
Originally posted by SSatanic
What would you say if I said that Balls To The Wall is the best metal album ever made by anyone?
It is, you know!
Anyone possibly agree/disagree?
That's a pretty bold statement, one that probably 99% of people here will disagree with..........but good way to start a topic.

I think Accept has a place in any large metal collection, there was just recently released a compilation combining Balls to the Wall & Restless & Wild on one CD at mid price which is well worth getting.........and I did :Smokedev:

BTW......Fast as a Shark is a great track!
I just saw the "Balls to the Wall" video this afternoon on VH-1 Classic. It wasn't until the end of the video, it hit me.
UDO can't carry a tune, the song is pretty cheesey & I think he liked getting "friendly" with Wolf....
Check out the video next time you see it.
Just the way he looks at the guy...
But to answer the question.
No. That's one of those records that sounded good back in the day, but now sounds very dated & flat.
Though I would agree to it being the best Metal album ever, I would say that its pretty damn good.

But whats cool about Accept is their accent :p

I believe Fast as the Shark to be the first speed metal song ever. Accept has always been a favorite. I'd say that Objection Overruled is very close in the running, too.

I own vinyl copies of Restless... and Balls..., but that compiliation (per Necros) has the best of both albums on it. Worth buying it.

Originally posted by Troyanasy
In my opinion, Breaker is their best album.Anyone agree?

Yea me! I was a real Accept freak in the early 80s. My best friend and me followed them whenever they were playing in The Netherlands, Belgium and the western part of Germany. I must have seen them more than 50 times :). In those day's I heard the songs of the "Breaker" album more live on stage than in the album version :headbang:
Accept is an old favorite of mine as well. Balls to the Wall had some great grooves, and an awesome guitar sound.

Udo is classic. Totally and completely original. Of course he can't "carry" a tune. Anyone expecting to hear Geoff Tate on an Accept album is missing the point. As for Udo getting a little too fresh with Wolf--read the words to the songs. You are quite possibly on to something there.

I saw Accept in the mid-1990's at the Troubadour in Los Angeles. Small club, jammed with old Accept fans--one of the more memorable shows I've ever seen. Accept was out of their element in arenas--their place was always close to the booze :)
