Accoustic show in Greece?

Ad Infinitum...

Nov 20, 2002
Patra / Thessaloniki, Greece
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There is a rumour going round that Danny will give two accoustic gigs in Athens at 16th and 17th of July, at "Dionysos". :)

Anyone who can confirm this?

Is there any chance for an accoustic set in Thessaloniki or any other greek city?

Any more information about the show? (time?)

:D *crossing fingers and wishing*:D
Ad Infinitum... said:
There is a rumour going round that Danny will give two accoustic gigs in Athens at 16th and 17th of July, at "Dionysos". :)

Anyone who can confirm this?

Is there any chance for an accoustic set in Thessaloniki or any other greek city?

Any more information about the show? (time?)

:D *crossing fingers and wishing*:D
yes, yes and no.
[complete out of topic]

Hey DOn Corleone have you checked the last Skinny Puppy album yet (the greater wrong of the right) ? It's a killer! :hotjump:

You can check here one of the song off of it if you wish.

[now you can get back on the turkey stuff, sorry for interrupting]
hey the gigs in athens have been cancelled because the promoter has done a runner after losing a fortune on the fetstival last week... i am working with a friend to find a decent little pub or so to play for a night... mikes irish bar or maybe AN club...if its at the end of July, is this too much into holiday season?