrument would you wanna play? guitar
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with*
181. Do you actually read others answers? just people's that I'm interested in, or like
189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? retarded
190. What do you think of Farmakon? good band

191. What is your favorite sex position? don't know the name, maybe I'll post a pic
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?) And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower depends on the girl, but for the most part yes

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? both
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? haven't tried it

195. what do you think of while having sex? sex...duh
196. Do you like the scent of heat? heat does not have a scent

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? many things
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? everything

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? I like foreplay

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? no
201. Want more sex related questions? *shrugs*
many many thanks. :)

232. a) ever cried while listening to some album?
b) and what was the reason of this?

a) yes, mostly projector and skydancer by dt
b) i'm a sissy


233. for musicians: ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic against the wall and stop playing/singing once and for all?

i indeed threw my kazoo against the wall in a rage once. it bounced back and fell to the floor with the sweetest sound ever, so i ran to it in tears, picked it up, and cuddled it fluffily promising i'd never hurt it again


234. for musicians again: in what state of mind do you usually feel the urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)?

during moments of pineapple-driven mental alteration i pen my best lyrics


235. have you ever found a cure in music for you mood/depression?

countless of times. listening to some songs when i'm in a certain mood can either emphasize or placate the extremes. i listen to music continuously, except when i'm at work, and even there i play stuff in my head. most of all, buying a new album or downloading new good songs helps me overcome general everyday misery


236. what saddens you the most in your life?

that i'm never going to make teh difference for anyone


237. what is the best song ever?

shadow duet by dark tranquillity


238. have you ever thought of committing suicide?

not really. i guess when i was a young and silly adolescent i might have considered - and then refused - the option, but it's definitely not something that tempts me now. i value my life although i'm sure there is no worth in it: i want to spend it, possibly in very non-conventional ways, but certainly not throwing it away


239. have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide?



240. a) do you sleep naked?
b) do you sleep with a blanket/pillow between your legs?

a) only if asked to do so
b) fuck no
c) did i mention that, in any case, i don't sleep? :p

1.What is your full name? Carl Martin. You won’t get my last name, you bastards!
2.How old are you? (don´t cheat, ladies!!) 19

3.Favourite color? Blue
4.Favourite food and drink? Bread and water

5.Favourite movie? Pulp Fiction
6.Favourite tv-serie? Friends

7.Favourite cartoon character? Pondus
8.Favourite game? Civilization 3, It :hypno: me

9.The sickest thing you know? War
10.What is the thing you like doing best? OR
10.Is sex the best thing in the world?
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye )
Slumbering in my bed a Saturday morning

11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you?
Uhh, can’t come up with anything
12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you?
No special comment, but sometimes girls tells me that I’ve got beautiful eyes

13.The best gig you´ve ever been to? Thåström. Almost religious.
14.What foreign countries you have visited to?
Denmark, Nicaragua soon Spain

15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday? All!
16.The best coutry in the world?
Impossible to say. Depends of whom you’re asking.

17.Coffee or tea? Tea, I guess
18.Milk or water? Water

19.The ugliest thing you own? A really ugly shirt. :yuk:
20.The best word in the whole wide world? SAAAATAAAAAN!

21.What is your job? Doing vocational training
22.What would you WANNA do for living? As little as possible.

23. The worst band you know? Iron Fire
24. Best season? Summer

25. Who is your best friend? Björn, Thomas and Fredrik
26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? No.

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman)
I never learn their names, don’t care much about celebrities
28. Best in Christmas?
Seeing grandma and grandpa

29. Do you like sleeping? Yes.
30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear
? I wouldn’t be sad if G.W. Bush would disappeared.

31. Best author? I have no absolute faves here, but Väinö Linna is really good.
32. Your favourite book? See 31.

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)? UM.
34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens? Nothing.

35. For what are you fanatic for? The environment.
36. Support McDonald´s? Support and support… I eat there sometimes.

37. Death Metal or Black Metal? Deat meatl
38. Darkness or light?

39.Like Lord of the Rings? Quite
40. Who´s the best charachter in it? Gandalf

41. Rain or shine? Shine
42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die?
Kill someone I love

43. what colour is your toothbrush? Blue

44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they? No.
45. g-strings: yes or no? No.
46. name 3 favorite band of yours Dark Tranquillity, Lefay, Vomitory47. Do you have pets? Yes, one cat and one dog. Bees doesn’t count, do they? Then add 30 000 of them.48. Do you have siblings? Yes, on sis and one bro, both younger than me.49. Can you sing? No, but that doesn’t stops me from trying from time to time. :grin:50. Puppies or kitties? Both.51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?) No.52. do you believe in love from the first sight? Yes.53. Are you religious? No. Philosophic.54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation 8.5 - 9 and still climbing if I’m ina good mood, 2 and sinking if I’m down.

