A year today....

AsIDied said:
Dimebag can easily be considered the greatest metal guitarist of all time.

:lol: how do you explain that one then?

I think Dimebag is one of those figures who if you grew up listening to Pantera, you have real respect for, but if you were never that into Pantera you don't raelly rate him.

It's fine having respect for him, but when this turns into overblown idolism it gets ridiculous. Personally, I can count the riffs of his that I think are interesting on one hand, and a few decent solos added in doesn't make him "easily" the greatest player ever. Yes, the murder was tragic, and a sad event for the whole metal genre, but that doesn't mean he was somehow a metal god.
Susperia said:
You know mourning is a natural human emotion that cannot be helped, or stopped, right?

Why try to supress it. We mourn the dead, we miss them, it's our nature to miss things when we no longer have them. (Not that I miss Dimebag Darrell much).

I hear that.. Its been 4 years[tuesday] for Chuck Schuldiner.. I still mourn that a bit. Its natural. Eh. Guess I am not elitist enough to be over it that same day it happened.
Actually, on some interesting side notes:
I just heard (a year after the fact) Phil Anselmo's official press release about Darrell Abbott's death, and he starts of by saying "This is not about me..." but then he goes on to bitch about the media ruing his career and his reputation. What a fucking cock smoking junkhead. Rip on Dime all you want, but at least he was a more worthy human being that Phag Anselmo.
Speaking of mourning greats, I think everyone could (and should) agree that this man was one funny motherfucker. He just died:

Yahoo! article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051211/ap_on_en_mo/obit_pryor
What is a cocksmoker precisely? I never figured it out. Does it involve putting a lighter to the penile region and subsequently inserting in the mouth? Does the crack go inside or something?
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Actually, on some interesting side notes:
I just heard (a year after the fact) Phil Anselmo's official press release about Darrell Abbott's death, and he starts of by saying "This is not about me..." but then he goes on to bitch about the media ruing his career and his reputation. What a fucking cock smoking junkhead. Rip on Dime all you want, but at least he was a more worthy human being that Phag Anselmo.
Speaking of mourning greats, I think everyone could (and should) agree that this man was one funny motherfucker. He just died:

Yahoo! article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051211/ap_on_en_mo/obit_pryor

Yeah... thats why I said After a bit I realized that Darrel was a decent guy and all my hatred was based on Phail.. I'd gladly trade Darrell for Phail Analslammo anyday. Let him get shot a few times in the face.

anonymousnick2001 said:
What is a cocksmoker precisely? I never figured it out. Does it involve putting a lighter to the penile region and subsequently inserting in the mouth? Does the crack go inside or something?

Ask Phail. I'm sure he knows a lot about that.
Actually that's one of the most juvenile things I've ever witnessed, but whatever.

And yeah, too bad about Richard Pryor. Unlike "Dimebag" (what an atrocious name, how honorable), he suffered for years. Death was a release for him.
Episteme said:
You guys who actually care about the whole incident should respect the opinion of those who don't as well.

If said people didn't care about the incident, or Dimebag in general, why would they take the time to post? If I had little or no regard for something or someone, I'd consider it a waste of energy to tell people about it.

Perhaps those who don't really care about Dimebag on this thread, who have obviously felt the need to express their "indifference" towards him, should take up a hobby.

Chess, or cookery, for example.
Perhaps those who do really care about somebody who died that they'd never known, who obviously felt the need to express their obsessive idolization of him, should take up a hobby.

Hanging, or 'gator 'rasslin', for example.
Dodens Grav said:
Perhaps those who do really care about somebody who died that they'd never known, who obviously felt the need to express their obsessive idolization of him, should take up a hobby.

Hanging, or 'gator 'rasslin', for example.
