About Recording FX!


Dec 18, 2007
Chicago, IL
Hello all,

I'm new to this forum and would like to take the opportunity to say this forum rocks! :headbang: Been lurking for a few days and just stepped into the home recording world. I just wanted to know cause i'm a newbie to recording on a daw, but is it best to record tracks live without fx applied in daw rather than recording with lets say a gate and a compressor on drums output to the wav in daw? Just wondering if you should record track straight and add those and other effects later? Any input on this subject would be great I'm starting with Reaper as my daw! Cheers all and stay METAL!:headbang::kickass:
Reaper kicks ass man... Went from Cubase SX 3 to a paid for Reaper and it hasn't let me down yet....

I apply most of my fx after tracks are recorded, but in some situations like drums, certain things can be useful on the way in also. And of course, if you are going through something like a Neve board, might as well take advantage of it before going into the DAW....

Check out some of the stickies and guides here, there is some great info...

Welcome to the forums!
Thanks for the input guys I appreciate it! Wolfeman, I have read most of the stickied guides especially the guide by OzNimbus Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide is a really great guide as you can hear our stuff on http://www.myspace.com/labeledband is recorded from our live mixing board direct in to a Boss BR1600CD only gives us two tracks which is left and right it doesn't sound bad but I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my riffs and music! Fivestringcult thanks for the advice I will heed it more than likely!