55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind? A poster of Thåström
56. Do you dye your hair? No

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one? Gandhi
58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors? Different

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind? mute
60. Are goths gay? No

61. What is your favourite tree? Oak
62. Do you wear socks? Yes

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture? My bed :Spin:
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult? Naah…

65. Your opinion on marijuana? Avoid it
66. Leatherpants or jeans? Jeans

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion?
No, I think people mostly said meanless stuff even before internet/cellphone-era
68. What language would you wanna learn?
All except Swedish and English (those are the ones I know now)

69. Do you wear glasses? No
70. Studying or working? Neither or both.
71. What festivals have you been to? No big
72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well) I become invisible and watch the madmen’s confusion

73. Will you one day have kids? Probably. I hope so anyway.
74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they? No names yet.

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park?
It would be a small building were you enter one by one and then you get thrown high up in the air and then you land in a giant helter-skelter which entrance looks like a cats asshole and then you go down it and there will be weird light effects on the walls inside it and you will land in a pond full of mechanic crabs that looks like they’re going to eat you but they won’t. Then you get in line to do it again. :Spin:
76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to? Could be cozy

77. What do you parents do for a living? Dad is a project manager for a project concerning embedded systems and mum is deciding which elders that has the right and the need for home care.
78. Did you have a happy childhood?

79. Roof or floor? Both are kinda essential for a house, methinks.
80. Do you often picture people naked? Yes. :loco:

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it? No
82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot? Kurt Wallander

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES) No, I know they’re respecting me.
84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat? Places to get 20 minutes more sleep.

85. Skating or skiing? Neither
86. Hair open or with a pony-tail? My hair is kinda 5 cm long so it’s hard to put it in a pony tail. :rolleyes:

87. Gymnastics or dancing? I suck on both, but dancing can be romantic nonetheless.
88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do? I don’t have problems with that, so I ignore it. If it’s someone I know well and he often has bad breath I’ll try to hint him about it.

89. Do you have a driver´s licence? Yes. *Proud*
90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself? Determined yet safe driving

91. How tall are you? 178 cm
92. Would you wanna build your own house? I would be kinda fun (at least for a while) and I would be whistling all the time, but I wouldn’t become a good house.

93. Do you like being photographed? No, I’m not photogenic.
94. Have you ever posed nude? Only on my room in front of the mirror :lol:

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself! Sometimes
96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not? No

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...) Becomes disappointed
98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see? If it’s a person who recently has met me for the first time: A little asocial and mysterious guy who smiles a lot.

If the person has known me for a longer period: A very goodnatured and intelligent guy who has humour although he rarely shows it.

99. What animal would you wanna be? Pardon? I’m an animal.
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not? Not often. I usually reads the newspaper though.

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) Havent heard them
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? No, and no

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? “Oh, a lit torch! How convenient!”
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? Watch it! You can hit someone in the eye with that one!

105. Long skirts or short ones? Doesn’t matter
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? Seeing a couple of friends

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? the whooping cough when I waas a kid
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. No

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? Standing on out balcony and shouting something like: “Daddy, there goes the alcoholic” when said drinker walks by on the street
110. Math or languages? I’m average on both, I’m afraid.

111. Blonds or brunettes? Both! BOTH! :loco:
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? Pear

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? No
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? Any haircut I ever did

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? Yes, it can almost become annoying sometimes. All decisions becomes so difficult
116. Have you kept a diary? I have a notebook that I write in sometimes when I can’t sleep.

117. What magazines you like to read? Close-Up
Magazine, Sweden Rock Magazine, Terrorizer. All metal-mags.
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? Yes, because I’m much more aware of things now.

119. Are you bi-sexual? No
120. Enough yet? Give me more, more…

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror?
122. Why are we still here?
Because we haven’t triggerd nuclear war mayhem yet.123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? Yeah
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? I don’t use any of them much

125. George W. Bush? No, thanks
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? No

127. You like getting a tan? Never think much about it
128. You got tattoos/piercings? No

129. ...shit... happens
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? A few years ago

131. When is your birthday?
18 July
. Getting or giving gifts? Both

133. Do you boicot something? Coca-Cola Company
134. Could somebody else please take over? It was you who started it, right? :heh:

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) Not me :sad:
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... Yes, a few times. It’s nothing to worry about.

