AcmeBarGig Preampus Tamla Head released


May 11, 2009

Tamla?? For those unfamiliar with the origins of this name, this might seem to be quite a strange choice, after all, it's quite far removed from the puns you might have came to expect from the Preampus line (A damn sight more subtle than Dick Head and Meat Head, that's for sure!)

Well what the heck is Tamla? What does that mean? We'll come back to that, let's go for a description first!

Take yourself back in time to a point in History when MLK was still alive, the time of the Million Man March, a time of Riots and a time where someone refusing to give up their seat sparked a movement.

The days that spawned the heroes of the Civil Rights movement.

This time in History was also rich in musical innovation. In particular, Motown Records. We could not do a classic set of hybrid amps without including these tones, so we bring you Tamla Head.

This amp is immensely inspired by The Funk Brothers (who, if you don't know the name, you would have undoubtedly heard play on a record, after all, they are arguably one of the most important bands, session or otherwise, in music history).

Through our research, we could not find any reference to the amps these guys used. It turns out they didn't actually tend to record with an amp, they went direct into the board.

Because of this, our Tamla Head almost got put off, but then we thought...'Well, lets do a model of what those guitars would sound like into sound boards of that period'. We added an extra gain section just to make sure that Tamla was good for other uses as well. But it is, for the most part, true to its Motown roots.

Which brings us to the name, well, simply, Tamla was the original name of Motown Records, we thought an amp this true to it's roots should be named accordingly!

The other amps in this series are most definitely more 'out-there' than Tamla, in fact, we've been talking all week about the 'character' of these amps, perhaps Tamla is the only female of the bunch, or if you want to think of Gimme Head as female, well, Tamla is certainly the only LADY of the bunch! Tonally she's gorgeous and we dig her for her super-clean tones, and even when she raises her voice and things get a little scary, we can't help but love her when she gets a little angry! Let Tamla get you Standing In The Shadows Of Motown, laying down the Tracks of your Tears, and hopefully you'll stop once in a while to say...'Isn't She Lovely'!

So download Tamla, and add it to your repertoire of Classic Hybrid amps, by now you should have a pretty impressive collection, and if you haven't already got the other 5 characters that make up this lineup, where have you been all week?! - Go get them now, there's Dick Head, Meat Head, Knuckle Head, Brain 2 and Gimme Head to keep you entertained and sonically pleased for a LONG time, even though it's nearly over, we still want you to get into the spirit of Preampus Week, we've had a blast getting these guys out to you and we just hope that you can enjoy them as much as we think you will!

Get Tamla Here

Bear in mind the Classic Hybrid amps are HEAD ONLY, you will NEED to use some external cabinet modeling, we highly recommend LePou's LeCab, which you can grab here:
I just had this really massive idea... how about combining all these into one plugin? Kinda like a POD in vst format.

You would have the same interface for all the heads, but you would have these knobs:


and those knobs/switches would have a small light under them if they are used in the current head, if they aren't, it is unlit, something like this:


btw, where is BALD HEAD? ;)
ahj Thats coming Its called FrankenAMP and contains all of these components, you can mix and match them yourself, select tonestack, poweramp, etc..

Bald Head! Cool name
