According to IGN, the final track listing has been revealed

Chromatose said:
So next time I go to the arcade and play house of the dead, I suppose it would be for the best to buy a real gun and go shooting real things? AWESOME
i hope you realize that it is a stupid analogy.
guitars don't kill people, if they are used properly (and by that i mean not beating people up with them), while through guns you kill people.
and i think if anyone gets in a band that gets on a stage, no matter how shitty they will be, as long as they are on stage they will feel good, while playing a game will loose its magic after some time, while with a real guitar chances are you will never get bored.
how come i'm not playing HL2 anymore, since that was the best game i ever played?
YYZ is quite difficult, but fun as Hell to play. The three note chords also throw you quite off when they just show up in the middle of the song.