137. How often do you wash your hair? Once a day
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? 15 minutes

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? No
140. Speaking or listening? listening

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) Swedish king Gustavus I
142. Politics? A necessary evil. I’m leftwing.

143. Are a good cook? No, but I think I can become if only I get some chances to train.
144. Do you like cleaning? Only when I can play loud music at the same time.

145. Suicide is...? …nothing I ever considered seriously.
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? Doesn’t bothers me

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? Depends on whether you are a burglar or not.
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? No.

149. How do you want to die? In an epic man-to-man battle

151. What is the most stupid stereotype? …
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? Actor

153. Britney or Christina? None
154. What is/was your favourite toy? Transformers! Weeeee!!

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? Yes, often.
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? A little.

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? Blacksmith
158. Wiccas are...? :guh:

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? Quite
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? If it’s warm outside

162. What do you think of rahvin?? He’s very nice, and I think he’s wrong about the reasons why people on UM likes him

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning? You ate too much in the evening? Dunno.
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? Because things are expensive and because we’re not living in the Communist utopia where everything’s free.

167. How many cousins do you have? 7
168. Do you often buy new clothes? No

169. Is honesty the best policy? Often it is
170. Do you take good care of your health? Yes

171. Vegetables or fruits? Fruits
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? 2-3

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best) Entombed
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) No

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? YES.
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? No

177. One thing in your life you would do differently. You can’t imagine how much anxiety this question gives me
178. Is fucking animals cool? No

179. What instrument would you wanna play? The guitar
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with* *Starts to argue with you who it is who should be shooting who*
181. Do you actually read others answers? Most of them

191. What is your favorite sex position? Haven’t tried many
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?)
And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower Dunno

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? Gentle
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? No spanking

195. what do you think of while having sex? Soccer :P
196. Do you like the scent of heat? Like, in a Sauna? :grin:

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? To see a nice girl who’s obviously attracted by me.
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? All of it.

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? Foreplay

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? No, but it bored me. Have I answered 200 questions? OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!
201. Want more sex related questions? Nah, I’m just hungry right now. :loco:

rahvin said:
i indeed threw my kazoo against the wall in a rage once. it bounced back and fell to the floor with the sweetest sound ever, so i ran to it in tears, picked it up, and cuddled it fluffily promising i'd never hurt it again
you know, if you read the word 'kazoo' as you would in italian, the whole statement appears under a completely different perspective. :rolleyes: :loco:

@hearse: what's wrong with winona ryder? :heh:
Miolo said:
you know, if you read the word 'kazoo' as you would in italian, the whole statement appears under a completely different perspective. :rolleyes: :loco:
ok, now that you had me burst out laughing in front of my boss i suppose you're going to provide for me and pay my bills until i've managed to find a job in sweden, right? :bah:
I have twenty minutes to kill in school, let's see how far I get in this :p

1.What is your full name?
Sami Erik Husa

2.How old are you? :heh: (don´t cheat, ladies!!)

3.Favourite color?

4.Favourite food and drink?
Kebab and beer.

5.Favourite movie?
Blade Runner

6.Favourite tv-serie?

7.Favourite cartoon character?
Gatts (Berserk)

8.Favourite game?
Monkey Island II: Le Chuck's Revenge

9.The sickest thing you know?

10.What is the thing you like doing best? OR
Listening to music.

10.Is sex the best thing in the world?
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye :lol: )
It can be :o

11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you?
Vitun homonatsijuutalainen :'(

12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you?
Kyllä muakin vituttaisi.

13.The best gig you´ve ever been to?
Katatonia, Spring 2003

14.What foreign countries you have visited to?
Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia.

15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday?

16.The best country in the world?
Finland :cool:

17.Coffee or tea?

18.Milk or water?
Milk :cool:

19.The ugliest thing you own?
Some very questionable mp3's.

20.The best word in the whole wide world?

21.What is your job?

22.What would you WANNA do for living?
Market good music :o

23. The worst band you know?
51 Koodia :(

24. Best season?
Summer :o

25. Who is your best friend?
Jussi, Mikko, Markus and Ulla.

26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
Yes :') A substitute teacher for French, our usual teacher, her mother, is a scary old witch, but her daughter is stunning, could be a model.

