A year of firsts


APT Keyboardist
Dec 27, 2007
Well, so far 2008 looks like it's going to be a big year for me, as I am already experience a lot of "firsts". In two weeks I will be getting on a plane for the first time in my life to head up to New York for the Dementia radio interview. Yesterday I got to go to my first hockey game (thanks Jax!!!). Being a huge sports fanatic in general and seeing hundreds of baseball and football games live and a few basketball games, this was s huge hole that needed to be filled. I've been a San Jose Sharks fan for fifteen years, but never taken the plunge in "the Shark Tank" until yesterday. Wow. What an experience. I expect my heart to be pounding when the plane starts moving down the runway in two weeks. But never was I expecting to put it through so much by just attending a hockey game. What a rush! Nabokov rules! Even if you are not a sports fan, you have to attend at least one hockey game. It was an experience of a life time.

So, what's next on my list of "firsts"?
My first tattoo. The "APT" on my right arm. I owe the band at least that. In two years this band will have lasted longer than my marriage.
Then, if all goes right, I hope to release two CDs in back to back years for the first time.

This is going to be a great year.
I'm very excited for you Steve! I have a feeling this is going to be a good year for you and it seems so far it's taken right off.

One person can only take so much and it has to lift up from their lives and I know this year it will happen for you. :)

I have never been to a hockey game either, I can only imagine the excitement with really being at the game in person. :kickass:

Tats? How cool would that be, that is one thing I haven't done yet and I did think about having Nate's picture done on my shoulder but I know it would cost me way too much.

I'm so glad for you, this is going to be your year! :rock:
Word. Live hockey is something else. So is live tennis, in my opinion.

A year of firsts for me too. I'm employed. Busy season is...well...busy. I just keep reminding myself that it's only until mid-April. After that, I'm going to have trouble finding things to do around the office until September. I'm also considering buying a condo towards the end of the year. I'm tired of renting; I want to customize a bunch of things. I don't care so much about the resale value; I just want to love where I live.
Yesterday I got to go to my first hockey game (thanks Jax!!!). Being a huge sports fanatic in general and seeing hundreds of baseball and football games live and a few basketball games, this was s huge hole that needed to be filled. I've been a San Jose Sharks fan for fifteen years, but never taken the plunge in "the Shark Tank" until yesterday. Wow. What an experience. I expect my heart to be pounding when the plane starts moving down the runway in two weeks. But never was I expecting to put it through so much by just attending a hockey game. What a rush! Nabokov rules! Even if you are not a sports fan, you have to attend at least one hockey game. It was an experience of a life time.

Hence, the reason hockey's become my favorite sport. There is nothing as exciting as the consistent pace of a good physical hockey game. I've been a fan upon discovering it in the early 90s. And that's saying a great deal here in the south! The nearest source of the sport for me is an hour's drive east of here, a minor league franchise. Otherwise, I usually make the trek 2 1/2 hours north to catch a Nashville Predators game once a year.

So many people ask me "what is it about hockey? I've tried to watch it on TV, but....but....". The thing is, television just doesn't capture the entire picture. So much is going on off camera that you just cannot absorb the thrill of it. You are correct, Steve. Everyone must "attend at least on hockey game" sometime in their life.

I noticed you and Jax caught the Sharks/Hawks game. That was an exciting one. I watched the 1st and most of the 2nd period of that game. (Being the fan I am, I always buy the NHL CenterIce package through my satellite provider. I watch approximately about 4 or 6 games a week.) Pretty physical, which I like in a game. I'm not necessarily the "watch just to see the fights" kind of guy, but I do enjoy lots of contact. The intimidation factor in that is a huge part of the game. I guess it would be the difference in watching a football game that is only two-hand touch versus tackle. I love to see bodies flying into the boards and people getting leveled with good, hard forechecking.
I saw the Sharks and Red Wings years ago it was great time. I saw M. Jordon destroy the Warriors and too many other games to mention but hockey is a lot better live.Have a safe flight , it's a piece of cake.
oooh a tattoo!
I got my first... and second tattoos in 2007. I plan on more, and a few are going to be very special dedications. :)

I've been to all sports games but a football game. I would love to see my beloved Giants play. My father says watching the game from home is better. Baseball is another story though. I have seen the Yankees play so many times!
Think I've seen all the other major sports played, but I haven't been to a pro hockey game. Wait - does Seattle even have a hockey team? If so, then I'll have to try to get to a game sometime!

Let's see, this past year has seen me turn 30 (31 is lurking just around the corner too dang it anyways), taken up motorcycle riding, getting my first tattoo, watched my only child turn 10 & survive PeeWee football w/o any injuries (thank God!); and now I'm going to Hawaii to watch the Pro Bowl with some friends this weekend!

I wonder if the next 12 months will be as interesting as the last 12? :danceboy:

Well I certainly hope you are going to Tash for your first tattoo! :D I've finally decided what I want her to do on me next!

I can kinda empathize about the plane. I still get a little nervy about flying and I've flown quite a bit in the last couple years. You'll be fine. And if you get brave enough, look out the window, seeing the clouds below you is really cool.
Dude, the game was a blast! Glad you could make it down! That was an exceptionally well played and exciting game...
You hit the jackpot there! We'll be there again tonight! can't wait!

I saw the world table tennis championship, guy missed a ball , went in a persons mouth , and it came out his ass, it was awesome.................. sorry