Catharsis, AcmeBarGig, Poulin Mega Release

i have a mac :(

Haha, yeah actually its 24.95 USD...

Re Mac version...

I have been contacted by the Renoise guys, and , if there is going to be Mac versions, I believe that is where they will be coming from. So I have said that I will provide my source to them and in fact help with its translation from assembly. I cannot provide source for RedShift or Tribe. I have partners with them and it is not a simple decision. I would like nothing more than to support Mac and Linux users, but I am not that programmer. I have little experience developing for Linux, and even less with MAC. So, unfortunately unless someone does these ports, I can't take the time to learn these development techniques. If I did that all ABG development would stop for about a year!

I have strong confidence in the Renoise development community and if its possible, these are the guys to do it...

So, basically, there are people working on it, but no official ETA or anything?

Will it remain free, in the case that the porting is successful?

You should try and get those guys to sign up on the forum and talk to us :)