a thorough survey

251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen? *smells a good fight*
Women, definitely. Except me, of course.

252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? I am one of them, so please, tell me why!!!!!!
Because we all take secret pleasure from death and mayhem, some of us less secret than others. It's the way we're designed, I suppose, so that if it comes to bloodshed, we're not standing there saying "now, put that severed head down and let's just talk about this..." - we say either "DIIIIEEEE!!" or "RUN AWAY!!!"

253. How long do you wanna live?
Until I die. I don't care about age, I want to measure my life by things that have happened to me/been done by me.

254. NOW expecting something cool to happen?
I graduate from Uni this year \m/

255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass?
Probably a bit less wanking...

256. What country makes the best movies?
America, unfortunately. They make a wide range, from complete shite to excellent.

257. How often do you eat candy?
Whenever I can get it. My teeth are so sweet my dentist puts them in his coffee.

258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day?
I don't feel sick...do you feel sick if you eat a chocolate bar in one sitting? :err:

259. Best day in a week?
Sunday. No work, no lectures, just a massive, horribly unhealthy meal and an afternoon of whatever I want to do.

260. Best time of the day?
Whenever I'm not at work or in lectures.

261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon?
Freddy Fartpants?

262. How was your puberty? Was it as hard as it always is been descrived?
My puberty wasn't all that bad. Being the asshole misanthrope that I was, I didn't feel peer pressure quite so strongly, and was able to devote more time to the best parts of pubery - wanking and bad poetry :rock:

263. How old are your pillows?
Why the hell would you ask that? :err:

264. Do you have a dishwasher?

265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel?

266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be?
Uneducated scumbags who spent their schooldays skiving off to play football and steal cars, and are now unemployed and breeding like rabbits, hastening the doom of humanity.

267. Do you like garlic?
Love it.

268. Racism?

269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? (what do you mean I have experience on this one?? )

270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim?
Either unless I'm reading.
271. Do you prefer English English or American English (or another kind of English)??
English English??? Do you mean Cornish, Liverpudlian, Black Country, Estuary, Welsh, Glaswegian, Edinburgh, Manc, Geordie...actually, it doesn't matter, they're all better than American :grin:

272. Your opinion on beanies? (I mean those hats that have something written on the front)
They look stupid.

273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about?
Latin, Italian, English, French, German, basic Cornish, and the Quenya guide in the back of The Silmarillion.

274. Do you like to have responsibility?
For myself, I do. I can't say I've ever been responsible for many other people.

275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her?
Happy and angry, I think. I'm a competitive person. Part of me will always hate it.

276. What would be the best place to go on a first date?
Her favourite place. If that's a nightclub, we won't be dating in the first place.

277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it? ( if you´re not quite getting this, I mean my ass and lower back tingle in situations like these)
I'm not easily disgusted. Even Tubgirl only gave me a slight grimace.

278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word?
Two, apparently.

279. What have you tried once and never will again?
Anal masturbation. It enhanced the orgasm, but it just made my arse too sore.

280. Who do you pity?
Ultra-realists who can't appreciate fantasy or religion even as fiction.
281. If you had a time machine, would you go forwards or backwards??
Backwards. i have things I want to see, and I just can't get the hang of "reading the akashic records".

282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble?
If you're paying, sure.

283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it?
Invest half of it so I'll stay rich. Pay off all my debts, buy a house and deck it out with as much weird interior decoration as I can. I always wanted to have a Goffick skull throne in the living room, for example, and I want a music room done out like a Satanic temple. I want the kind of house that you can't re-sell even if you try! :grin:

284. Do your friends already have a family with children?
Not as far as I know, except for one little accident...

285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind?
Nightkind, I suppose. I mean, it's 2:03 and I'm doing this...

286. Do vampires facinate you?
Not any more. Count Duckula ruined all that stuff for me. Now I just find them cheesy and boring.

287. Jason or Freddy?
Freddy. Jason was just some big galoot in a hockey mask. Freddy had va-va-voom!

288. Is eating everything else but real food (I´m talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder?
Yes, it's called "Lardarse-itis".

289. Your favourite story? (bed time and blaa)
I can't remember ever being read to in bed, but I do remember loving to read the Redwall books in bed when I was younger.

290. Women with bandshirts?

291. Wanna tell us all a joke?
It's two o' clock in the morning and I'm sober. I'm not feeling very funny.

292. Do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness?
Not friends. My brother is mildly autistic.

293. Would you rather work in social services ( conserning children) or in old folks home?
Social services. With kids, you're making the world a better place. With old folks, you're just helping a few people mark time until they die.

294. Ever been in a fight? ("real" fight, with fists)
Only a few times. I won them all.

295. Ever been in court?
I went to a judge's chambers with my mother to get my adoption sorted out, but apart from that, no.

296. What would be your worst nightmare in life?
Being a vegetable.

297. How old would you want to be now? (real age is not accepted)

298. How long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going?
Until we can't think of anything else to ask?

299. More about cursing...do you curse often???
All the fucking time. Just recently, I accidentally called a customer a "fucking cunt" at work. Fortunately, I don't think she heard me.

300. Now who´s a vegetarian in here?
Not me. Like Chris Rock, "At a certain level of hungry, I want something dead on my plate".
301. Is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence?
I can do with either.

302. What is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night?
Do you want the most obvious answer?

303. What makes you feel you´re important? (Rusty.. I´m warning you.. )
Without me, I wouldn't even be here.

304. You have a kid now. Do you teach him/her religion and what kind?
I've often thought about this. On the one hand, I don't want to indoctrinate my kid with something they can't understand yet, but on the other, I don't want to leave them open to teenage fanaticism if they suddenly "discover" religion. I also don't want to raise them as devout atheists. My idea at the moment is to read them the Bible, Quran, Norse myths and stuff like they were bedtime stories.

305. Do you often have dé ja vú´s?? (however the spelling goes)

306. How do they make you feel?
Like I've been there before...? (What were you expecting?)

307. Porn?
It has its uses.

308. Farting?
Perfectly acceptable.

309. Hannibal Lecter?
One of the best film villains ever, made all the better by his apparent lack of motive...which was fucked up in the book "Hannibal" when they explained his "troubled childhood". Bastards.

310. Do you have better sight or hearing?

311. Testing with animals?
Go for it. Not a big deal either way.

312. Like musicals?
Some of them. Mary Poppins and Willy Wonka are cool.

313. How many books you have? (yes, go and count them!!!! )
Many (it's difficult to count mine...they aren't very well ordered at the moment).

314. How often you change your underwear?
Every couple of days usually.

315. Was Freud a genious?
No. You've got to give him credit for starting up psychoanalysis, but you've got to take a lot of it back for the fact that he was wrong about so many things.

316. Paperbags or plastic ones?

317. Is it better to be the boss or the employee?
The boss.

318. What is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest?
An hour before home-time.

319. Have you been bullied?

320. Ink or pencil?
321. Do you watch reality-shows on TV?

322. Tell us why/why not?
They're boring.

323. Would you ever go and participate in one? What kind?

324. Do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show?
Probably. if you can find him in a nightclub, you can find him on TV.

325. I personally have never seen any good-looking men in dating shows. But have you guys seen any interesting persons (both, male and fe) in those?

326. Who do you like the most: 1) Monet 2) Picasso 3) Dali?
Dali. Picasso and Monet are not aesthetically pleasing to me.

327. Which would you want rather be: 1) a paintor 2) a sculptor 3) an art-model
A sculptor. Modelling is a bad deal; yes, you're immortalised forever, but nobody ever remembers who you actually were.

328. Do you like museums?

329. Skinny-dipping?
Never tried it, to be honest.

330. Are aliens for real?

331. Do you blush easily?

332. Who was your first crush?
My English teacher.

333. Alice Cooper?
Good music, good image, good bloke.

334. Do you watch the Osbournes? Like it?
I'm bored of it now. I liked it at the time.

335. Your biggest disappointment? (not quite sure if this has already been up)
Can't remember.

336. Is it waste of time to *peep* the curse-words in MTV and wherever?
Yes, but the Vox Populi must be pandered to.

337. Hitler?
Interesting guy.

338. Which is more romantic to eat with that special one: Grapes or chocolate?

339. How many of your grandparents are still alive?
Three grandmothers and two grandfathers.

340. Do you like sitting on the floor?
Yes, I often do, especially if I'm reading.
341. If you have trouble sleeping, what helps?
Watching a video through headphones. Having some background noise to focus on helps the mind let go of what it's worrying about.

342. Sex and the city- tv show?
Don't watch it.

343. You have a fight with someone. What is your way of doing it?
A swift kick in the balls, and take it from there.

344. Lollipops or gum?

345. X-box or Playstation?

346. Do you read the morningpaper?
Occasinally, if there's something interesting on the front page.

347. Do you often get confused ´cause you don´t remeber what things you have told and to whom you have told them?

348. Do you easily pass judgement?
Oh yes. I tend to have an opinion on everyone and everything that crosses my path, though fortunately they're flexible.

349. Longsleeve or shortsleeve?
Depends on the weather.

350. How many meals you eat during the day?
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, various snacks.

351. How many funerals have you been to?
A few.

352. How many weddings have you been to?
None, I don't think.

353. Have you ever been engaged?

354. Do you know what "rti" is short for in internet-speak??

355. Have you ever seen anyone using it in a convo with you??
356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)?

"Why make a principle out of what you yourself are and must be?" - Nietzsche

357. does god exist?
A god or gods possibly exist in some form, and that's all you're getting out of me.

358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)?

359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why?
No, because in order for that to happen, every parent would have to be living in the same conditions, and for THAT to happen, we'd need to be living in some kind of stifling anarcho/communist hell.

360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust?
I've written to my MP in the past. Got an actual (not mass-produced) reply from the Duchess of Something-Or-Other, as well.

361. how many people do you think really understand you?
None, but I'm not miserable about it.

362. treble or bass?

363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing?
No. i hate losing.

364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be?
My father, mother, stepfather, brother and best friend.

365. best record you've bought so far this year?
Probably the Haemoth/Ad Noctem split.

366. do you like pineapples?
Love them.

367: Are you good at helping other people who have problems??

368: Are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency??
Yes. I'm always very calm.
well at least there was a purpose to it and they weren't short. he did catch up with this thread, and since i've been pissing everybody off with it for days, i can't really complain now. :p
241. don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages?

yeah. happens every day.


242. don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where ie is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages??

no. i enjoy those moments quite much.


243. whereabouts do you live?

in one of the biggest towns in italy.


244. is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?

overall is pretty nice.


245. do you live in a house or a flat/apartment?



246. how many floors/storeys does it have?



247. how many rooms?



248. do you have any sort of garden/yard or even a flower box on a window sill?

a couple of dying plants on the balconies.


249. how much do you like living there?

it's nice. i dream of moving to england though.


250. who lives there with you (including pets)?

mother, father and cat.


251. men or women, ladies and gentlemen?



252. why is it that people enjoy so much watching murders and stuff on tv?

because we think we're better than the murdered. which is, most of the times, not true.


253. how long do you wanna live?

until death. :Smug:


254. now expecting something cool to happen?

i'm waiting for the world to collapse.


255. what would happen to you if you were made to live in a house were all walls are made of glass?

i'd listen to dream theater's "the glass prison" continuously, with a smug look and an insane grin on my face.


256. what country makes the best movies?

ireland, according to my russian teacher. :loco:


257. how often do you eat candy?

hardly ever.


258. do you eat it slowly, saving it for later, or just shove it all in your mouth and feel sick the rest of the day?



259. best day of the week?



260. best time of the day?

early morning.


261. what is the name of the new drummer in farmakon?

ringo starr?


262. how was your puberty? was it as hard as it's always described?

don't know. probably not.


263. how old are your pillows?

a couple of years.


264. do you have a dishwasher?



265. my cat is being castrated on friday. am i cruel?



266. if you could make one thing disappear from the world, what would it be?



267. do you like garlic?



268. racism?

an example of how human beings can be stupid.


269. do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fucking time you come out of the shower?



270. do you like to be in a room with bright lights or when it's dim?

dim. i don't like artificial light.


271. do you prefer english english or american english (or another kind of english?)

british english.


272. your opinion on beanies?

i won't let you know. ha!


273. how many dictionaries do you have and what language are they about?

english-italian-english, french-italian-french, russian-italian-russian, latin-italian-latin.


274. do you like to have responsibilities?

usually not.


275. you and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. your friend gets it. are you able to be happy for him/her?

yes, i think so.


276. what would be the best place to go on a first date?

an active volcano?


277. you are thinking/watching something disgusting. where do you feel it?



278. how old were you when you spoke your first swearword?

don't know. possibly twelve or something like that.


279. what have you tried once and never will again?

eating paper.


280. who do you pity?

no one in general.


281. if you had a time machine, would you go forwards or backwards?



282. wanna go to las vegas and gamble?

why not?


283. you win... let's say about 1 million of however your money is called. what do you with it?

i buy a house, a car, a new computer, the best internet connection i can have, some hundreds of cds and dvd, some presents and i realise i have no more money.


284. do your friends already have a family with children?



285. are you a morningperson or a nightkind?



286. do vampires fascinate you?

not really.


287. jason or freddy?



288. is eating anything else but real food (i'm talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder?

no. as long as you don't eat always junk food.


289. your favourite story?

don't know. cinderella is the first coming to my mind.


290. women with bandshirts?

yeah. whatever.


291. wanna tell us all a joke?

no. i'm so mean.


292. do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness?



293. would you rather work in social service (concerning children) or in a home for old people?

old people.


294. ever been in a fight (real fight, with fists)?



295. ever been in court?



296. what would be your worst nightmare in life?

don't know. don't wanna think about it.


297. how old would you want to be now?



298. how long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going?

500 questions would be enough. i hope.


299. do you curse often?

when i'm alone, yes.


300. who's a vegetarian here?

not me.


301. is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence?

complete silence. i can tolerate instrumental music.


302. what is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night?

light red shapes.


303. what makes you feel you're important?

i'm not important.


304. you have a kid now. do you teach him/her religion and what kind?

i let him/her choose freely what to do.


305. do you often have déjà-vu's?

quite often, yes.


306. how do they make you feel?



307. porn?

boring after a while.


308. farting?

if i'm completely alone.


309. hannibal lecter?

awesome character in "the silence of the lambs". a bit of a delusion in "hannibal", both the book and the movie.


310. do you have better sight or hearing?

both perfect, as far as i know.


311. testing with animals?

only if it really helps the human kind and there's no other option.


312. do you like musicals?

i don't have a vast knowledge of musicals.


313. how many books do you have?

there are 2648 books in my house. almost all of them belong to my father.


314. how often do you change your underwear?

every day.


315. was freud a genius?

sort of. he's a bit overrated in my opinion.


316. paper bags, or plastic ones?

paper, i suppose.


317. is it better to be the boss or the employee?

the boss of course.


318. what is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest?

5-7 pm.


319. have you been bullied?

sometimes yes, back in the elementary school.


320. ink or pencil?



321. do you watch reality shows on tv?



322. tell us why/why not

there's no point in watching them.


323. would you ever go and participate in one? what kind?



324. do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show?

well, yeah, but it's very unlikely.