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman)
Let's say Johnny Depp and Kirsten Dunst :p

28. Best in Christmas?
Passing out at your friend's brother's house.

29. Do you like sleeping?
One of my favourite past times :p

30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear?
Ariel Sharon >:[

31. Best author?
Elias Lönnrot (H)

32. Your favourite book?
American Gods.

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)?
Imperiumi.net probably

34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens?
When someone acts towards me or a friend of mine in a way I feel is contemptive, the only thing that can make me really furious.

35. For what are you fanatic for?
Staying alive.

36. Support McDonald´s?
It's cheaper than the other alternatives, and the food is pretty edible.

37. Death Metal or Black Metal?
Black \m/

38. Darkness or light?
I prefer nights to days.

39.Like Lord of the Rings?
Hell yeah :cool:

40. Who´s the best charachter in it?

41. Rain or shine?
Too much of either is annoying, nothing is greater than a summer day when the sun is shining and it's raining.

42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die?

43. what colour is your toothbrush?
Red and white. :o

44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they?
Nothing I'd go as far to call a fetish...

45. g-strings: yes or no? :heh:
Yes. :o

46. name 3 favorite band of yours
Atm... Katatonia, Dark Tranquillity and Amorphis.

47. Do you have pets?

48. Do you have siblings?
Yep, a younger brother

49. Can you sing?
Everyone *can* sing, another matter is if they're any good at it. But I certainly have no problems starting to sing, I don't know about people around me though ;)

50. Puppies or kitties?

51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?)
Maybe? And I'd be lying if I said yes.

52. do you believe in love from the first sight?
I believe in infatuation at first sight.

53. Are you religious?
Not at all.

54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation :heh:
10. I do being a vammasami better than anyone else. :cool:

55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind?
I have a Dark Tranquillity and Amorphis poster in my room.

56. Do you dye your hair?

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one?
rahvin of course.

58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors?
Yes I do.

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind?
Mute. I like listening anyway

60. Are goths gay?
They can be. So can you. ;)

61. What is your favourite tree?

62. Do you wear socks?
Yes. (who doesn't? :|)

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture?

64. Do you consider yourself as an adult?
A young adult?

65. Your opinion on marijuana?
Knock yourself out.

66. Leatherpants or jeans?
Jeans. Leatherpants aren't very comfortable :|

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion?
Nah, just enhanced it. I'd have missed out on a lot of "real" discussion without them.

68. What language would you wanna learn?
Icelandic (again).

69. Do you wear glasses?

70. Studying or working?

71. What festivals have you been to?
Tuska and... Tuska. :'(

72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well)
Pretend I'm a madman as well and convince them to start making mustard ice-cream with me.

73. Will you one day have kids?
I'd like to.

74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they?
Nah, but I've thought of names I definatly don't want to give.

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park?
Tales from the Thousand Lakes ride :cool:

76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to?
They're nice pretty-lighty-thingamajigs

77. What do you parents do for a living?
Mom does some kind of secretary work I don't know much about, dad's retired.

78. Did you have a happy childhood?
Yeah, I think so.

79. Roof or floor?

80. Do you often picture people naked?
Now I started to. :o

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it?
For my friend's lesson to end so we can go to his house.

82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot?
Hercule Poirot, it's all in the moustache.

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES)
Don't really hate any machines with a passion.

84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat?
Places to stand or sit in an akward silence and try to avoid looking anyone in the eye.

85. Skating or skiing?

86. Hair open or with a pony-tail?
It's open most of the time...

87. Gymnastics or dancing?

88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do?
Depends on who he is. If it's a friend, I try to ignore it, if it's some random alcoholic I try to act as boring as possible and hope he goes away.

89. Do you have a driver´s licence?

90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself?

91. How tall are you?

92. Would you wanna build your own house?
Why build it when you can buy it ready?

93. Do you like being photographed?
Depends on the situation... if I just woke up from a night of drinking, dressed in a g-string and a Matti Vanhanen shirt, preferrably not. Nothing against it most of the time.

94. Have you ever posed nude?
Hmmm... not that I remember.

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself!
Yes! It's the way I was born

96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not?
I have this incredible ring I occasionally wear.

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...)
Go for a cigarette.

98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see?
A guy crouched over a monitor in a black sweater and middle-length hair showing from under his hat.

