Absu. Yay or Nay?


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
are Absu worth checking out? I've got two Melechesh albums, and I like both. So will I like Absu? Which is their best album?

NAY on "the third storm of cythraul"... that's the only one i own and the songs are okay but the production is UTTERLY GODAWFUL. the last sting album had a heavier sound. i've heard many good things about "tara", though, so maybe that's one you should check out. i've almost bought it several times myself.

i've always been interested in melechesh... where should i start?
I keep hearing awesome things about Tara, as well. That's why I'm asking about Absu. Is Tara the band's only worthwhile album?

Melechesh is pretty cool. I have Djinn and Sphynx. They are fairly similar, but I prefer Djinn for some reason. I know PapaJosh liked Sphynx a lot. You can go wrong with either. Never heard their debut, "Jerusalem Burns" or something like that. It's supposedly straight forward black metal, before the band got into the whole Mesopatamian thing.
A couple of things - what is the connection between Absu and Melechesh?

Also, does having a "Mesopatamian" sound automatically imply some level of Morbid Angel worship?

I'm really looking forward to hearing some Melechesh especially with comparisons being drawn to Rudra (who sound nothing like MA btw).
Absu and Melechesh share the same drummer, I believe.

Melechesh is supposedly Mesopatamian metal. Melechesh are more of a black metal band than death metal, so I don't think there is any MA comparison.

Absu supposedly has some Celtic influence (bagpipes) and play an occult, mysticism type of thrashy black metal.
nah i personally don't like tara at all, i found it very repetitive and pretty boring overall with like two stand out-tracks. the drumming by proscriptor is insane and lifts the album somewhat, but not enough at all.
Well, around these parts I guess I consider myself the ABSU scholar, having all of their releases.

BWD is smoking crack... Third Storm is awesome. Very good atmosphere. I think Erik and Sorath would like it.

Tara is absolutely amazing, from the music all of the way down to the packaging. Very detailed and a very interesting read.

The Sun Of Tiphareth is one of my favorites, that's their second release.

In regards to Melechesh's debut, there were a few Mesopotamian elements but overall it was harsher than the last two. And Proscriptor isn't on the debut either.
I remember a while back that the Absu drummer was one of the finalists being considered to replace Dave Lombardo when he left Slayer. That's all I know about Absu. I have heard that they are supposed to very good, though.
Absu ? yey
It's about old school Black Thrash, with a prod' that fits, np.
You have even 'The Sun of Tiphareth', played in a more atmospheric vein.
nothing to do with Meleshesh massive DM style, no no no ...
I thought Tara was a right boring album, but a lot of people swear by Proscriptor and Absu. Drums + vocals live is impressive, you have to hand him that!