Have you ever heard Depeche Mode?

hehehe.. this has got to be the last thread I would ever expect to see on this board.. lmao

but.. ok... yes DM was a good band for what they did.. allthough.. back when they started out.. I was a total metal head.. and songs by them often made me want to beat the shit out of the queers that were listening to it.. lol... boy.. what a fucked up tard I was back in jr. high .. and High school.. wasn't till many years later I actually listened to them .. and found that they were allright.. heh ... I think the amount of X I was doing around that time may have had something to do with it.

i downloaded that because it sounded like my name...

and it's hilarious...

"as your boney fingers close around me long it's been late death becomes me heaven can you see what i see?"

i love that song