325. have you guys seen any interesting person (either male or female) in dating shows?

don't know, i've never watched them.


326. who do you like the most: 1) monet; 2) picasso; 3) dalì



327. which one would you rather be: 1) a painter; 2) a sculptor; 3) an art model

a sculptor.


328. do you like museums?

generally yes.


329. skinny-dipping?

no, thanks.


330. are aliens for real?

not on this planet.


331. do you blush easily?

i'm afraid yes.


332. who was your first crush?

a girl in the elementary school. i never told her anything about it.


333. alice cooper?

a fine artist.


334. do you watch the osbournes? like it?

i watched it a couple of times. it's pathetic. dubbed in italian is even worse.


335. your biggest disappointment?

finding out that people who i thought of as friends, were not.


336. is it a waste of time to beep the swearwords on mtv or elsewhere?



337. hitler?

he killed many people.


338. which one is more romantic to eat with that special someone, grapes or chocolate?



339. how many of your grandparents are still alive?



340. do you like sitting on the floor?



341. if you have trouble sleeping, what helps?



342. "sex and the city" tv-show?



343. you have a fight with someone. what is your way of doing it?

i annoy my enemy (!) in every possible way.


344. lollipops or gum?



345. x-box or playstation?



346. do you read the morning newspaper?

no. i watch the news on tv and read them on the internet. only in the weekends i read newspapers.


347. do you often get confused because you don't remember what things you have told and to whom?

not really. i manage to keep track of the informations i give quite well.


348. do you easily pass judgement?

don't know.


349. longsleeve or shortsleeve?



350. how many meals do you eat during the day?

usually two. rarely one.


351. how many funerals have you been to?



352. how many weddings have you been to?



353. have you ever been engaged?



354. do you know what "rti" is short for in internet-speak?

"rape the imagination", possibly.


355. have you ever seen anyone using it in a convo with you?

luckily not.


356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)?

there are many. this is the first that comes into my mind:

"and i know we're not children anymore
innocence lost in a sea of gray
but i often wonder what else could be
and i still dream of running away"

(fates warning - a pleasant shade of gray)


357. does god exist?

no. for the same reason that elves, goblins, hydras and dragons don't exist.


358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)?



359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why?

yes, because when we're born we're all the same. it's just utopia, unfortunately.


360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust?

not very actively, i suppose. i'd try to do all i can.


361. how many people do you think really understand you?

might be one.


362. treble or bass?



363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing?

it depends on the consolation prize.


364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be?

only the girl i love. being the last man on earth would possibly increase my chances with her.


365. best record you've bought so far this year?

"unweaving the rainbow", by frameshift. i haven't properly bought it though. :rolleyes:


366. do you like pineapples?

not at all. but i admit the juice is nice.


367. are you good at helping other people who have problems?

don't know. i try to do my best.


368. are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency?

i don't think so.

lumitalvi said:
411. Are golf and tennis sports for rich-assses?
412. Did you play with dolls when you were little?
413. When Barbie and Ken broke up, were you upset ?
414. Do you watch MTV?
415. Would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor?
416. Do you rather call than write text messages?
417. Does sun give you energy?
418. If someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too?
419. Gays? ( )
420. Do you have friends at your workplace?
421. Who cuts your hair?
422. How many shoes you have?
423. Do you sing while showering?
424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country?
425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer?
426. Have you rode (ride, rode, ridden?? :o ) a horse?
427. What time do you wake up?
428. Do typos irritate you?
429. From what does the best sallad you´ve had consist of?
430. Society?
387. would you have preferred to live in the '70s or the '60s?

'70s. chances are i would have been killed by local terrorists instead of being recruited by a bunch of hippies. so much better


388. gold or silver?

silver. at least it's useful if werewolves are around


389. you want to change your name. what is it now?



390. what are you in horoscopes?

if you mean my sign, i'm a taurus. they say i should be stubborn and calm and down to earth, but they don't know shit


391. lots of spices in food or not?

depends on the food. i can stand spicey pretty well, so on average, yes


392. yesterday...

doesn't exist anymore


393. today...

can only be perceived as either time past or time future


394. tomorrow...

doesn't exist yet


395. summer is...

a useless hot season


396. raining will...

be more than welcome


397. i fear...

to be wasted away


398. don't...



399. i laughed my ass off when...

i read about profanity's fate


400. the worst...

is yet to come


401. have you ever had the same dream more than once?

yes. back when i still remembered my dreams i recall dreaming often of getting on a bus headed in the wrong direction and not being able to get off. that's how happy i was in my hey-days too


402. ever visited a fortune teller?



403. were you born under a lucky star?

my star is only lucky it doesn't know me


404. ever participated to a demonstration?



405. what would you demonstrate against if you had to?



406. are you good at finding things that are missing?

not exceptionally good. just normal


407. wanna be a president or a king?

king. kings get to wear funnier outfits


408. your idol?

i have none


409. do you often "what if-" yourself?

yes. but... what if i didn't? :p


410. how many hours you sleep during the night?

counting my sleeping hours of a week and dividing them by seven, i get an average of 40 minutes.


