ABR/ATDR Style Metal 4 U 2 MIX!


Like a boss
Aug 11, 2009
Louisville, KY
Here's a band I did last year. I already had their files consolidated so it only took a little bit of clean up and a text file to make this ready for you all.

There's a Readme with all the details, but I'll post them here too.

File link.
https://files.me.com/zatp/54ijjk (should be up within the hour)

My mix.

"Never Trust A Man with 3 First Names" - They Came Bearing Arms from Louisville, KY

176 BPM measures 1-132
126 BPM measures 132-142
092 BPM measures 142-End

Midi for Kick, Snare, Rack and Floor Tom
Including bounced kit tracks with the Slate samples I used, without any of my processing applied.
2 overheads and a china mic (shitty sounding, but it helps out). Panning and gain need to be watched carefully to preserve stereo balance because my micing job was so-so.

Active Ibanez DI Track. Played by me and the rhythm guitarist, haha.

3 Tracks per guitar sound. 2 rhythms and one lead guitar. Straight, 45 degree angle, and a DI. Amp was Madison divinity. Cab was Orange 4x12 with V30's. Mic's were about 12" away. Guitar was a Schecter with active blackout pups so DI's are a little hot. Feel free to use any or all of the tracks to your liking.

2 scream tracks (most of the vocals are screams). I pushed these hard in the mixing stage. He's a quiet screamer, but I liked his voice.
A main vocal and harmony track for choruses, already tuned. Meh singer.
Gang vocals too, already comped together.

I made an 808 track for them, you can use mine or create your own.

Have fun.
can u tell us what mics you used for what? and how? and even WHY?

knowing the basis of the birth of the sound is best to do a mix or even remix

oh. and are all tracks peaking at -18 to - 10?
people say its best to peak at -6
but thats if you have good converters, like lynx or mytec.

theres a lesson here, kiddies.
read it up.
I don't know about peaking issues. I try to track low so that I can always raise the gain or compress.

Mic wise, I used two random condensor mics as overheads (thus the shitty mic job). A SM71 or something old and random, and an AT3037 (also random). The china is also a random shure mic.

SM57's on the guitar cab. SM7B on the vox. That's it. Bass is DI and drums are slate samples.

I used the mics I did because they were all I have and they make sense for the sources I used them on.
man, i seriously can't wait to get back to my new rig and try out all these new DIs.

the song sounds killer!

i'll have fun mixing this one, but if it's anything like nevchrists, i doubt any one will listen to it ;)


EDIT: robbie, i'm in tampa right now! on holiday, sort of.. haha. what's there to do out here?!
man, i seriously can't wait to get back to my new rig and try out all these new DIs.

the song sounds killer!

i'll have fun mixing this one, but if it's anything like nevchrists, i doubt any one will listen to it ;)


EDIT: robbie, i'm in tampa right now! on holiday, sort of.. haha. what's there to do out here?!

im down in seminole, but its REAL close. if you're in the city, sucks for you, hahaha.
if youre in st. pete or clearwater, or anywhere with a beach, nice.
Smoke some weed, man! haha
Great job everyone! I love their guitarists/riffs. I didn't do anything to their guitar tracks except cut silence/noise. Their rhythm player is more of a perfectionist than I am so it worked out well. Even their singer/guitarist is a beast. He played a lot of the leads and solos and impressed me. They've since this recording gotten a badass drummer that can actually play all of this shit and more. Their bass player is getting better too so I see them doing well in the future.
i'm pretty close to tampa intl. airport..

going back to the UK on thursday! aha. it's been too cold lately to get to a beach.. but i might be out again sometime next year.

sorry for hijacking this thread!

thats awesome... im from prestonsburg, kentucky glad to see someone not too far away!