DT's Train of Thought ultimately kicked Opeth out of my mind

changso said:
:) I'm precisely at track 7, that mysterious track!!! Perdition City is pure genius, so is A Quick Fix to Melancholy, just wait for that one!
Be sure you get 'Themes From William Blake's The Marriage Of Heaven and Hell ' , if you don't have it (especially if you like Perdition City) .
I really dont like Dream Theater......they are so boring....and soft........hrhrhr........you are all going down.........some years in the future you will chart music again hrhrhrhr.......just a joke ;P But you are really poor bastards....
ZeDzEdZeD said:
I tried to listen more of this ToT and it's going only worse... I didn't like much 6doit but this is even worse... they have just lost it what they had once - talent (WTDADU and I&W are fantastic albums!).
difference between Opeth and DT is that Opeth gets only better and better with time, DT is getting worse with every album :( (ok, 'scenes froms the memory' was an exception IMO :) )

Portnoy lovers, yes he has skills and speed, big ego and everything... but his drumming sounds so awful and boring...
Petrucci lovers, he one of the fastest and 'best' guitar player, but he started repeating himself and he produces just less and less good and original riffs.
LaBrie lovers....mmmm... I really doubt that there is any :P
Myung lovers, as I understand he have not written any songs for DT lately... maybe he should...
As I am bass player myself, I have my own opinion about 6-string basses and Myung plaing style. He is again very fast, very very fast... but his bass sounds so blunt and he doesn't have groove like Geddy Lee (Rush) has with his 4-stringed Jazz Fender for example. He is usually pretty low in the mix too...
Rudess, pretty good in LTE but Moore suited better in DT
Portnoy, big ego, no, he is the guy who does all sorts of cool dtuff for the fans. Video,s fan club CD's. He is one of the best drummers around, if you can'taccept this fine, but boring and aweful, he certainly isn't.
JP playing fast and like a madman, what other DT has he done this on ?
LaBrie is okay, he found his range and is putting it to good use.
Myung low in the mix? Did you actually listen ? He is upfront in the mix more than any other DT release.
Judging by your comments you really don't have any idea what you on about.
i just bought the cd and im on song 3, so far it seems that all the songs are different in everyway, they sound different, i did catch the recycled glass prision riffs as well, its almost like a tribute cd to there favorite bands or something, but thats so far

i started to listen to DT about a yr ago. Metroplis Pt 1 got me hooked. that song is still one of my favs its so bad ass. i hear alot of older DT fans saying all that stuff about Moore and such. i like Ruddess's playing, though that could be the problem that he plays too much though.
Liquid Tension said:
Then.......Pain of Salvation and Opeth enter into my listening experiences and I was BLOWN AWAY with the emotional connection that I made with these bands
There is simply no need for Dream Theater when you've heard Pain of Salvation. They are so far ahead in song writing is not even funny. And if you would get the urge to listen to some instrumental masturbation, put on the new Planet X album, it does everything Dream Theater does but with a thing called feeling. However, Dream Theater do have their moments, but they are few and far between.
unknown said:
Pain of Salvation are so much more emotional

Remedy Lane just slays
YES ! Remedy Lane and The Perfect Element Pt. 1 are masterpieces. Pain of Salvation is an extremely emotionnal band, both from the music and the lyrics, and are very talented musicians also. I had a chance to speak a couple times with Kristoffer Gildenlow online, and he is a really cool guy also, taking time to be with the fans and all that...

POS is definitely my favourite Prog band out there. :cool:
POS are awesome, but I wouldn't think of them as a 'replacement' for DT... like once you have POS you don't need DT. That's stupid... they both bring different things to the table and I like each of them for different reasons. Same with TransAtlantic... people are always comparing them to DT, but I don't see why you have to choose ONE to like.

POS = emotion, emotion, emotion... Rope Ends is the most emotional and beautiful song I've ever heard
DT = "song that stays in your head for hours" quality, better heavy stuff, good mix of a lot of genres i like... love all their stuff, but Learning To Live and A Change of Seasons would be my favs
TA = simple, catchy, good fun, but still very technical... Stranger In Your Soul is my favourite song of all time

It's not like they're in competition with each other... and none of them are in competition with Opeth. I don't see how people can come to a conclusion like that.
Images and Words is on my top 5 list of all time favorite records. I'm getting ToT for christmas.
ZeDzEdZeD said:
I understand that young teenagers like masturbation and they haven't heard much other progressive music, so they choose a band what is most popular, they have raw and fast guitar/bass/drum, they don't care much about vocal parts, obviously they choose Dream Theater.

You sir, are making gross assumptions.
Sengir*Buendia said:
Which should be the best Pain of Salvation album to start for a DT fan?
I say Remedy Lane.

You'll probably get 4 different answers, and to say which one is best is certainly debatable, but that is the easiest to "get" what they are doing.

What is with this "replacing" crap? What do some of you listen to one band for a month straight then move on?

Train of Thought is sort of the crazy agressive out of control album that Metallica wanted to make with St. Anger. (but obviously failed) I love it for what it is, nothing more.

Why even bother comparing Opeth to Dream Theater to Pain of Salvation? They are all so very very different.

And to the guy who has only heard Dance of Eterity from DT- that song is hardly representative of DT's sound. Try getting the entire album that is from, Scenes From a Memory.
Sengir*Buendia said:
Which should be the best Pain of Salvation album to start for a DT fan?
Entropia and The Perfect Element are my favorites but like was stated earlier they have 4 real strong discs out.

When I introduced them into this tread I was just pointing out that I now have some other bands as my favorite and it's because the are different. As for replacing them I won't be since I still get some enjoyment listening to DT and I really like the last two songs of ToT so I'll be listening to them at times in the future.
DreamingofUr said:
They started out strong on I&W and Awake but then started to loose thier momentum when Moore left. Btw my fave. DT album is by far Falling into Infinity. Scenes was good but 6 degrees was better.
Your post hardly makes any sense at all. You say they started out strong with their second and third albums (completely missing the first album, When Dream and Day Unite) then go on to say that they started to lose their momentum after Moore left but then you declare Falling Into Infinity, the album that they made right after Moore left, as your favorite album. Somewhere in a later post that I don't feel like finding you said that DT died when Sherinian left. He only played on one frigging album! WTF?