In Support of Opeth

Rose Immortal

Spirit of Hope
Jun 19, 2004
First, I would like to begin by thanking the admin for stepping in to take action against the spate of abusive posts I have been seeing here. I think that is a good start. This is not a place for vendettas, this is not a place for mindless mudslinging. It galls me to think that people have forgotten that their words WILL be read by at least one member of Opeth. What you are saying in here, it is as if you are saying it to the band's face. Just because we are sitting behind our computer screens does not negate that fact. I would be sick to think that as a society we have lost the ability to respect people even when we are right in front of them!

I was introduced to Opeth by a few friends of mine, and to them I am most grateful. I am not normally a metal fan, but Opeth has given me a window into a style I otherwise would have never dared to touch. I greatly appreciate the wide variety in their music as well as the way it's sewn seamlessly together. Furthermore, I've even been deeply inspired by the running concept that unites all of Opeth's albums--it's nice not to have to listen to mindless screaming...but rather screaming with a purpose!

Finally, I must say that not only has Opeth managed in an incredibly short time to unseat almost every other artist in my collection, including a few I never thought could be topped, I also have a deep respect for all four members (five now...good luck Per!). By all accounts I have seen or read, they are worthwhile people who not only have a tremendous respect for each other, but also for their fans. This is the same respect that I think it behooves us to return.

After all, who can forget these impressive words? "Gentlemen as we are, we bow our heads to those who have worked hard in favour of this volume, and and also to those kind enough to purchase it."
Thanks, guys. Not sure how much time I'll be spending here, but it's nice to feel welcome. :)
Moonlapse said:
It looks edited actually. As if someone put the window in front.

I saw that pic in the GuitarWorld (i think) issue about Opeth. As to if it's edited.. I don't know.

Welcome to the board! Please stick around, it's nice to have someone here who's first post wasn't "Who is Melinda?"
IAmEternal said:
I saw that pic in the GuitarWorld (i think) issue about Opeth. As to if it's edited.. I don't know.

Welcome to the board! Please stick around, it's nice to have someone here who's first post wasn't "Who is Melinda?"
Yeah I was the one who scanned it and I haven't seen the pic anywhere before so...
Hi, thanks to all for the welcome!

I wouldn't relax too soon if I were you...I'm sure I'll eventually find my way towards something you consider a stupid question. ;)
Welcome, Rose Immortal! ;-)

You're right... the band deserves more respect, after all they've given an immense amount of it to their fans!
You have been Welcomed into the Big Family of Opeth forum, Nice to know we have more Opeth fans coming in every day. Hope to see you around in the forum alot.
Jeed, do you happen to be gay? I remember a gay guy named Jeed who worked at Taco Bell. Hed do the gay hand thing and ask if I wanted hot sauce. Hahahaha.