a tribute to my last 5 drunken posts


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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no not really, because they were probably all unfunny.
so my friends and I smoked large amounts of the w33d and drank a lot of liquor and somehow ended up in some 5 star hotel where everyone was well-dressed and dancing salsa. And we yelled at the dj to play pantera and kyuss and we drank a bunch more.

And then we drank and smoked herb around dark alleyways until we decided that it was too cold to continue to do so.

and now I'm on the internet!

sp fags.
i fully support with this post, especially the pantera and kyuss yelling bit.

google image search for "azal for president":

i've got a buzz on, fuckers. my roommates still rule. the one i didnt meet yet came home today, and my sublet buddy left (now we'll have to make the transition to friends).... we've been having some drinks and watching funnies on hbo and talking about our friends from high school who killed themselves.

azal i've been meaning to ask you to translate a few song titles belonging to a mid-90s grind band but i think they are czech, come to think of it.
