About Norra El Norra...


Stream of Unconsciousness
Mar 9, 2004
Istanbul, Turkey
Since the first time I first listened to this wonderful song, I wondered about a very familiar part in it... the part where "bekhol zeman azor el norra,geza avraham netser tif'ara" is sang, starting from cd time 1' 51''...
I recall an ilahi (hymn), but i'm not sure. "Tala'al Bedru Alaina" comes to my mind, but I also recall something else I don't know what that is. :err:
I'm very curious :confused:
I was planning to ask Kobi when I'd see him during the fest, but when I saw him I was so happy that I've forgotten to ask :D
UnConscious said:
Since the first time I first listened to this wonderful song, I wondered about a very familiar part in it... the part where "bekhol zeman azor el norra,geza avraham netser tif'ara" is sang, starting from cd time 1' 51''...
I recall an ilahi (hymn), but i'm not sure. "Tala'al Bedru Alaina" comes to my mind, but I also recall something else I don't know what that is. :err:
I'm very curious :confused:
I was planning to ask Kobi when I'd see him during the fest, but when I saw him I was so happy that I've forgotten to ask :D
Yeah that part sounds familiar to me too..When I first listened to it I said Hey I know that song...It's strange...hmm :err:
both you are totally right, it sounds like a turkish or arabic hymn to me. a friend of mine told me that part was like a halay (a kind of turkish folkoric dance) melody, when she listened to it.. :)
just few days ago there was a thread about this song in the Israeli OL forum..
the thing is that the song is a "traditional melody" or something like that, so it sounds like many other middle eastern melodies with some changes.
It is a multiculture song as other OL songs are too. Personaly i'm honoured that OL think of all nations and includes them in their music. Yeah it's a familiar part because we all love their music so much that reminds us something from our place or not. They create music from the world to honour every culture within every nation. To honour all of us as we all honour them!!! :worship: :)
Dreamcell said:
It is a multiculture song as other OL songs are too. Personaly i'm honoured that OL think of all nations and includes them in their music. Yeah it's a familiar part because we all love their music so much that reminds us something from our place or not. They create music from the world to honour every culture within every nation. To honour all of us as we all honour them!!! :worship: :)
I think you're right...
So, THANK YOU ORPHANED LAND :worship: :worship: :worship: