ableton live and depeche mode (live drum processing)

this is a stupid question.

how does this work for live? I read the info on their site and it said nothing about live useage, all recording, playback and tweaking recorded info but nothing about using the software for live.

so would like a motu ultralite some mics , ableton live and a laptop work then run out of the laptop into a pa board for live ?
how does this work for live? I read the info on their site and it said nothing about live useage, all recording, playback and tweaking recorded info but nothing about using the software for live.

Right under the video:

Kerry Hopwood is the Live Programmer/Musical Director for Depeche Mode. When it comes to staging a live DM show, there's no cutting corners. Kerry puts it simply: "We need to use tools that work." In concert, Kerry and Depeche Mode rely on Ableton Live as an integral component of shaping the band's drum sound. In this movie, shot at a concert in Berlin's Olympiastadion, Kerry discusses the advantages that Live offers for on-stage sound processing.
That's actually really cool, but I'm more curious about all the other shit he's running. I assume the iMac/Ableton setup is for the drums only, but I'd love to see a rundown of the dual monitor/laptop setup and see what he's doing there?
you can see that the mute buttons in the video are orange not yellow, which means these channels run in direct monitoring mode. live processing of input signals so to say.

drum ->mic ->ableton ->foh.

i think the dual screen mac is a protools backup session, or maybe a live recording. i know some bigger bands track every show or having a protools session running in the back if someone is playing to bad or a signal cuts out and they cant fix it.

btw, i don't think that this is an imac. the lower side of the screen is not as big as an imac.