Catharsis, AcmeBarGig, Poulin Mega Release

MMMM tasty release coming guys, well done! Now if you can just get a Mac version out...:Saint:
Yeah the Polar Bears story I heard from a guy in Winnepeg. I thought he was joking, then abou 2 days later the CBC Ran a story about it...!LePou, we should post some facts on the pages for this release...Hell if I could have a Poutine stand setup for you to order as you're downloading the Canadian Metal release I would!

When you get here here is what you'll see...Consider this as an official AcmeBarGig Travel Inc release :)

My Province...Ontario


LePou's Province..Quebec




British Columbia


Yukon...This is where Teresa and I are moving some time...Within the next year or so..




There is nothing to do there but develop VST's and live clean.

Anyways, that is how I see Canada...

johnny, i used the last incarnation of soloc on my doom drone ep
i will be posting it up on here later
it definately brought the sludge, i can only imagine its gonna get better :D:D
guys, where's the puchase page?

i want to buy this now!!


can't wait to try them all out :)

So that's gonna be a free plug-in?!?! 8-O

Sugar Shack trips(More of a Quebec thing)
They take the sap from Maple trees, boil it over oak or Maple wood, that makes maple syrup like for pancakes. But when you go to the sugar shacks(which is what they are called). They usually have a space where they pour the syrup into the snow. It freezes. When you eat that it has a flavor like nothing else on earth. I usually do this and then take the kids tobogganing, make a day of it, plus it burns off all that sugar!

I just want to point out that we don't only eat the maple syrup on the snow, that's more like the dessert. We eat some "oreilles de christ" which would translate as "the ears of the christ" and paté and ham and beans and many other very greasy things. But nowadays they pretty much all suck with their 90's disco music. :P

edit : oh I just found the price. 0$ is quite cheap. :P
Yes its gonna be a free plugin, will cost you $0.00 Canadian...

Yeah Lepou's new amp is even better than the last, he just keeps getting better at it...Personally I think its all the Poutine!
I know that LePou has another almost back to back release coming too...I might release something with him as well..

This next LePou release, After the Canadian Metal Release, WILL dethrone a very well known software we all use...Almost Guaranteed to do this. He is breaking new ground and I for one can't wait to see it soar for my friend LePou. We spoke briefly about releasing it a week after The Canadian Metal Release, but that is entirely up to LePou...I know for sure that most people will use it and it will be come the defacto go to must have..

What Lepou is releasing is.....Sorry can't tell you.. :)

DCD No purchase required...
This next LePou release, After the Canadian Metal Release, WILL dethrone a very well known software we all use...Almost Guaranteed to do this. He is breaking new ground and I for one can't wait to see it soar for my friend LePou. We spoke briefly about releasing it a week after The Canadian Metal Release, but that is entirely up to LePou...I know for sure that most people will use it and it will be come the defacto go to must have..

What Lepou is releasing is.....Sorry can't tell you.. :)

Awwww man, u shouldn't tease us like this!
Can't wait to see wot LePou has got in store for us all,
sounds awesome (whatever the hell it is :))
HOLY SHIT @ those pictures of Canada. Beautiful! Yep I'm definately coming over some day.

Aw man now I'm excited as hell for the release you mentioned.... hmmmm, something ground breaking and something that will dethrone some other plugin we all use... shit, what can that be I wonder :O
I love all things Canadian, especially hockey - I was just born a few hundred miles too south.

edited to to too :)
in all honesty
if lepou made a sunnO))) amp sim
i would raid my piggy bank
i dont actually have one but id raid it anyway

Like I said, I'm working on it. Either these guys will have something that can do those sounds, or I'll learn SPICE and do it myself.

Matamps ftw :rock:
yeah but we need that shit asap man
we must force a sunnO))) amp into lepou's hands and force him to learn it inside out and model it like the speedy canadian bastard he is :D
LOL, That was too funny..Yeah I am serious with LePou's new plug...I know he will do well with it, I don't know of anything else that has the options his does...

What is a sunnO))??
KeyGen...I know XratedDoDo never does that...He is a stand up guy for sure...

Jind for 4 years I spent 75% of my time in the USA, I love the US as much as I love my own country and have been to every state multiple times. Yes every single state at least 10 times each. So The USA, mile for mile is just a beautiful as Canada, there's just more people there. What is the definition of a Canadian...Simple...

A Canadian is an un-armed American with free healthcare. The more I traveled our highways, and your interstates, the more I saw that on a personal level, the only difference between Canadians and Americans is our governments. We have Tim Hortons donuts, you have Dunkin, You have Hardee's we have Harvey's. Same same..

Zark, sorry for the tease...:)

Reg... you mean your guitar does not go with you! Well thats just mean it deserves a vacation too!