99. What animal would you wanna be?
A stud horse. :o

100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not?
I prefer reading newspapers, but I follow the news as well. It's a bit silly not knowing what's going on, so I follow it.
a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album) Yes, Alice in Chains (Nutshell, Rotten Apple) Pink Floyd (Wish you Were Here, Mother) DT( The Mind's Eye, Therein). Not many more, I usually get chills from listening to music, not too much crying.

b. ) And what was the reason of it? I dont know, maybe I just find the music/lyrics beautiful.

233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all? Yes

234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)? I guess it depends, I can try to write in almost any mood, and the music really shows that.

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression?
(if yes, tell abit about it) Yes many times, music makes me feel relaxed alot of the time, so it helps to cope with fucked up situations.

236. What saddens you the most in your life? Really shitty things happening to really good people.

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song) I cant answer that.

238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide?
(when yes, what made you not to do it?) No, I never had any urge.

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide? Yes, but his dumb ass took alot of X.

240: and to stick with my image:
a.) Do you sleep naked? Not really, underwear :D.
b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs? No, I tend to sleep on my back.
202. have you given to/received from anyone a single red rose?



203. what colour are your bedroom walls?



204. do you talk with yourself?

inside my head, yes, a lot.


205. have you been diagnosed with some mental illness?



206. what do you think of people who don't drink, smoke, or do drugs?

congrats to them.


207. classic: what would you take with you along to an island? only one thing

a glass. to drink properly the water around the island.


208. what is the best pick-up line you know?



209. toilet seat, up or down?



210. will i survive from 3 days without the internet?



211. is madonna the queen of pop?



212. is elvis the king?



213. do you have a massaging shower?



214. how many boy/girlfriends have you had?

let me think... hmm... zero.


215. will you ever get married?

don't know.


216. wanna live in the countryside or in a city?



217. nuclear power plants?



218. are you often commando? without underpants



219. boat or airplane?



220. when was the last time you cried?

december 2002.

221. hugging or kissing?



222. do you like going to buy food in a market?

very much.


223. what is your email address?

spiritcrusher@email.it i receive tons of spam already.


224. are you into sports? like watching, not doing

yeah, kind of. i keep myself informed on competitions, results and such, but i don't really watch much sport on tv, as it generally gets terribly boring after two minutes.


225. when was the last time you visited some amusement park?

eight years ago, probably.


226. what is/was the best ride?

don't remember.


227. are you superstitious?



228. about what thing you're happy it's over?

high school.


229. how many times in a week you eat junk food?

twice, on average.


230. do you like old people?

generally yes. not too old though.


232. a) ever cried while listening to some album?
b) and what was the reason of this?

a) unfortunately not.
b) don't know.


233. for musicians: ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic against the wall and stop playing/singing once and for all?

i'm not a musician. i think it would happen a lot if i were one.


234. for musicians again: in what state of mind do you usually feel the urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)?



235. have you ever found a cure in music for you mood/depression?

many times.


236. what saddens you the most in your life?

that possibly i won't ever achieve anything in my life.


237. what is the best song ever?

under a glass moon by dream theater.


238. have you ever thought of committing suicide?

not seriously.


239. have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide?



240. a) do you sleep naked?
b) do you sleep with a blanket/pillow between your legs?

a) usually not.
b) sometimes with a pillow, yes.
questions from rusty

Rusty said:
241. Don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages??

242. Don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where IE is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages??

243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)??
244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole??

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment??
246. How many floors/storeys does it have??

247. How many rooms??
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill??

249. How much do you like living there??
250. Who lives there with you (including pets)??
241. Don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages?? I suppose that does suck.

242. Don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where IE is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages?? Yes Lisa, daddys a teacher.

243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)?? Edge of Chicago, Forest Park.
244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?? Well its getting worse, but the surrounding towns (Cicero, Berwyn, Maywood) are basically complete shit.

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment?? House
246. How many floors/storeys does it have?? 3 floors

247. How many rooms?? 5 bed rooms, 3 bathrooms, a front room, dining room, kitchen, family room in the basement.
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill?? Yes both.

249. How much do you like living there?? Its not bad.
250. Who lives there with you (including pets)?? Mother, Father, 2 Sisters, 2 Nieces, my Nephew, a dog, and other things :p.
241. don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages?

of course i do


242. don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where ie is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages??

absolutely. hated it every time it happened


243. whereabouts do you live?

in a town of about one million people


244. is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?

it's pretty average for italian standards, which means quite nice compared to most neighbourhoods in england or the states


245. do you live in a house or a flat/apartment?



