AcmeBarGig Preampus Distortus


May 11, 2009

The amp everyone has heard us talk about for the last 2 months is finally gone to beta. Preampus Distortus has to go through its round of testing. When that is complete it will be added to AcmeBarGig's Guitar suite and released as freeware. We had about 6 different versions of this amp before finally settling on this conmfiguration. It has no bells no whistles, no GUT options, nothing that would let you know it is an AcmeBarGig Amp. We didn't even use our standard knobs for it. We wanted to take a different direction with this development, instead of complication, this is a plug in and play it type of amp. The only thing that is a little different about this amp is the cotrols. They are called Pad Sliders. You simply put your mouse on them and move up or down. Simplistic in its approach, and clean lines in its GUI make Preampus Distortus a very simple amp to run and get a tone from....

So, now when you tell us that the amps are too complicated, you need to look no further than Preampus...It also has a Solid State amp built well as tube..

I dig it. I have no problem taking it seriously even though it "doesn't look like hardware". I hate that closed minded paradigm.

Looks like a kickin' amp. \m/