Opeth are the new(er) Iron Maiden


Jul 4, 2003
I think Opeth are occupying the same place of respect that Maiden had earned in the 80's. Opeth has a vocalist that will draw as many people in as he repels from the band, the musicianship is consistently good with a very signature sound that is rarely deviated from. Opeth are generaly regarded as the benchmark for heavy music by people who are at all aware of them, much like Maiden was in the 80's. They have a simple no bullshit,anti comercial stance which Maiden share. Both Opeth and Maiden will never sell out. And finaly, they both have the sweetest twin guitar harmonies you ever hear in Metal.

Now that real Metal has generaly gotten heavier than anything Maiden does nowadays, I think it's safe to say that a changing of the guard is underway.

Metallica may have had there time at the top but we all know hat happened with that.
I agree to an extent, and the points you bring up are cool, but I dont think that they will get as popular as Maiden because of the extreme vocal style. Well, then again, Maiden's vocals were extreme at that time too, so you are probably very right, they will become the next maiden.
yeah, In some ways . Again, Good points you mentioned.

Except Opeth won't go as low as say, "No Prayer for the Dying"(Like how maiden released such a cool album like Seventh Son, and then released a shitty no prayer for the dying.)

UP THE OPETHS!....nah, that doesn't sound quite right
You can divide iron maiden fans into two camps one that is real deal made up of guys who fix their muscle cars all day and own maiden tee-shirts that were handed down from their older brothers, and the other that is the i-spend-all-damn-day-looking- for-the-tommy-lee-and-pam-anderson-video-on-the-web /i-got-a-twinkie-up-my-fat-computer-dork-ass camp.

I don't really see it myself. Maiden are far more commercial than Opeth, and Maiden influenced so many bands, which I don't really believe Opeth does, or will do.

I agree with the former statement, that Maiden is far more commercial, but Opeth has and will influence many bands. You can influence a person, or their band's sound. I mean, I bet tons of people were influenced by Steely Dan, but no one really emulated their sound because no one could blend jazz and rock that well. I don't think many people could really write anything that you hear Opeth in, because Opeth's distinct style is to do the unexpected! Twin guitar harmonies is part of their sound, but that kind of disappeared after Morningrise.
KennonKun said:
I agree with the former statement, that Maiden is far more commercial, but Opeth has and will influence many bands. You can influence a person, or their band's sound. I mean, I bet tons of people were influenced by Steely Dan, but no one really emulated their sound because no one could blend jazz and rock that well. I don't think many people could really write anything that you hear Opeth in, because Opeth's distinct style is to do the unexpected! Twin guitar harmonies is part of their sound, but that kind of disappeared after Morningrise.

I just wish the guys in OPeth the longevity that Iron Maiden has enjoyed the last almost 30 odd years. :worship: :worship: I hope to be listening to new opeth albums for a VERY long time. :rock:
If you look at them on a comparison level and a contextual sense, this is a good thread. Opeth are an amazingly unique and interesting band, innovative yet traditional. They will never be legends as Maiden are, but they can at least hold their own in the stage of modern metal

*Sorry bout that, it's late heh heh
There are twin guitars in other Opeth albums, not only Morningrise and Orchid. The song structure and the typical bass lines (like a third guitar almost) did disappear. I think Opeth will influence many bands, and the mix of hard and soft stuff is so cool that one day it will become trendy to say the least.