411. are golf and tennis sports for rich-asses?

yes they are. still, i like them both


412. did you play with dolls when you were little?

no, i've never really liked toys in general


413. when barbie and ken broke up, were you upset?

on the contrary, it was about time they ended their passionless relationship


414. do you watch mtv?

not unless it's strictly necessary


415. would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor?

if i had to choose, i'd be a lawyer, but i'm not crazy for either profession


416. do you rather call than write text messages?

i never call, i always choose text messages because they're less intrusive and people can reply in their own time. of course this means 9 times out of 10 they won't reply at all :lol:


417. does the sun give you energy?

no, it gives me headaches


418. if someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too?

i'm completely careless when it comes to my health, meaning i never worry at all, so this kind of news leaves me totally unfazed


419. gays?

just like everybody else, for better or worse


420. do you have friends at your workplace?

not really. one cool coworker, and i get along well with my boss, but that's about it


421. who cuts your hair?

my hairdresser. he's nice. not that it takes much to cut my hair, i could probably do it myself but for the price, i can't be arsed to


422. how many shoes you have?

uh... i'm sure it's an even number


423. do you sing while showering?



424. do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in you country?

depends how huge. usually i don't, but i suppose if it were something, say, as big as 9-11, i would probably be quite astonished


425. how many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer?

around 15 during workdays, about 10 in the week-end


426. did you ever ride a horse?



427. what time do you wake up?

6.30am, monday


428. do typos irritate you?

they're more amusing than anything


429. what did the best salad you've ever had consist of?

no idea. something with tuna, for sure


430. society?

complicated and inevitable fractal-like structure

411. Are golf and tennis sports for rich-assses?
No, they're for wannabe or slumming rich-asses. The real upper crust play polo or Eton Fives.

412. Did you play with dolls when you were little?
I played with ACTION FIGURES!

413. When Barbie and Ken broke up, were you upset ?

414. Do you watch MTV?
I watch MTV2 sometimes.

415. Would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor?
Yes. I wouldn't mind doing either, but I'm not interested enough to go through all that expense and single-minded education.

416. Do you rather call than write text messages?
I rarely phone anyone anymore.

417. Does sun give you energy?
Until it gives me hay fever, sunburn or a squint headache, yes.

418. If someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too?
It sometimes happens.

419. Gays? ( )
***Syntax error: ambiguous query***

420. Do you have friends at your workplace?

421. Who cuts your hair?
I do, very occasionally.

422. How many shoes you have?
Six. Three for each foot.

423. Do you sing while showering?

424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country?

425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer?
Most of the day. I use the computer for uni work, and I also record music onto it, write on it, play games on it, listen to music on it...

426. Have you rode (ride, rode, ridden?? ) a horse?
Ridden - and no.

427. What time do you wake up?
Between 7:30 and 11.

428. Do typos irritate you?
Etxremely. I htae them.

429. From what does the best sallad you´ve had consist of?
I can't say any particular salad has ever stuck in my mind.

430. Society?
Great for pretentious dumbasses to whine about, but not actually a very useful concept. "Society" is an abstract superclass. If you ever see anyone complaining about "society's" evils, then ask him what he means by it. If he can't give you a good, coherent answer, then lock him in a small room without access to books and music by airhead pseudo-intellectual philosophasters until he's very very very sorry.
281. if you had a time machine, would you go forwards or backwards?



282. wanna go to las vegas and gamble?

not really.


283. you win... let's say about 1 million of however your money is called. what do you with it?

I´d get an apartment and a completely insane amount of cd´s.


284. do your friends already have a family with children?

no, none of my close friends.


285. are you a morningperson or a nightkind?



286. do vampires fascinate you?

they can make a good theme for a movie or so but fascinate... no.


287. jason or freddy?



288. is eating anything else but real food (i'm talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder?

uhm... no?


289. your favourite story?

what counts as a story? but well, lord of the rings, it is.


290. women with bandshirts?

god forbid, and you should also join the Do Not Allow Women To Wear Bandshirts Association.
come on, who makes up these questions?


291. wanna tell us all a joke?



292. do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness?

now I should probably say something witty about imaginary friends.


293. would you rather work in social service (concerning children) or in a home for old people?

can I please choose the electric chair instead?


294. ever been in a fight (real fight, with fists)?



295. ever been in court?



296. what would be your worst nightmare in life?

to achieve complete happiness and then lose it.


297. how old would you want to be now?

twenty is kind of ok, so I´m pleased the way it is.


298. how long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going?

as long as the wheel of time keeps spinning.


299. do you curse often?

"often"? it happens...


300. who's a vegetarian here?

not me.


301. is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence?

silence. sometimes music.


302. what is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night?

nothing special.


303. what makes you feel you're important?

can´t see why I would feel important.


304. you have a kid now. do you teach him/her religion and what kind?

I don´t. trust me.
but no.


305. do you often have déjà-vu's?

no, can´t say I do.


306. how do they make you feel?



307. porn?

what´s a lonely boy to do...?


308. farting?

I haven´t pondered too much about it.


309. hannibal lecter?

the silence of the lambs is a good movie for sure. haven´t seen/read anything more with him...


310. do you have better sight or hearing?

sight, I think.


311. testing with animals?

no. only when it´s for medicine or similar.


