DT's Train of Thought ultimately kicked Opeth out of my mind

Sengir*Buendia said:
I was also amazed by those morons' (thread-nazis was great!!!!) stupidity. My thread was obviously NOT ONLY about DT's ToT. Anyone able to READ should see that (I couldn't be more clear).

For who hasn't checked it yet: YES, IT IS AWESOME.

Opeth's forum has been really boring lately, and about the rumors on the new album, I'm definitely NOT excited about a new growling-based extreme album... Instead it should be based on melodies, harmonies and EMOTIONAL vocal work. A modern Morningrise should be really interesting (they should solo more often too...)
That description is the anthithesis of what I hope to be the next album ( who said recycling?)
DT was my fav band also once, then came Opeth... now DT sucks, and it sucks very badly, new ToT is not an exception... meaningless masturbation with 7 string guitar and 6 string bass and very bad vocals...
I red an interview once about that DT got inspiration from 'Master of Puppets' and 'Number of the Beast' for ToT... and yes... too much riffs remind me Metallica :( not so much from Maiden...

OK, St. Anger is of course much worse than ToT :tickled:

I understand that young teenagers like masturbation and they haven't heard much other progressive music, so they choose a band what is most popular, they have raw and fast guitar/bass/drum, they don't care much about vocal parts, obviously they choose Dream Theater.

Excuse me! but I don't get it, how can a band with such an awful singer, with so untasteful drum player, with 6-stringed bass, and with absolutely no talent in music writing be somehow better than Opeth ???

no offence, just my opinion :grin:
Have they just started getting interesting. I have only been hearing about their recent albums. I had Awake when I was 8, funny enough. I saw the music video for one of the songs that I cannot remember the title of right now. The album is in my room in the closet. I have only heard one person comment on Awake and it was saying that the vocals were really bad. The only Dream Theater song I have is The Dance Of Eternity which is pretty good, but nothing too impressive. It sounds just like Liquid Tension Experiment.
Dance of Eternity not impressive? OMFG!!!!! OK, just a matter of opinion... I find it one of the most impressive DT song so far!

Zedzedzed, I repeat your words in reverse. Opeth was a huge band to me, then came DT and... Well, I can't agree more with Platopus, can't we all get along?? Opeth is still cool. But I bet everyone here will pass them sooner or later. It's inevitable (quoting Ag. Smith)!
ZeDzEdZeD said:
I understand that young teenagers like masturbation and they haven't heard much other progressive music, so they choose a band what is most popular, they have raw and fast guitar/bass/drum, they don't care much about vocal parts, obviously they choose Dream Theater.

How about you try understanding that people have different music tastes and aren't just morons?
ZeDzEdZeD said:
I understand that young teenagers like masturbation and they haven't heard much other progressive music, so they choose a band what is most popular, they have raw and fast guitar/bass/drum, they don't care much about vocal parts, obviously they choose Dream Theater.
What? So you're saying that all progressive metal fans are teenagers? You're very ignorant, and don't know what the hell you're talking about...

Excuse me! but I don't get it, how can a band with such an awful singer, with so untasteful drum player, with 6-stringed bass, and with absolutely no talent in music writing be somehow better than Opeth ???
Again... that's just stupid. Have you never heard the word opinion? If people prefer DT's singer, and like their drummer, and prefer a 6-string bass, that's their business. You look down on people who have a different point of view to yours as if they're stupid. Well, that just makes you look stupid.
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Sounds regressive instead of progressive. I went the other route. First there was The Beatles then Zeppelin
Pink floyd
Soundgarden, Alice in Chains ( my brainwashed radio years)
Iced Earth, which somehow led me to the underground and power and progressive metal, which included Dream theater.
Which brings me to Opeth now, how I got here I don't know, but going back to dream theater, although I like them would be futile and a regression.
Wow, some of the posts in this thread are so dumb it's funny.

Anyway, I love Dream Theater, and will be buying the new album as soon as I can. As for the whole retarded "who is better?" debate, remember, it's all just a matter of opinion. No matter how much you think your opinions are facts, they're not. And besides, comparing DT and Opeth is apples and oranges. They both do great things, but they also do very different things, so the basis by which to compare them is practically nonexistent. Both are very consistent in making albums I enjoy, so no complaints here.
Wow. I also once thought DT were the greatest thing ever but then I heard Mikael's song writing and was forever changed. DT's songwriting is nowhere near as good as Opeth's. They technical chops are not of this world but that doesn't make them any better then the bands who can write good songs. Even they know that their songwriting is pretty weak or has gotten weak if I may say. They started out strong on I&W and Awake but then started to loose thier momentum when Moore left. Btw my fave. DT album is by far Falling into Infinity. Scenes was good but 6 degrees was better. But you can only stand so many neo-classical solos and then you just loose interest. They didn't seem to progress at all in their latter albums but they did get more technical thx to Rudess who is extremely talented. They should have explored their softer side longer after Infinity. Instead they got more technical and brought back the heavier sound from the early albums. Why would you wanna listen to the same thing over and over? Thats why I think Opeth is much better then DT because they change from album to album whether its major or minor they don't regurgitate the same shit over and over. I would never back up someone bashing DT but I will always remember how Opeth dragged my ass out of my "searching for the fastest, heaviest, most technical" phase. They really showed me what inspired musicians can do with what they love so much and continue to grow. DTs awesome but please don't ever compare them to Mike's brilliance. I mean come on...James will always suck no matter wtf people try to say...
ZeDzEdZeD said:
Excuse me! but I don't get it, how can a band with such an awful singer, with so untasteful drum player, with 6-stringed bass, and with absolutely no talent in music writing be somehow better than Opeth ???

no offence, just my opinion :grin:

You're right about the singer but the rest is pure bullshit. Saying that DT has no writing skills is OXYMORON. Your ignorance ate your brain man.

I take no offence in your word...just :hypno: and :OMG: and :Spam: and :bah: and :u-huh:
Attacking my maturity is pretty weak - you're the one that seems to have some kinda superiority complex going on. Just because people like music you don't like doesn't mean they're morons half your age...jeez.
Back on topic - I've listened to Train Of Thought twice through now and enjoyed the first couple of songs the first time around. However the "making our heaviest album" approach got old pretty quickly and a _lot_ of it sounds uninspired and is just plain boring. The instrumental, Stream Of Consciousness, is not only their longest instrumental but it's also their worst. Oh! and there's a part where it sounds like James is doing some rap/hip-hop crap! Even with an effect on his voice they can't disguise that. A few of the riffs (see the chorus in Endless Sacrifice) are _very_ nu-metally (I don't particularly mind but they're capable of a lot more). So...yeah, basically I'm quite disappointed. I think maybe they need to take more time off to write or something - a different approach because their last two albums, while not being awful, are below anything they've released before. Hopefully it'll grow on me though, I really do like this band. It just all seems to try too hard to be heavy and ends up boring and uninspired.

Anyone else heard it? What did you think?