Above92 Guy "Make Me Famous"



Is this guy serious? There is no originality in his work whatsoever.
It's such an Asking Alexandria wannabe band.
Their songs consist of nothing but chugs and power chords.
Shit, I forgot the AUTOTUNE.
He denies the shit out of it too.

Also on his own, all the covers he does obviously have some sort of pitch correction. Melodyne?

Check this out

They claim the video is LIVE.
Live? Are you kidding me?

Sad part is, all their fans believe it.
10 year olds don't know about this stuff. ):

What are your opinions on this guy and the band?
I saw these guys on the tubes a couple weeks back. Same old shit. I still keep asking myself "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU JOGGING IN PLACE?" Stop it, just FUCKING STIP IT! raaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggeeeeeeee fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Ah, that feels better.:saint:
last time there was a thread about this, he contacted me and asked me to delete everything because it was harming his reputation.
I think I'm gonna get another email soon ;)
What the fuck is with these bands? Can't these kids fucking realize that they look fucking ridiculous playing shit music? Being a musician nowadays requires nothing but looking like a douchebag
Is this guy serious?
Check this out

They claim the video is LIVE.
Live? Are you kidding me?
It's funny, music has always been riddled with big talkers but in the last year or so the internet seems to have become riddled with bands that tell absurd transparent lies and think no one will notice. Obviously this is not straight evil like the guys who steal other bands demos and pretend they're their own but come on. "Live?" You mean like it's "live action" and not animated? LOL.
I don't know how anyone could think it's live....how would you explain the gang vox part....??...??? Like even if I knew nothing of music I'd call bullshit right out the gate.

Above 92 says.
"Yeah, we're using some backtracks like vocal harmonies, FX effects and gang vocals but that what all solid bands doing nowadays. It's only to make our live shows sound more like our CD cause screamo bands can't afford choir :D"
I personally like the Chuck Norris roundhouse, and the part where it looks like they're in a really bad elevator. I also like the fact that they keep their heart rates up by jogging in place while playing. I should try that, it might slim down my decidedly non-svelte physique.
The description is priceless: