Recording Delay on Guitar


Oct 26, 2009
I don't have a ton of experience with this yet.

I have a band coming in who's sound HEAVILY relies on delay.. Sorta like As Cities Burn.. That sort of genre.

When you guys record this kind of stuff do you typically record the DI still, and just use a digital delay pedal in your DAW, or do you do it during re-amping or do you do it when the guitarist is actually recording?
Put some plugin delay on while he is tracking, for the vibe. Then you can change whatever you want during mixing because it wasnt printed.
just track their sound with effects, and simultanously track DIs. this way you have a reference in the mixing stage, but still have all the flexibility of DI recording.
Why not go old school and just get a good amp sound with their delay pedals going too? Record the DI as a safety net and not as your main source. If they rely so heavily on that vibe then why not try to capture that??
It's easy to get engineer ego and think that you should be shaping everything for them. sometimes that's appropriate, but sometimes you need to back off and actually capture THEIR vibe.