Abysmalia : "Quid Humanum Est" (progressive / thrash)


Jan 5, 2008

Our second album "Quid Humanum Est" is now completed and available for pre-listening session in its entirety - and now we need some feedback. All sorts of comments are warmly welcome and greatly appreciated!

Here you can find the music/lyrics: http://www.mikseri.net/artists/?id=69299&displ_lang=en
Here you can find some subjective thoughts about the new album: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=191735170&blogId=479604657
And here is our official MySpace-site: http://www.myspace.com/abysmalia
Hmm...yes the material is quite good actually! I nearly remember listening you guys(ang girls) through Mikseri.net some time ago. Drums are okay, but need more punch...actually everything needs more punch in the song. Guitars are little bit weak. Kinda soft? And that's what we don't need, right? Mix isn't bad and vocals are good imo (maybe need more agression and attitude)!

And one thing:
I really advice you to get either dropbox or soundclick account. Without those I guess no one tries even listen this. Myspace site is better but it got so damn bad audio quality.
Ja mikserin soitin on nykyään ihan jees, mutta porukka tykkää täällä vaan tietyistä saiteista.