About Metal Radio

I suppose you're asking for a metal radio... well, I sometimes listen to this one: http://www.di.fm/ Digitally Imported. Though it's mostly electro music, you'll find many genres anyway like oldies, classical, jazz, classical guitar, etc. I don't know if you're gonna like it but at least give it a try. There're many radios to choose. Maybe you find something of your interest.
Thanx Angelina)

LifeDepraved, well, sure I know them, & love'em)
By the way they own a metal-music-shop where I usually buy new discs.
Vrolok (bass guitarist) is always there , and Mister Knjaz Varggoth is often might be spoken with ^)
Nice...my favorite Black Metal band for sure...If you ever get the chance, can you ask them any details on the new album. I would greatly appreciate it :D

...when i was bying the "Mirovozrenie" album - there was only Vrolok in the shop, and I asked him to sign the booklet with his autograph) (..he was shining))
When the new album appears i could take a disc for you, with some autographs too)