about retro gaming...


Mar 15, 2007
Mannheim, Germany
I bought myself a copy of old sega games for my ps3 and all of them suck. I used to love them. Games like sonic, alex kidd were my favorites and nowadays I don't like playing them anymore. Same with ScummVM. I downloaded all the great ubergames like monkey island and indiana jones. It's cool to play them like 5 minutes but then I hate it.

Am I the only one thinking retro-gaming is overrated?
Depends on the game and the mood you're in. I still play stuff like say Civilization for Windows from time to time and honestly enjoy it :lol:
It's the exact opposite for me. All the new stuff bores me beyond explanation but I can come back to the classics. Anyway, nowadays I guess I'm more into (retro) gaming culture than actually playing... weird, I Know.
I bought myself a copy of old sega games for my ps3 and all of them suck. I used to love them. Games like sonic, alex kidd were my favorites and nowadays I don't like playing them anymore. Same with ScummVM. I downloaded all the great ubergames like monkey island and indiana jones. It's cool to play them like 5 minutes but then I hate it.

Am I the only one thinking retro-gaming is overrated?

But that particular Sega compilation sucks ass. The only good games are Sonic. What happened to Quackshot and all the Disney games?
You can't go wrong with NHL 95/97, Cannon Fodder, Micro Machines, Mortal Kombat, True Lies, and the aforementioned Quack Shot :cool:

And for NES, the list just grows! Adventure Island II, Adventures In the Magic Kingdom, Batman, Bionic Commando, Blades of Steel (the pass comment still sounds like "lesbo there"), Blaster Master, Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, Double Dragon series, Duck Tales, Excite Bike, Flintstones: Rescue of Dino & Hoppy, Gauntlet II, Ikari Warriors, Jurassic Park, Lemmings, Little Nemo - Dream Master, a whole bunch of Mega Man games, Metal Gear II: Snake's Revenge, North & South, Pin Ball, Rygar, Snake Rattle 'n' Roll, Talespin, Tecmo Cup Soccer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 & 3, Tetris, The Terminator 2, Tom & Jerry, Total Recall, Wrecking Crew, and Zelda series.

Were and still are excellent games :cool:
I can still play, let's say "shadowrun" on the snes.. but anything else bores me real quickly and then i realise it's the memory of them being so great back then, that actually makes me want to play them again.. but just like you, 5 minutes in and im bored with it.

But no so much with shadowrun though, i can just play that again from start to finish once in a while.
I'm all about Retro-Gaming. But it's a fact that these games are enjoyable for 5 minutes or less. can't see what's the problem about scumm though. you have to read. no voice acting (at least most of the older scumm games). can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
Funny thing seeing this thread pop up.. Just a few weeks ago i pulled out an old Sega Mega Drive II(Genesis) of my closet(With Sonic 2 and 3.), and this week i got Sonic 1, Altered Beast, Super Monaco GP, Comix Zone, Mortal Kombat 2, Street Fighter 2 and now for the grand finale:



Sega is my favorite console EVER, and i still think those games are f-ing awesome.

Oh, and im waiting for more cash to order Turtles, Earth Worm Jim 1 & 2, Road Rash and a compilation cassette with several arcade games.
I have all the Lucasarts SCUMM games on my phone. :kickass:

I get a kick out of playing through a game every once in a while.