A way to run UAD cards to iMac


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
Yes, yes, I know the first answer EVERYWHERE is NO. I understand UAD cards will not run on an iMac... or will they?

I found this thread with maybe a useful idea to try:

"I'm thinking out loud here so you would need to look into it but I've had some success with FX Teleport to run 'other' VST's on a second machine. Now I don't think that FX Teleport is cross platform but it might be an idea to look into using Wormhole (which is cross platform and does what FX Teleport does I think.....)

Maybe you could get a few hundred pound basic PC laptop (with the expresscard slot obviously) and host the UAD2 inside that, hook it up to the iMac via LAN and you should be able to use any plugins installed on the PC laptop. I say should.... I've heard of UAD-1 running ok via Teleport and I'm pretty sure some users on this board are happily using Wormhole for a variety of use's and are happy with it."

http://code.google.com/p/wormhole2/wiki/MainPage - Wormhole

"You can use a cheap pc beside your mac for adding Native Instruments/Effects if you use a sequencer thats running with AU or VST Plugins. Great
But use only Gigabit Ethernet ! Works great !"

Brain is a bit fried after a long day and browsing the net for so long.

Could this be a possibility? Seems as though it could, but could be a blag. I could just use a PC with a UAD card but that means having 2 sessions, 2 computers, etc

EDIT: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3170

Don't know if that is any use/help
thunderbolt to PCIe boxes will be shipping by the end of the year.
Not cheap and it sucks to wait that long.

I'm in a similar situation. I have a UAD-1e in my PC and I recently moved to an iMac for my studio.

I tried using ReaMote (reaper network audio thing) on my pc over LAN to my iMac. unfortunately I didn't get far, tons of latency, audio dropouts, just a pain to try to get it working.