This thought appeared suddenly in my mind!!

First thoughts I have when waking up on weekdays are: "Rats! I was having a trippy dream..." and then later "*blah* off to school again". On weekends, I sleep enough to finish off the remnants of my dreams: I just wake up and think "I need to get my homework done" or "What will I do today?"

I have feelings of deja vu occasionally. I feel like I have done a specific thing before when I know I haven't. They are mostly things I have dreamed about before.

I won't discuss my dreams as some of them are violent and almost all are really weird. :)
Usually the first thought i have in the morning is: "Just a little more...." *cough* :rolleyes:
When I was 13 I had to get some minor surgery, they gave me alot of pain killers, I remeber I thought there was a box somewhere in my room and there was a wild party goin on in it, and I told my mom how the people in the box were so happy, and I want to go to the party also.

Ever lay there half asleep and your body jumps? Your body does that to wake you up, if everything in your body shuts down too fast you can go into a coma.
@Nick: You're talking about the thing that usually happens before you fall into sleep? I think the purpose of this is to make your muscles completely loose so that you can sleep.
Well I'm in social science and I had some courses of psychology. So I learned a lot of stuff about dreaming, sleeping and that déjà-vu thing. (liked it a lot)

Stop reading if you don't what a rational explanation about this. hehe.

You really don't have to get scared about déjà-vus: it has nothing to do with the spirits or a deity or whatever ;)

In fact, when you see something, for example, your neurons in your brain brings the 'data' from your eyes to both your memory and to the interpretation part of your brain, that actually makes you see what you are looking at. When you have a déjà-vu feeling, it is simply because your neurons went suddenly more quickly in your memory than the interpretation part, which makes you feel like you saw that before.

As for dreams, I like dreams a lot (dreams are sooo weird) but I don't remember them quite often... :cry:

I heard that dreams are either a way to ensure the peace of mind or (according to Freud) the 'royal path' to express our sexual instincts. :eek:

Hopes it's relevant.
To be more precise,Freud used the words "royal path" not with the expression of sexual insticts...he said that the dream is the royal path that leads to our inconscious (subconscious),to the studying of the inconscious...
Dream according to freud is also some sort/some way of expressing sexual insticts/desires...but it's not only about that..all kind of desires can be expressed in dreams...

~Mel~(who actually doesn't like the fact that people consider psychoanalysts to be some sort of sexual perverts ;) )
@QuoVadis: well that's good for normal deja vus may be....but what about the ones that have 2 years in distance since first dream and reality??? Even when you explained two friends about that dream, and suddenly you find in that dream come true, and you realize perfectly it was what you told???

as for scary things....when I was twelve (I was a sleepwalker by that time) I awoke in my pijamas ringing to a neighbors house...the strangest thing is that I woke up and kept ringing and it wasn't after a minute or so that I realize (because of the coldness) what the hell I was doing! Obviously I got really scared and went rapidly to my house, but of course I hadn't got the keys and my door was closed, so I started ringing my house and it was then when I started crying very very scared! never sleepwalked again!

fathervic (riiiiiiiiiiiiiing)
Yep, I must confess I was a dreamwalker as a child too. But that wasn't so scary for me, just the opposite, it was a proud. Maybe just 'cos I felt different being a dreamwalker, or maybe 'cos I felt a funny sensation while dreamwalking, I can't assure exactly why.

Anyway, I still remember myself trying to find my bedroom's door in a poster on the wall, trying to piss at the kitchen (and my mother trying to persuade me that way isn't exactly the right one), and talking alone while dreaming.

@All: If it wasn't clearly enough, you can post here your stupid thoughts too. You know, all these nasty thoughts men use to have in the morning, etc.

|ngenius (Now you all know why he's a dreamer) :D
Since this days first thought was a classic I´ll post it:

"who am I? Where am I? Ohhhh, noooooo, why did I drink so much, I will NEVER do that again! "
Something similar has happened to me twice...not waking up wanting to yell,but being half-sleepy half waky and feeling my whole body is frozen and couldn't move for a little while..I guess i had been sleeping in a weird position...these experiences scared the hell out of me
This happened to me at least twice...I was scared too, but nowadays I know why it happens. During the REM-phase of your sleep (this is when you dream), the brain is more active than during all other phases of sleep, even in those other phases, you often move while sleeping. But to prevent that your whole body moves during the REM sleep, the control of your muscles is blocked - you can't move them with your MIND. if you partly awake in this state, but the "blockade" still hasn't been removed, you're kinda trapped in your own body. I remember the last time this happened to me, it was about a year ago: I could hear and feel, but couldn't move, I couldn't even open my eyes! This is normally over after about 40 seconds though...
I saw a show about that once where you wake up in the middle of the night with Paralysis . That would scare the hell out of me and thank god I didnt have that happen to me before.

First Thought This Morning: Ah yes, my DT concert has finished downloading!!!!!! (it didnt, my friend cancelled it after I went to bed! :mad: :mad: )
Exactly, it is a mean to get to our inconscious. And, our incouscious drives back our sexual desires...

Yeah I know it's more complicated than what I explained.. one could also have speak about all the other theories of the states of consciousness...

Anyway, I don't think they are perverts. ;) I just think that most of Freud's theories was related to sexuality... and you can't deny that. :p

Don't get me wrong eh, he did a great job.
Yea interesting FatherVic... I don't know. maybe coincidence?

Or something you really wanted to happen and finally get...

I don't think there's anything supernatural in dreams... most of the time it's just your brain thinkin about some weird random things. :p
i reckon there's a vast amount of things in dreams that we just make up later, after we woke up. dreams - correct me if i'm wrong - are mostly images, stills about different situation. but as soon as we are awake, we apply to those images the same logic that we follow during the daytime and actually create connections that weren't there in the origin.
i don't believe in dreams foretelling the future either, and i think it all boils down to coincidence or hindsight adjusting of the dream foretelling to match what later on came to pass.

@all: help our good robot, post your silly morning thoughts! ;)

rahvin. (silly morning thought - smt - what if i've already run out of new interactive patterns with ppl?)
Since there are a lot people who get déjà vu's, I was wondering if any of you get jamais vu's? For instance, you're in a place where you have been hundrets of times before but it seems very strange, like you had never even been there. This happens to me every now and then.

First thought in this morning..."I don't want to go to that ¤#"#¤?!! Swedish test!!"
First thought (or so) this morning: DAMN THAT PHONE, WILL IT EVER STOP??? ;) :D :p