ABR/ATDR Style Metal 4 U 2 MIX!

every thing sounds pretty good except for screams. they sound pretty awful IMO. very dry and pushed back.

hahaha, honestly i pushed them back so much because i really really thought they killed the mix, i was going to just leave them out but i just pushed them back a ton, just i couldn't do anything to the vocals, i just feel that vocalist at that time was not good at all, idk thats just my thoughts.

The singing tho i liked so i brought that out quit abit
Argh, I forgot to check back into this thread. Great song, superbly tracked instruments.

My Mix: http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=10200838&q=hi&newref=1

Guitars: Catharsis' Fredman impulses, minimal EQ. Fit right in.
Bass: squished to hell.
Drums: Used your toms, used your snare, blended some DFH cymbals in there, Replaced the kick.
Vocals: bit of verb, touch of EQ, compressed.
Mastering chain: Ozone's limiter and harmonic exciter all tastefully used.

Meat an' potatoes mix. And only just now realizing I had this track done like 2 weeks ago. But I still forgot to mix the Subdrops!