A thought on my mind...


Oct 1, 2002
Louisiana, USA
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I was just thinking, and this thought came to my head:

Doesn't it suck that we are here just to die? :cry:

EDIT: Just pornolized this thread, and the topic turned into, "A deep throat on my mind" LOL
Well it all depends on what you believe in. I don't think life is the end of our journey. I believe there's something after it. A cycle of some sort.. wether it be life after death, or simply rebirth. I'm sure many here claim that people that hold onto such beliefs are weak, but I honestly don't care. I don't DEPEND on this belief to continue living. It's just something we don't HAVE a definitive answer to and never will, so to flat out deny that it's possible is pure ignorance. It's the same with God, wether he is a spiritual being or extra-terrestrials with a knack for genetics and cloning. :lol: I don't pray to any God or even fully believe in one existing, but I don't deny the possibility of one because let's face it folks we don't know it all even though some of us like to think we do. I guess I'm agnostic when it comes down to my beliefs.

I don't know where I'm going with this post. It's just unorganized rambling, but to sum it up I believe in the possibility.. that just MAYBE there might be something there for us after death. If there isn't, it won't matter because you'll be dead and won't be able to give a shit. Either way it's a win-win situation. ;)
yayo is right. Our entire existance, from a non-religious point of view, is to reproduce. Lets not turn this into a religion thread, but throwing religion into the factor makes the question more complex. But essentially, its sex.
Originally posted by Moshing Kosher
yayo is right. Our entire existance, from a non-religious point of view, is to reproduce. Lets not turn this into a religion thread, but throwing religion into the factor makes the question more complex. But essentially, its sex.

Actually, we're only here to make plastic. - George Carlin
(I am teh Eirik! You are teh Lose! Lose!

to quote the anitichrist, 'MANGO PANGO DOT EH TANGO! Now bugger off chap, before i rock your socks to te land of jocks, brock!)

Now how was THAT for a comeback! ;)