246. how many floors/storeys does it have?

five. well, not my flat. the building.


247. how many rooms?



248. do you have any sort of garden/yard or even a flower box on a window sill?

i have two balconies, and potted plants unfortunately abound


249. how much do you like living there?

it's comfortable, but it's getting boring


250. who lives there with you (including pets)?

no one. oh, you said including pets: then i have to mention my mother and father spend most working days in the flat too. ;)

241. Don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages??

"Tramps" means prostitutes here, but for your purposes, yes, that would annoy me.


242. Don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where IE is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages??

... the story of my life.


243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)??

Two kilometers from the most ghetto section of Washington DC, so it's not a very nice area -- lots of drugs and gun crime. My little neighborhood is deceptively serene upon first glance though, with tree-lined streets, etc.


244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole??

Doh, I should've read ahead.


245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment??

An apartment in a house. Beat that!


246. How many floors/storeys does it have??

Three in the house.


247. How many rooms??

My section consists of 4: living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom


248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill??

Everything we plant dies. The previous owner had a habit of burying stuff in the yard, so I fear there's something toxic down there. :erk:


249. How much do you like living there??

The location, in terms of my commute to school, work, and DC, is great. But the surrounding poverty causes many problems. However, the rent is cheap, since my mother is the landlord.


250. Who lives there with you (including pets)??

Three other people have apartments in the house: my mom, an elderly Irish woman named Anne, and a 50-ish shoe salesman.
1.What is your full name? those geeky enough can find out that easily
2.How old are you? (don´t cheat, ladies!!) 25 in a few days
3.Favourite color? yellow and black, maybe silver
4.Favourite food and drink? linsensuppe and früh kölsch
5.Favourite movie? Gattaca
6.Favourite tv-serie? none
7.Favourite cartoon character? none
8.Favourite game? Morrowind
9.The sickest thing you know? my ex
10.What is the thing you like doing best? OR
10.Is sex the best thing in the world?
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye ) depends on the sex i would say, but usually it's one of the best, yes
11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you? i am pregnant (a lie of course)
12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you? dunno
13.The best gig you´ve ever been to? Samael & SummerBreeze
14.What foreign countries you have visited to? Czechia, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, former Yugoslavia, Andorra, France, Spain, Portugal
15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday? Great Britain, Scandinavia, Mongolia, Reunion, the Azores, the Falklands, Antarctica, New Zealand
16.The best coutry in the world? From what i've seen yet, i still feel best in Germany
17.Coffee or tea? tea, please
18.Milk or water? depends, i drink both
19.The ugliest thing you own? a soda streamer
20.The best word in the whole wide world? foobar
21.What is your job? student
22.What would you WANNA do for living? if i can choose, win in a lottery. if it has to be an honest job, some robotics/biomass fusion stuff
23. The worst band you know? in metal, that would be timo kotipelto or whatever.
24. Best season? spring
25. Who is your best friend? Janne
26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? not really
27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman) hm clint eastwood & heidi klum :P
28. Best in Christmas? seeing close family members
29. Do you like sleeping? well its a waste of time, but i sleep way too much
30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear? my ex
31. Best author? Robert Anton Wilson
32. Your favourite book? Illuminatus trilogy
33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)? UM
34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens? peope who spit, sneeze or do something else like that in public
35. For what are you fanatic for? my right to believe in what i choose to
36. Support McDonald´s? yeah sometimes i go there
37. Death Metal or Black Metal? death metal
38. Darkness or light? light. i am a good boy
39.Like Lord of the Rings? yes
40. Who´s the best charachter in it? tom bombadil... not.
41. Rain or shine? sunshine for me, but not too heavy please
42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die? bury myself alive :p
43. what colour is your toothbrush? green/white
44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they? i like long legs if that counts
45. g-strings: yes or no? yeah, sure

46. name 3 favorite band of yours opeth, amorphis, novembre
47. Do you have pets? no
48. Do you have siblings? I have a sister
49. Can you sing? i am too embarrassed to try
50. Puppies or kitties? puppies
51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?) no
52. do you believe in love from the first sight? not anymore
53. Are you religious? no
54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation 8, i'm quite happy with myself, of course here and there i'd like to change somewhat.
55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind? i got a new model army poster and one by h.r.giger
56. Do you dye your hair? no, though i had it black once
57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one? everyone
58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors? most stuff is black or grey, yes
59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind? mute
60. Are goths gay? quite a bunch of them
61. What is your favourite tree? i have none.
62. Do you wear socks? yes
63. What is your favourite piece of furniture? desk, bed
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult? yes
65. Your opinion on marijuana? i don't see the point, all it does to me is making me tired like a narcotic.
66. Leatherpants or jeans? both, though usually i wear jeans for comfort
67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion? well it's just a different form.
68. What language would you wanna learn? none, i hate learning
69. Do you wear glasses? no
70. Studying or working? i'd rather be working right now
71. What festivals have you been to? SummerBreeze 2003. Graspop 2003. SummerBreeze 2002, Bizarre 2001, WaveGotikTreffen 2000, Dynamo Open Air 1999 plus various smaller stuff.
72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well) see what happens
73. Will you one day have kids? not now, but i probably will have some
74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they? one name is vincent and another would be katharina.
75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park? a box with zero gravity
76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to? it's a bit of a hassle, but they do produce a nice light
77. What do you parents do for a living? both working in the bureaucratic apparatus of a city
78. Did you have a happy childhood? yes
79. Roof or floor? err
80. Do you often picture people naked? no, not really.
81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it? no
82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot? i don't care
83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES) no, they're great.
84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat? good place to get out of
85. Skating or skiing? i'd really like trying out skiing, and well skating wasn't too much of fun.
86. Hair open or with a pony-tail? usually i wear it tailed for convenience
87. Gymnastics or dancing? i won't do it, but for watching dancing is a tad more interesting
88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do? if i know him, tell him, if not, build some distance
89. Do you have a driver´s licence? yes
90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself? sportsmanlike, time oriented
91. How tall are you? 180 cm
92. Would you wanna build your own house? yes, if i have the money i will.
93. Do you like being photographed? if i'm drunk
94. Have you ever posed nude? err, down to the pants
95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself! i'm very very lazy indeed.
96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not? i wear two rings.
97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...) wait a minute/give up
98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see? a handsome lad
99. What animal would you wanna be? a wolf
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not? not on tv, but still i try to keep being informed
101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) a bit
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? no, and i won't
103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? stairs :p
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? the stick.
105. Long skirts or short ones? i don't like skirts much
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? going out or hacking
107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? scarlet fever
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. yes
109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? driving nails in the doorframe of my sister and virtually closing the whole frame with my mother's knitting wool
110. Math or languages? neither
111. Blonds or brunettes? both
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? walnut, maracuja, pistachios
113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? no
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? various computer upgrades
115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? to be honest, no
116. Have you kept a diary? no
117. What magazines you like to read? Der Spiegel, GEO
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? in another way, yes.
119. Are you bi-sexual? no
120. Enough yet? ah well i do get tired
121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? sci-fi
122. Why are we still here? evasive actions
123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? err
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? i have never been into either of the two
125. George W. Bush? ignorant asshole ((c) Thanatos)
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? heh, i had one in Spain, we wrote one letter each.
127. You like getting a tan? nah, i don't like heat.
128. You got tattoos/piercings? no
129. ...shit... err
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? at least 18 years ago i reckon
131. When is your birthday? March 8th
132. Getting or giving gifts? getting
133. Do you boicot something? Sony's EyeToy because of their ads.
134. Could somebody else please take over? err
135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) all festivals are quite shite this year, haven't made up my mind yet. but wacken is an option
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... heh, i have never travelled by plane.
137. How often do you wash your hair? every day usually, sometimes i skip one.
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? i have a tiny water boiler, so not more than 5 minutes.
139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? if anything, i would make the one nose hole look like the other :)
140. Speaking or listening? listening
141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) couple um people, noone famous really.
142. Politics? have to be but don't make sense very often
143. Are a good cook? not at all.
144. Do you like cleaning? not at all.
145. Suicide is...? an option for some, but not for me
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? well, they're weird
147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? i don't like the way they look at you and speak, so i rather get out of their way and say enemy
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? no
149. How do you want to die? while shagging
150. Tell me what you think of me (Lumitalvi). I don't know you
151. What is the most stupid stereotype? that good looking people are stupid.
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? POPstar
153. Britney or Christina? bah
154. What is/was your favourite toy? lego, nowadays the pc
155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? yeah, whole books
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? yes
157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? blacksmith
158. Wiccas are...? hippies
159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? no
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? no
161: What do you think of me (Rusty)?? tries to escape from tuska
162. What do you think of rahvin?? very nice fella
163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska? err
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him?? err
165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning? because your metabolism still runs on a low level and processing food in your stomach is actually an effort.
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? err
167. How many cousins do you have? 2 male, one female. yes, our family will be extinct soon.
168. Do you often buy new clothes? no
169. Is honesty the best policy? in general yes.
170. Do you take good care of your health? i could do much better
171. Vegetables or fruits? if i could prepare them properly, vegetables, but since i can't, fruits
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? about 2-3
173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best) Moonspell/Lacuna Coil/Passenger/Posionblack package
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) not at all
175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? not desperately, but i'm waiting
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? yes, the consistency of frolic is strange.
177. One thing in your life you would do differently. stop wasting time and get something done
178. Is fucking animals cool? its pervert shit
179. What instrument would you wanna play? piano
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with* err
181. Do you actually read others answers? people i know better than the general bunch of members
189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? err
190. What do you think of Farmakon? don't know them
191. What is your favorite sex position? good ol' missionary is still the best
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?) And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower there are better things to taste, i have to admit
193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? both
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? nah
195. what do you think of while having sex? not much
196. Do you like the scent of heat? since we are about sex: yes
197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? too much to tell
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? whatever comes
199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? i like to take my time
200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? no
201. Want more sex related questions? err
151. What is the most stupid stereotype? All of them. But they're fun to make fun of...
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? Plague or cholera, eh? I'd say actor at a theatre that only performs Shakespeare plays. Respect!