312. do you like musicals?

don´t know, haven´t seen too many. but it´s not my thing, really.


313. how many books do you have?

a little over a hundred, maybe?


314. how often do you change your underwear?



315. was freud a genius?

don´t know.


316. paper bags, or plastic ones?

uhm... plastic.


317. is it better to be the boss or the employee?

I´m fine with being an employee.


318. what is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest?

it differs. sometimes the hours before falling asleep, sometimes at work and sometimes when you look forward to something and have time to kill.


319. have you been bullied?

kind of. but not "seriously", and I´ve always had friends so I never cared very much.


320. ink or pencil?



321. do you watch reality shows on tv?

no, with very few exceptions.


322. tell us why/why not

first I´d like someone to tell me why I should


323. would you ever go and participate in one? what kind?

I wouldn´t. I shun exposure.


324. do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show?

there´s always a possibility. you could find your true love walking around in a desert as well.


325. have you guys seen any interesting person (either male or female) in dating shows?

I don´t watch them. and the times I´ve had the answer is no no no.


326. who do you like the most: 1) monet; 2) picasso; 3) dalì

don´t know. I´m too stupid to appreciate art.


327. which one would you rather be: 1) a painter; 2) a sculptor; 3) an art model

I´d love to be able to paint...


328. do you like museums?

sure, but I seldomly visit any.


329. skinny-dipping?



330. are aliens for real?

define alien. I don´t really believe in small green men with laser guns, no.


331. do you blush easily?

way too easy. :o


332. who was your first crush?

I don´t know what you could call a crush...


333. alice cooper?

no favourite of mine, but sure...


334. do you watch the osbournes? like it?

I´ve seen some episodes, and sometimes it´s good for a laugh. nothing more.


335. your biggest disappointment?

cliché-ish, but: myself.


336. is it a waste of time to beep the swearwords on mtv or elsewhere?

very much so. is there anyone who thinks it makes a difference?


337. hitler?

I´m not a fan.


338. which one is more romantic to eat with that special someone, grapes or chocolate?



339. how many of your grandparents are still alive?



340. do you like sitting on the floor?



341. if you have trouble sleeping, what helps?

not sure yet, but reading or UM-lurking works.


342. "sex and the city" tv-show?

don´t trust the hype.


343. you have a fight with someone. what is your way of doing it?

that´s entirely depending on why and with who.


344. lollipops or gum?

no thank you.


345. x-box or playstation?

I´m not very into video games but any of them is ok to me.


346. do you read the morning newspaper?

sometimes. but not in the morning.


347. do you often get confused because you don't remember what things you have told and to whom?



348. do you easily pass judgement?

no, I try to avoid judging. I rather try to figure out why.


349. longsleeve or shortsleeve?

shortsleeve. but longsleeve is ok as well.


350. how many meals do you eat during the day?

two "real" meals.


351. how many funerals have you been to?



352. how many weddings have you been to?



353. have you ever been engaged?



354. do you know what "rti" is short for in internet-speak?

rahvin the idiot? :grin:


355. have you ever seen anyone using it in a convo with you?



356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)?

I really can´t answer that. there´s too much.


357. does god exist?

I´m not saying I´m sure, but I don´t think so.


358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)?

the one in wazoo´s sig. it´s lovely. :)


359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why?

should? well, in the best of worlds... but it´s not gonna happen.


360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust?

there are unjust laws and obviously I´m not doing shit about it. but if it´s something extreme then yes.


361. how many people do you think really understand you?

I don´t, so I couldn´t possibly expect it of someone else.


362. treble or bass?



363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing?

in what situation?


364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be?

I can´t choose hypothetically.


365. best record you've bought so far this year?

I´ve got some albums I really like, but no obvious choice for this question.


366. do you like pineapples?

yeah, it´s really good.


367. are you good at helping other people who have problems?

I try to, but I´m afraid not.


368. are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency?

again; I try to, but I´m afraid not.

387. would you have preferred to live in the '70s or the '60s?

'70s. make war, not love.


388. gold or silver?

gold. i love gold.


389. you want to change your name. what is it now?



390. what are you in horoscopes?

what rahve said.


391. lots of spices in food or not?

yeah, love 'em.


392. yesterday...

was the definition of bittersweet.


393. today...

is the day that i try to gain some equilibrium back.


394. tomorrow...

i'll lose it.


395. summer is...

teh wonderful. i'm a tropical kind of person.


396. raining will...

reduce my patio to a dirty swimming pool for midgets. i hate when that happens.


397. i fear...

heather love.


398. don't...

ever fall.


399. i laughed my ass off when...

my friend livio confused the italian word for self-respect with masturbation.


400. the worst...

isn't there.


401. have you ever had the same dream more than once?

when i was a kid, yes.

402. ever visited a fortune teller?



403. were you born under a lucky star?

ha. ha. ha.


404. ever participated to a demonstration?

don't think so.


405. what would you demonstrate against if you had to?



406. are you good at finding things that are missing?

i have to. i lose stuff all the time.


407. wanna be a president or a king?



408. your idol?

jesus, although idol is a bit blasphemous


409. do you often "what if-" yourself?

all the fucking time.


410. how many hours you sleep during the night?

if i can, 9 to 10 hours. normally i can't, so it's 6.


411. are golf and tennis sports for rich-asses?

not really.


412. did you play with dolls when you were little?

no. i loved miniature cars and outdoor sports.


413. when barbie and ken broke up, were you upset?

they hadn't any genitalia anyway, so the whole thing was pointless.


414. do you watch mtv?

don't have a working tv.


415. would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor?



416. do you rather call than write text messages?

depends. if i really want to call, i normally end up texting.


417. does the sun give you energy?

yeah. i'm sun-dependent.


418. if someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too?

well, if it's a flu, i don't think i have it: i simply get it.


419. gays?



420. do you have friends at your workplace?

yeah, two good ones (a boy and a girl)


421. who cuts your hair?

depends. myself, sometimes. a pro, sometimes. i want to shave my head.


422. how many shoes you have?

4 pairs at the moment


423. do you sing while showering?



424. do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in you country?

sometimes i do. normally it's the reactions that shock me. i'm way too realpolitik-oriented to be surprised by political accidents. if it's nonpolitical, i am often chagrined, but not shocked.

425. how many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer?



426. did you ever ride a horse?



427. what time do you wake up?

too late for work.


428. do typos irritate you?

they're fun.


429. what did the best salad you've ever had consist of?

eggs-related, but i don't remember that well.


430. society?

369. are you right- or left-handed?



370. where does your lack of sleep show?

headache, vulnerability and no appetite. in bad cases something close to panic.


371. i am...

..., therefore I exist. :err:


372. today i'm going to...

...write some reviews. and later probably see what my friends are up to for the evening.


373. i hate...

...losing control.


374. i love...



375. i have...

...too much of a hopeless romanticist lurking in my mind.


376. in 10 years i will...

...look back and wonder how I could be so pathetic ten years ago.


377. i was sad when...

...I blew an opportunity that was more or less thrown in my face.


378. i wanted to vanish when...

how is more interesting than when.


379. i often...

...wonder why.


380. i will never...

let them win.


381. sex on the beach under the sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars?

number two. but pretty much anywhere and anytime is fine with me.


382. when was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for?

long time ago. probably the dentist some time last year.


383. what's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like?



384. what did your most recent meal consist of?

a cookie. if that´s "a meal". otherwise yesterday´s dinner; pizza.


385. do you wear earplugs at concerts?



386. most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read?

it´s been quite some time since I bought any. there are some music magazines I´ll pick up when I get the opportunity.


387. would you have preferred to live in the '70s or the '60s?

70s I guess...


388. gold or silver?

whatever.. I care more for how it looks in itself.


389. you want to change your name. what is it now?

now this is a strange question.


390. what are you in horoscopes?

libra. which, except for "sociable and charming" and all that kind of things I´m supposed to be, fits me as well as anything else, I guess.


391. lots of spices in food or not?

sure, bring it on. although I don´t know if "lots" is the same in sweden as in more southern countries...


392. yesterday...

...appears in fragmentary form.


393. today...

...won´t go to history as anything special.


394. tomorrow...

...is no friend of mine


395. summer is...

...best in the evenings.


396. raining will...

...make your local mailman soaking wet.


397. i fear...

...the worst.


398. don't...

...talk to strangers.


399. i laughed my ass off when...

don´t remember exactly last time, but it was on this forum.


400. the worst...

...is to be expected, I guess.


401. have you ever had the same dream more than once?

not very often, but I have "continued" dreams a couple of times.


402. ever visited a fortune teller?



403. were you born under a lucky star?

I can see no other explanation to that my life is so perfect.


404. ever participated to a demonstration?



405. what would you demonstrate against if you had to?



406. are you good at finding things that are missing?

hard to say. I have a clue where most things are even though I don´t know exactly, so missing is a bit of an exaggeration.


407. wanna be a president or a king?

the king in depeche mode´s enjoy the silence video.


408. your idol?

good question. I look up to people, but not in an idol kind of way.


409. do you often "what if-" yourself?

my life is based on "what if"´s :)


410. how many hours you sleep during the night?

it differs very much. generally a couple of hours on weekdays, more on weekends.


411. are golf and tennis sports for rich-asses?

golf yes, not tennis.


412. did you play with dolls when you were little?



413. when barbie and ken broke up, were you upset?

I didin´t know about it until know. :cry:


414. do you watch mtv?

very seldomly.


415. would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor?

I could never be a doctor and if you force me to be a lawyer because of that I´ll sue your ass off. ha, I won.


416. do you rather call than write text messages?

only to lose friends.
otherwise no no no. I´m... uhm... telephobic. at the other hand I don´t write very many text messages either.


417. does the sun give you energy?

for a short time it might. it surely makes working more nice.


418. if someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too?

why would I? if I´m sick I´ll probably notice that by me actually being sick, right? :err:


419. gays?

I don´t think it´s my problem.


420. do you have friends at your workplace?

sort of, I´ve been lucky when it comes to most of my co-workers.


421. who cuts your hair?

no one does. my sister used to cut the ends when needed, but I´ve stopped bothering about that.


422. how many shoes you have?

three pairs, maybe.


423. do you sing while showering?

very seldomly.


