A7X - Hail To The King

Self Titled. Hit or miss, couple really good tunes, some weirder experimental stuff. Almost Easy is a classic.

This was such a strange album. It was their only self-produced one I believe and it showed as it had no direction. They almost entirely abandoned the feel and style from City of Evil on this one with a more rock type of album. You mention the experimental stuff, which actually are the better songs on the album surprisingly.
New song's not bad. I'm familiar with them, although I'd hardly call myself a fan. For what they do, they're pretty good, it's just that I'm not particularly a fan of that modern rock styling. I kind of like that they're taking a little bit of a step in another direction with this album. They've been around for a while, the time to experiment and play around is now. I don't think they'll lose many fans.