A word from Dev for the SYMPHONY X FANS


Jun 12, 2002
Symphony X fans,

I was childish and stupid in the way I treated the symphony x audience. I am sorry for acting so immature, and I can assure you that I have learned a lesson from the experience. Symphony X was wonderful to tour with, and I thank them for the opportunity. I am sorry to anyone I may have offended, it was wrong of me to say much of what I said onstage.

Devin Townsend
Duhhhh !
This is what I've said the whole time during the slamming that has gone on over the last week !!!!! It's all a gimmick, Devin does'nt mean to offend people ! Although it is very cool of him to come out and say that, it just goes to show how cool he really is ! DTB rules !
honestly, that does not sound like the devin i know and love - tho, my hope is, that it will go a long way to put a stop to the bickering between the two camps -

im sure the band "SyX" treated him great, i understand there have been some long time friendships involved - i just think that the fans that had a negative response to him were narrowminded and self-centered -

open your mind, open your eyes - theres more to the world than your own little sphere of influence -

but again, very cool of devin to offer this clarification -

peace, love, happiness, all that bullshit -

If Dev was the same on stage and off, many more people would punch him in the face.
Coming from one in urinalcake's position, I think that means nothing personally. But hey . . . they call me an asshole with good reason.
Honestly, I (being a SyX fan) wasn't expecting any apology from Devin. At least at the show I was at he didn't really do anything that warranted an apology. He just vented some frustration to the crowd where I thought he should have not said anything, but nothing to apologize for.

Anyway, if this is real I think it's very cool of him to have done this, even if it wasn't necessary (imo). I still say Dev gave a hell of a performance in Pittsburgh! Much more so than I could ever have expected from someone recovering from the flu. That, to me, just shows how much of a professional he is. All I know is that if I was screaming like he was I'd have a headache for 3 days! :)

You are a true gentleman Devin! Hope you're getting the rest you deserve. Cheers!
Today 02:38 AM
kleo706 Devy_metal,

Don't be a fucking blind fanboy cunt.


kleo - honestly, im not trying to get on you(rs, or anyones) shit list, but was this really neccesary? or am i missing something?
kleo706 said:

Don't be a fucking blind fanboy cunt.


Hey Kleo you fat, ugly out of shape low life lower piece of shit. Yea, I know who you are and what you look like. I see you at the palladium. I asked a simple question but I guess you're too blind to see that. I just saw the tour a month ago and Devin didnt say a thing that was rude to the crowd...I was right up front the whole time. I asked a question and I wanted an answer, it's that simple. You might have a cool Zimmer's Hole hoodie ...but i KNOW youre not a ZH fan...you fanboy poser. Cheers.
Oh drat! DISCOVERED AT LONG LAST! I traded my Zimmer's Hole CDs for Macho Man Randy Savage's debut album.