ABR/ATDR Style Metal 4 U 2 MIX!

Here's my mix, I've not referenced it to anything, I've just been sitting here freezing my ass off and hoping it sounds ok. I reckon the bottom end could be crazy.

It's all SSD on the drums. I replaced the China, I really want to do all of the cymbals again, but I've not got the patience today. There's a bottle of Gin somewhere with my name on it.

I duplicated and split the bass. Put one through a rectifier in Pod Farm. High/Low passed the shit out of it.

Guitars are OD808->6505->Marshall 4x12 V30's->SM57.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3526809/MANTRUST MASTER.mp3
Thanks man :)

Re-amping is awesome, gotta love it. Plus, my neighbour never seems to complain about loud music.
It's coming along pretty nicely. They're doing 2 new songs right now, so far so good. We're starting vocals wednesday and hopefully everything goes smooth. Other than their screamer being quiet, is there anything I should worry about, haha. That sucks that you kinda have to pause what you're doing in the music business. I'm pretty much just getting started since I've been using cubase and learning how to quantize everything.

p.s. Here's my reverbnation if you wanna check out my progress on TCBA so far. I also have a song from my band on there as well: http://www.reverbnation.com/maddenstudios

That's weird because i didn't use compression on this mix; I used tape/tube saturation.
Well those are the stock samples from Superior 2 :D (Blended w/the ones on the original data of the song)

hey here is my first mix that ive done.
its not as apearently loud as some of these but its as loud as i could get it.
very fun song to mix
i did some automation and gating with the screams at the end... let me know what u guys think, or any pointers to get better