About finding


Hal 9000
Might be that I never agree completely with anything, could be that none of us do and with that black feeling we all constantly feel outta place. I know tho´what kind of things put me closer to who I am; and as I exist everyday and grow older I distinguish fewer things that are "me" everyday. Is like living putting a big puzzle together and gathering the lost pieces as I sense them, not knowing the final shape of it all, but guessing it.
Just a stupid thing, when I feel everything is hostile all around me is not cos the world is shit, but cos it doesn´t reflect me; Opeth is one of my mirrors and what I long when dealing all day with "un-me" issues. Just wanted to say it; maybe some of you feel this way too.-
Opeth has a weird way of doing that! I have a friend who listens to dammnation to when going to sleep, and without fail falls asleep to death whispered a lulaby, each night. she says it is almost hypnotising. Dude, i never fit in anywhere either. i sometimes think that it is just me, but opeth makes you feel like there are other, just like us.
that's what music is for...
fantasy, escape, reflection... and what's great is that we find the right music for ourselves, sometimes accidentally, but just at the right time.
and the longtime favorites are like friends, lovers even.
i'm with you on this one.
It´s always a very nice surprise to find people who feel the same about Opeth, music and life in general, as it´s uncommon to discover that someone wants to think and switch on "life mode" instead of being death just breathing and watching Paris Hilton sticking her hand into a cow´s ass...although crap like that could be a good laugh, I´m sure that a non critic eye on it could easily kill brain cells. The same happens with any crap that happens everyday...Opeth is inspiring and the air my soul needs.
I never understand tho´how some people can find stupid pop girl/boy band music inspiring or touching. I don´t want to sound arrogant although I probably will, but I believe that they just are missing so much and I just can´t understand why can´t they see that that´s so hollow. I´m so happy I´m into the music I am, but i guess everyone feels the same about theirs.
well, i like a rather wide variety of music, even some rather pop-ey stuff...
(all kinds of rock, as well as jazz, even, gasp, classic country, classical, etc)
Duke Ellington was asked by some moron interviewer about what defines good music and he said "if it sounds good it is good," which i think is a defense of just liking what you like and fuck anyone else's opinion.
but there's probably a level on which a shallow person will like "shallow" music (however we could define that). and a person who is more complex and reflective will like music that makes him think. but i don't always like to think myself, and sometimes music suits mood and moods vary widely.
on another note: i would pay good money to see paris hilton actually stick her head into a cow's arse :) in fact, she's so thin you could probably stick her rather far into the cow's digestive tract. but i like animals a lot and there's no way a cow could deserve such a thing. yet there are plenty of people who deserve to have close contact with cow excrement.
:Spam: it's what's for dinner.
T-Rat said:
on another note: i would pay good money to see paris hilton actually stick her head into a cow's arse :) in fact, she's so thin you could probably stick her rather far into the cow's digestive tract. but i like animals a lot and there's no way a cow could deserve such a thing. yet there are plenty of people who deserve to have close contact with cow excrement.
well that came out of nowhere...:err:
T-Rat said:
well, i like a rather wide variety of music, even some rather pop-ey stuff...
(all kinds of rock, as well as jazz, even, gasp, classic country, classical, etc)
Duke Ellington was asked by some moron interviewer about what defines good music and he said "if it sounds good it is good," which i think is a defense of just liking what you like and fuck anyone else's opinion.
but there's probably a level on which a shallow person will like "shallow" music (however we could define that). and a person who is more complex and reflective will like music that makes him think. but i don't always like to think myself, and sometimes music suits mood and moods vary widely.

I get what you mean, but you can´t listen to Opeth and then like Britney Spears!!! and I don´t mean you by yourself, just as a generalisation(and sorry if I say something that seems to come outta nowhere, but I can´t strictly talk about Opeth and I need to compare, at least in this case) So yea, you can listen to other music, in fact, I believe all of us do, otherwise the mind only travels thru narrow roads and closes itself, but all that music probably responds to some goal, to some common end, whatever it is. Appreciating Opeth means that I instantly dismiss music that is way behind them, almost prehistoric, so why would I feel touched by music for monkeys??? (no offence to the apes)

on another note: i would pay good money to see paris hilton actually stick her head into a cow's arse :) in fact, she's so thin you could probably stick her rather far into the cow's digestive tract. but i like animals a lot and there's no way a cow could deserve such a thing. yet there are plenty of people who deserve to have close contact with cow excrement.
:Spam: it's what's for dinner.

I second that.
ok, but wait, who wrote that 2nd paragraph? was that you baaaaaaaarg?
i dunno, i can't think of a great example right now, but i bet i listen to some stuff that some opeth-heads would find totally baffling...almost as much as our whipping-girl britney. i guess what irks me is to say that some stuff is "prehistoric" and set up this hierarchy of what's worthy and what's not in art/music/lit/etc. it seems that this path leads to prejudice and close-mindedness (like the prof in the classical music thread). not that i don't get your point, of course. and i do like the idea about the "common end."
T-Rat said:
ok, but wait, who wrote that 2nd paragraph? was that you baaaaaaaarg?
i dunno, i can't think of a great example right now, but i bet i listen to some stuff that some opeth-heads would find totally baffling...almost as much as our whipping-girl britney. i guess what irks me is to say that some stuff is "prehistoric" and set up this hierarchy of what's worthy and what's not in art/music/lit/etc. it seems that this path leads to prejudice and close-mindedness (like the prof in the classical music thread). not that i don't get your point, of course. and i do like the idea about the "common end."

Yea, I messed it up, I wrote the second paragraph inside the quote. :Smug: ..now, if you get my point, that´s cool, although one of the schools of philosophy afirm that for real, there´s no true communication cos the exchange of ideas is never complete. The way we explain things to ourselves in our heads it´s most of the times impossible to transmit in its complete form, so if you got what i tried to say, great. Now, ermm, I´ll go a bit further, I mean what is worthy for me and what I find beautiful...I believe tho´that saving the distances, I can dislike some music but I don´t necessarily believe it´s empty or like a can of Coke!!! Let´s think of Radiohead, I don´t like Kid A, but I notice talent in there and respect them... I talk about music that shows growth, that shows evolution. If sometimes we find ourselves singing some Justin Timberlake song, it´s not that i believe that´s someone hollow!!! But someone who listens to it all the time shows, musically speaking, is missing something much greater than that! If Oops, I did it again is musically speaking the highlight of their lives, I feel sorry for that person, musically speaking, that is!
right you are then
and i think that the point about communication is certainly apt for the internet!
can make it very hard to catch someone's drift at times... you miss all the little signals and so forth that we use to communicate non-verbally. nonethless, there are some people i have been quite intimate with and wondered if we even lived on the same planet! maybe i am idealistic, but i think sometimes one can communicate with another being on a very direct and complete level. but it's rare!
of course, that's why art communicates so well! w/ opeth, i don't even worry too much about knowing the lyrics to songs since i get the point well enough w/o them (not that the lyrics aren't good/interesting and they do contribute to the meaning)
but language is never the full story. people forget that.
The thing about the net is that you can meet people with similar interests; that in itself builds a good start and also contributes to another type of openess due to its annonymousy (I apologise if that word is not well written, after all English isn´t my mother tongue!) That way, we all feel we can talk and even tho´ there´re possibilities of being banned by the others (this and other message boards are a proof of it) we all share this space in which we somehow feel more free to speak than in "real life".
I myself have found plenty of people, and specially one, in another chat room that meant and means much more than others I shared years of my life with. As there is no obbligation to talk to someone, you can disconnect yourself in a second, if you don´t do that and you choose to go on and get into the hassle of connecting, etc, it´s cos there´s a connection there and that turns the whole thing into a lot more interesting and meaningful experience. I have a lot to thank to the internet in that sense, or maybe the fact of being in the right place and correct time..perhaps I should thank fate, but above all, to music cos it always changed my life. You know, is like a call, when I listen to something that touches me, I have to follow it.
I´m sorry if all this sounds enclosed, but I guess some of you understands it, cos communication goes beyond words...... Yes, like Opeth! :headbang: