AA touring (again) in europe in May???

Celtik Militia

Dumb French Bastard
Aug 12, 2004
today, as i was walking around close to the Moulin Rouge i stopped my course in front of the concert room La Locomotive to see what bands were programmed to play there.. and i saw AA was comming here the 1rst of May for the Hard Rock magazine best metal bands prize or whatever...
is AA really comming? (it would be cool if a member of the band could answer to not get my hopes up :p) or are those just prizes without the bands actually comming?... anyway its not on the official website so i was wondering, but if they're comming here they must be stopping by other countries too i guess, so if you know AA is comming near you in may, please tell me, i'd be reassured.
As far as I know they are coming, but things may have changed since I've heard it.
No other dates at that point of time though.
www.amon amarth.com :

"We are going to perform at the Hard Rock Mag Trophies 2005 awards, set to take place May 1 at
La Locomotive in Paris, France."
[by Olavi]

hell yeah, hur(fucking)ray! :D i'll be there to support the band for all of us :Spin:
oh by the way, do any of you guys know what an air guitar contest is? i'm not sure but i'm guessing its a contest in which the winner is the one who did the best headbanging pretending to play the guitar (but with actually nothing in his hands).. you know the kind of stuff we do when we're alone at home.. lol. can someone confirm this? or if thats not it, what is air guitar contest?
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
CeltikMilitia, is that you in the Arte Death Metal programme? The guy talking about patience?

lol what? what arte death metal program? the only program i know on arte that talks sometimes about metal is "tracks", and the only time i was filmed for that was when they filmed the crowd in front of an arch enemy concert.
what are you refering too? talking about patience? lol wtf? develop, i'd like to know what you take me for :p

@Belgar : ok thnx for confirming :). i find it fucking hard to headbang or turn the head (u know what i mean) at the same time as playing guitar... i guess i need practise..
No sorry I meant the 'tracks' one, I just thought of it as a death metal programme as Deicide and Amon amarth was on there, anyway, theres this guy speaking in french something about patience; he's french, has fair hair, likes amon amarth enough to have a t-shirt, wears a celtik cross, is about your age and has a weak beard growth. See, it fits your description perfectly!
lol yeah it could have been me indeed :) the only difference is that i dont have an AA Tshirt... i only have a sweater :oops: and i dont even have weak beard growth... i have practically nothing, just peach hair for the moustache. also its funny that you're talking about the celtic cross cause i just fucking lost mine today! i'm so ennoyed where the fuck is it!??
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
What does the celtik cross stand for anyway?

the celtic cross or the druidic cross has representations of different pagan symbols. most of them represent the four elements or planets. astral symbols are very common in the celtic pagan culture. sometimes their are simply regional symbols. i think the round part of the celtic part represents the sun or the earth... if we see celtic crosses in a christian cimetary its because christianity adopted it because they look like a christian cross... but originally they arent at all. but i dont really know what each symbol on my cross stand for, i wear it to show my identity and my pride for my ancestors. maybe i should start extensive researches. cause me not really knowing what it stands for makes me look like a fool..
ok i just got back from that little hard rock trophy festival.
Amon Amarth was crowned best death metal band of the year. yeah!
and they played only 4 songs :( , but all bands played very little cause there were many of them.
AA played Pursuit of Vikings, For the Stabwounds in our Backs, Fate of Norns and Death In Fire.
anyway they were by far the best with the most prestance.
hailz :headbang:

by the way, Cradle of Filth was crowned best black metal band... ech!