A very metal album by a very un-metal group, probably shunned by the metal community.

yeah I love Broken, it is excellent. I like The downward Spiral as well but not nearly as much. I saw NIN on tour at Lollapalooza like 10 years ago, and they-- or I guess just reznor now, put on a excellent show, he bashed up his guitars and all; of course I was 15 so it seemed cooler than it was.
One Inch Man said:
Yeah, I think a lot of metal dudes give the nod to that one though. From what I've seen anyhow. Tis insanely brilliant, that one. :Spin:
I'm not sure exactly why FNM has more metal credibility than NIN, probably the latter's reliance on programming and because Patton comes across as being far more genuinely disturbed than Trent (or anyone else except for Syd Barrett).

No, it's owed to the fact that Angel Dust is genius and NIN sucks a fat one. :)
For some reason, NIN seems to work well as 'soundtrack' music. Case in point: "Millenium" tv show, and of course motherfucking "Quake". Chief B had his PC set up to 100W JBL speakers back when that game first came out, and to hear the soundtrack blasting out was outstanding. This is when the concept of 'soundcards' or 'graphics cards' was new, heh.
I think Creed's My Own Prison is a pretty heavy, emotional album and fits the title of this thread rather well. They may be the epitome of mainstream and I already know everyone here hates them, but that album fucking rules. The band that got me interested in music right there.
The guitarist, think his name is Tremonti, is pretty talented and he wrote some kick ass riffs in a few of their songs. Take the 2nd song off My Own Prison and add growled vocals and you have a metal track no one would question. :tickled:

Stapp is probably just a big rock star attitude type of guy, but oh well, he can sing alright. I've just been listening to their three albums a lot recently and they get progressively worse really. Losing heaviness(wow that word looks gay), emotion and attitude along the way. The debut rocks teh socks though.
its cool but I haven't heard it in a long while
picked up 'fixed' the remix version a while back
some good harsh noise on there

fragile is one of the most underrated albums ever
took me about 2 years to really get into

I like the others too

unhinged said:
That particular remix is probably my favorite NIN song of all time. And the CD cost $1.99 at Best Buy when it came out!

Unless you aren't referring to The Day The World Went Away (Quiet), but I'm pretty sure you are. :loco: