ACCEPT NY, NY 05/08/2010

Platinum Maze

Random Star
Feb 21, 2003
Oakland, NJ
What a show. Tornillo was amazing. You have to hear him to believe it. Great sound in a nice small club. Crowd was pumped up for them all night.

Metal Heart
Midnight Mover
Living For Tonite
Restless and Wild
Son of a Bitch
Losers and Winners
London Leatherboys
The Abyss (new)
Run If You Can
Teutonic Terror (new)
Neon Nights
bass/drum/Wolf solo (instrumental break)
Flash Rockin' Man
Up To The Limit
Demon's Night
Turn Me On
Princess Of The Dawn
I'm A Rebel
Fast As A Shark
Balls To The Wall
Well, I have watched some clips and... mmm... for me, Tornillo can´t do Udo vocals, he´s out of tune sometimes. Set list is amazing and Wolf guitar is there but...
I disagree. He was nailing pretty much everything...even those gutteral noises from Udo in Son of a Bitch. He did not have any problems getting up there for the high ones either. Baltes even tapped him on the shoulder once or twice because he couldn't believe what he had heard. I'm sure he slipped up here and there but they found the perfect replacement if you ask me.

I'd love to see if Udo still has the pipes to handle this set list nowadays... Anyone seen him live recently?

In attendance were Dave DiPietro (guitarist of TT Quick) and Alan Tecchio of Watchtower/Hades. Eddie Trunk too, and his gaggle of hack comedians. :p
What a set list!!!! I can't wait to see them if they play around these parts!!!!!

Oh did you change your mind about Scabcept ? :goggly: I have read some reviews from longtime fans and most said Mark was absolutely on fire. I don't know how the new material is going to sound, but as long as Mark's throat holds up, I think Accept will make a serious return. If he sounds as good as most say.... and why doubt them..... I think the "full" reunion with Udo would be a step down at this point in Udo's vocal abilities. I still love the guy, don't get me wrong. How could you not adore such a handsome man :lol: but I think Accept has found THE guy for 2010 and beyond.

Oh did you change your mind about Scabcept? I think the "full" reunion with Udo would be a step down at this point in Udo's vocal abilities. I still love the guy, don't get me wrong. How could you not adore such a handsome man :lol: but I think Accept has found THE guy for 2010 and beyond.


I have. This beats the David Reece stuff for sure. I disagree about them getting back with UDO being a step down. I hope this works out for Mark but I gotta believe that if UDO wanted back they'd likely let him in. I know they've said this is the band from now going into the future. I remember a band called Van Halen who had what appeared to be a solid relationship and career with their singer at the time. And when Roth was ready to come back they unloaded the "other guy." Like I said I hope this works out for Mark. I'm getting an advance of the album soon and I can't wait to hear it.
I have. This beats the David Reece stuff for sure. I disagree about them getting back with UDO being a step down. I hope this works out for Mark but I gotta believe that if UDO wanted back they'd likely let him in. I know they've said this is the band from now going into the future. I remember a band called Van Halen who had what appeared to be a solid relationship and career with their singer at the time. And when Roth was ready to come back they unloaded the "other guy." Like I said I hope this works out for Mark. I'm getting an advance of the album soon and I can't wait to hear it.

Dude !! In many ways you are preaching to the choir. As worldly as you are in the metal scene, I doubt you have met many people more avid about Accept as I. I want the REAL Accept, which is Udo singing. However, I think Accept with Udo is a disaster waiting to happen. It won't be Udo's fault, nor will it be Wolf and Peter's....... but I don't think it will work.

Dude !! In many ways you are preaching to the choir. As worldly as you are in the metal scene, I doubt you have met many people more avid about Accept as I. I want the REAL Accept, which is Udo singing. However, I think Accept with Udo is a disaster waiting to happen. It won't be Udo's fault, nor will it be Wolf and Peter's....... but I don't think it will work.


Yup! I'd have to agree.
I saw the self serving idiot in person after the show. Fuck. How many times does he have to massage the band's as well as his own ego? Radio, tv, before the show and then after the show. That guy just monopolized the band's time and wouldn't let anyone else have a chat. Yeah, we know you've heard the album. We know you love the album. You are the best cheerleader the band has or ever will have. :rolleyes:

Anyway, great show and Mark did a good job. But the Europeans will make or break this version of Accept. A loyal NYC audience full of TT Quick fanboys was only the first test. I would have liked to hear something from RR or even ETH.

Oh he's a major nutswinger! He was practically making out with Baltes and Tornillo on his show on friday night! And you're right about Jim and Don are hacks....
I've seen TT Quick 3 or 4 times back in the day, but I'm far from a fanboy. :erk: I know what you're saying but that was a pretty general statement...

ET was standing about 20 feet to my right for the entire show. He was rocking out and seemed to be a bit more "buzzed" than he usually is at shows. :kickass:

Also in attendance were Rob Dukes of Exodus (which I didn't know until I saw pics on his FB page), and I can't confirm it, but I could have sworn I saw Michael Cartellone (ex-Damn Yankees drummer) who played on Accept's Predator album. :rock:
I had 4 TT Quick fanboys near me. They chanted TT Quick throughout the show. Just dumb. But those are the breaks.

Accept delivered. :rock:

On an unrelated note A-Ha also put on a good show at the Nokia (Farewell Tour). It was an 1985 style weekend in NYC.

I've seen TT Quick 3 or 4 times back in the day, but I'm far from a fanboy. :erk: I know what you're saying but that was a pretty general statement...

ET was standing about 20 feet to my right for the entire show. He was rocking out and seemed to be a bit more "buzzed" than he usually is at shows. :kickass:

Also in attendance were Rob Dukes of Exodus (which I didn't know until I saw pics on his FB page), and I can't confirm it, but I could have sworn I saw Michael Cartellone (ex-Damn Yankees drummer) who played on Accept's Predator album. :rock: