Norra El Norra (band members)


Forever Orphaned
Feb 2, 2005
at last!!! at last i'm able to check the site! and AT LAST Norra El Norra is ready to watch!
but how am i gonna view .ram files?! :(

ahh, it was the signiture day of OL. and i asked Kobi about some new videos.. and he said 'Norra El Norra is coming next'.. god... i was so excited!! i know all its lyrics and i lost my voice when you played it in Kazablanka.. it was awesome!

we miss you guys a lot!! hope you come back soon!
maybe not for a concert but a holiday, right? Kobi? remember? :grin:

ah and Kobi, Yossi, Matti, anyone reading this.. next time you come here to Turkey, play Norra El Norra twice PUHHHH-LEEAAASSEEEEEEE!! :)
just because i lose my voice at the first one, it's impossible for me to shout "play it again!", and make you hear me.. :D
oh yeah about this song.
i could figure out a few words like מלכי and גבורה and לפני
but that can't be hebrew. is it?
(it's my first language and it'll be a shame for me if it is hebrew)
Dark Zaiats said:
oh yeah about this song.
i could figure out a few words like מלכי and גבורה and לפני
but that can't be hebrew. is it?
(it's my first language and it'll be a shame for me if it is hebrew)

מלכי = my king
לפני = before, in front
גבורה = bravery

all Hebrew.
yeah i know that. those are the only words i could recognize. if you'll be so kind and post the lyrics in hebrew i'll be greatful.
last week while i was playing this stupid game Gunbound. a few people were talking hebrew..but they were writing it using normal alphabet letters. when i asked them "r u from israel?" they were shocked.. "how did u understand? where r u from??"
"well i'm a Turkish fan of Orphaned Land." they were so happy to hear that..
aka_Mastema said:
last week while i was playing this stupid game Gunbound. a few people were talking hebrew..but they were writing it using normal alphabet letters. when i asked them "r u from israel?" they were shocked.. "how did u understand? where r u from??"
"well i'm a Turkish fan of Orphaned Land." they were so happy to hear that..

:p kewl !