About the "game-changer"


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I have been asked several times about my previous comment concerning the "game-changer" sponsor that came in late in the game. I will not mention specifics out of respect for the person's privacy. However, I can tell you this.

Prior to their involvement, only one headliner was confirmed. Their sponsorship bid basically changed my choice of the final headliner. That in turn had a trickle down effect on several of the other bands that performed that night as I had to balance the styles, draw, and budget. Two different bands were booked as a result.

Sponsors do make a difference.

I also imagine that you use this year's sponsor lists/choices to help inform your decisions for PPXII planning (thinking that you'll get similar bands on the lists next year)?
You put bands on a list and how much you will sponsor them for (as said above minimum is $500). If Glenn selects one of the bands, and your bid is one he accepts (he has limits how many sponsors he will take a year) then you are a sponsor. You find out once the Web site gets updated after he announces the bands (it depends on his format that year, but the last couple years bands were announced at the fest, and sponsors found out a month or so later when the site was updated).

You don't HAVE to submit a list; if there's one particular band you'd like to see a lot, you can let Glenn know who, and how much you're willing to shell out. Of course, the more you can shell out, the more Glenn could seriously consider it. :)

And the more bands you list, then the more likely Glenn might land one of your choices. Even if you don't land one of the bands you're directly interested in, Glenn will usually allow some "general sponsors" each year.
i would really like to do this one day, but right now I just dont have the money, but one day I will.
I want to hug whoever the game changer is. I am ridiculously pleased with this year's lineup. Whoever this person is, they'll just have to be satisfied with a cyber-hug, since I can respect the need for privacy. :) *HUGS!*