153. Britney or Christina? You mean whose career fails first? Doesn't matter
154. What is/was your favourite toy? A cute little white seal that I've had since I was born

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? Yes
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? Terrified, but I manage somehow

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? both
158. Wiccas are...? interesting
159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? yes, most of the time
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? yes sometimes

161: What do you think of me (Rusty)?? I wouldn't know

162. What do you think of rahvin?? seemingly friendly and intelligent italian whose future bestselling novels I'd be interested in reading

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska? ask him...
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him?? have his fingernails pulled out one by one :)

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning? because it's still full of alcohol
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? because you need to cut your hair and get a job

167. How many cousins do you have? can't remember, I have a few
168. Do you often buy new clothes? not very

169. Is honesty the best policy? I think so
170. Do you take good care of your health? not really :p

171. Vegetables or fruits? fruits, lovely fruits
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? erm... 1 at the most...

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best)
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) nope

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? YES!!!!
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? no

177. One thing in your life you would do differently. hmm... dunno
178. Is fucking animals cool? NO, and anyone engaging in such awful behaviour will be mutilated and tortured by me and left to die by slowly choking on his/her torn and slimy intestins

179. What instrument would you wanna play? I'd like to play the guitar properly, an piano and violin would be fun too... and drums... and bass....
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with* ...
don't know any of these people
189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? well...
190. What do you think of Farmakon?I don't know

191-199. Well wouldn't you like to know? :p

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? what questions? ;)
201. Want more sex related questions? doesn't matter, I won't answer them anyway :p
1.What is your full name?
Claudia Luciana Elena. My last name is not your business.

2.How old are you? :heh: (don´t cheat, ladies!!)

3.Favourite color?
Emerald Green

4.Favourite food and drink?
Probably shrimps and any Grand Cru french white.

5.Favourite movie?

6.Favourite tv-serie?
I hate TV.

7.Favourite cartoon character?

8.Favourite game?
Quest for Glory IV.

9.The sickest thing you know?
Some relatives of mine.

10.What is the thing you like doing best? OR
10.Is sex the best thing in the world?
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye :lol: )

Sex is cool, but the thing i like doing best is making plans.

11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you?

I'm not answering this.

12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you?

Probably "What would you think to have me all to yourself?" (by an ex boyfriend). It was a lie, but still a nice phrase.

13.The best gig you´ve ever been to?

Bad Religion in Milan, 1994.

14.What foreign countries you have visited to?

France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, UK, Ireland, Greece, USA, Guadeloupe, Estonia. I think.

15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday?

Argentina, Brazil, Russia.

16.The best coutry in the world?

Italy. Duh.

17.Coffee or tea?


18.Milk or water?


19.The ugliest thing you own?

Some couches I inherited from the previous owner of my flat.

20.The best word in the whole wide world?


21.What is your job?


22.What would you WANNA do for living?

Secret Agent.