424. do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in you country?

not shocked. it´s saddening for sure, but that´s regardless of where it happens.


425. how many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer?

way too many.


426. did you ever ride a horse?

yepp. a long long time ago.


427. what time do you wake up?

work days, about 06-06.30
weekends, much later.


428. do typos irritate you?

only if they attack in large numbers.


429. what did the best salad you've ever had consist of?

pasta and... and... other stuff.


430. society?

is no better than the people it contains.

lumitalvi said:
431. Not a "real" question.. but would anyone of you HE-MAN- dudes like to sell those, if you still have them?
432. On which side do you usually go to sit in a bus?
433. When you buy something out of a store, do you take the first product on the row or do you reach back to have a product that is "less touched"?
434. Is it hard to swallow your pride?
435. Do you go in gigs only if there is a band you like or do you go to gigs just to entertain yourself whether there is a good band or not?
436. Do you often eat gum?
437. Does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you?
438. Do you buy second-hand stuff?
439. Enjoy walking around flea-markets?
440. Do you have a good memory, or do you need little paper- reminders around?
441. How long does it take to make you angry?
442. Are you satisfied in the way your hand writing looks?
443. Men who wear make-up?
444. Do you have your cd´s in alphabetical order?
445. How much cd´s do you own?
446. Are you always on time?
447. Is ballét beautiful?
448. Have you had any trouble with the police?
449. From how many different countries you have friends?
450. Is customer always right?
451. How many jobs have you had during your lifetime?
452. Is it embarrassing to buy sex-related stuff?

453. My friends...
454. My parents...
455. School...

456. ...is overrated.
457. ...kills me.
458. ...freaks me out.

459. 5 best things in the world?
460. Does your back hurt often?
461. Do you have good sense of directions?
462. Is it easier to say personal stuff in other language than your own?
463. What kind of people draw your attention while walking on the street?
464. You´re buying a car. What colour will it be?
465. What would make you even better?
466. Do you make friends easily?
467. If your partner was working in the sex business would you want him/her to stop?
468. The Monkeys or The Beatles?
431. would anyone of you "he-man" action figures owners be willing to sell them?

i can sell you magic : the gathering playing cards


432. on which side do you usually go to sit in a bus?

left, window


433. when you buy something in a store, do you take the first box on the shelf or do you reach back to get a product that has been touched less?

i sometimes do try to pick a box that doesn't look as it's been manipulated many times. it also depends on the product, mostly whether it's food or not


434. is it hard to swallow your pride?

next to impossible


435. do you go to shows only if a band you like is playing, or just to entertain yourself regardless of how you like the band?

only if a band i like is performing. i wouldn't mind going in other circumstances as well, in case a friend wants to go and asks me to come along


436. do you often eat gum?

i never do


437. does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you?

well, there was this one time i had to walk through town carrying a hippo on my back and... :rolleyes:
oh, ok: i think it would bother me to carry large objects anywhere, but it hasn't happened that often


438. do you buy second-hand stuff?



439. enjoy walking around flea-markets?

i don't like visiting any kind of market


440. do you have a good memory, or do you need little notes around?

i have quite a good memory when it comes to organization, being on time, doing chores. don't really need any help with that


441. how long does it take to make you angry?

i almost never lose my patience, so i would say it takes a lot to make me really angry. i know i tend to get resentful more easily, though


442. are you satisfied with the way your handwriting looks?

quite so, as it looks pretty neat even though i'm left-handed


443. men who wear make up?

i hope they have fun


444. do you keep your cd's in alphabetical order?



445. how many cd's do you own?

around 900 original records on cd


446. are you always on time?

definitely. sometimes even early


447. is ballét beautiful?

it's boring


448. have you ever had any trouble with the police?

not unless you consider trouble the few times they stopped me while i was working for surveillance and bitched about anything just because cops don't like p.i.'s


449. from how many different countries do you have friends?

as many as are represented on ultimatemetal


450. is a customer always right?

formally yes, it's a good policy. technically, a customer is often an annoying fuck


451. how many jobs have you had in your lifetime?



452. is it embarassing to buy sex-related equipment?

i suppose it is, what with showing around how you feel about something so intimate and all. i never did, though, so i cannot know for certain


453. my friends...

are few and far apart


454. my parents...

are an unlikely match


455. school...

's memories are starting to fade


456. ...is overrated



457. ...kills me



458. ...freaks me out

a moth


459. 5 best things in the world?

communication amongst human beings, dark tranquillity, writing, pizza, and affection


460. does your back hurt often?



461. do you have a good sense of direction?

close to perfect


462. is it easier to say personal stuff in languages other than your own?

absolutely, much easier


463. what kind of people draw your attention when walking in the streets?

the loudest: i start hating them with a passion


464. you're buying a car: what colour will it be?

either black or silver


465. what would make you even better?

a new life with more understanding


466. do you make friends easily?

in fact i think i do


467. if your partner was working in the sex industry, would you want him/her to stop?

i think i would. maybe i wouldn't want to break up if she doesn't, provided the relationship is good in every other aspect, but i'd certainly be mightly annoyed by her doing something involving relations i find intimate with a large number of people and for motives of the non-sentimental kind


468. the monkeys or the beatles?

the beatles
