AAS Ultra Analog VA-1 Synth for $15, awesome deal

good man D20.

and for anyone still waiting for a Serial, i would recommend sending an email to audiomidi.com, just reply to the first confirmation email and you should get sorted out soon.

Yup, just did. I know they say it can be up to four days, but hey, I'm impatient 'cause I need something to toy with until I get my Windsor :D


...aaaaaaand I got my serial right about... now. That was some fast responding!
Just installed this, seems like a nice synth for those cheezy old school tones! :) Here's a really quick test: http://tainted-studio.com/misc/UltraAnalog_test.mp3

BTW, I'll buy a beer for the person who first recognizes the song :lol:


i don't recognise the song though :lol:

yeah, its got a great old-school analog vibe to it. im just loving the crispness of the sounds, so much nicer than most virtual synths.

have you tried some of the pads and atmosphere patches? there are a lot of them that would work well in metal.