According to Metal Sludge...

VH1 played Metal Mania and showed "Caught In A Mosh" and "Anti-Social", along with a big giant load of hair metal crap (and a few decent songs thrown in for slight credibility).

When is this usually on???
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
I would kill to see anthrax videos on MTV we get to see the foo fighters korn the vines the white stripes fucking crap like that. Dident MTV play anthrax a lot in the 80's??

I was a teenager in the 80's and yeah, MTV played Antisocial on Headbanger's Ball regularly when it was a "hit" and once in a while on regular rotation. I gave up on eMpTyV when rap started to take hold.

I remember seeing Antisocial on at dinner time back when they did the 6pm countdown in the late eighties. I used to leave the tv on and run from the dinner table into the family room when it came on.
Johnny Ace said:
I remember seeing Antisocial on at dinner time back when they did the 6pm countdown in the late eighties. I used to leave the tv on and run from the dinner table into the family room when it came on.

Yep. I remember seeing Antisocial on there a few times. Those were the fucking days!!
Last I saw Anthrax on TV (here in Oz) was the filmclip for Nothing about 6 years ago. Before that through I remember seeing them every other week - Antisocial / Got the Time / Only / Room for One More, and even Hyproglo once or twice.