Catharsis, AcmeBarGig, Poulin Mega Release


May 11, 2009

This Release includes..
Poulin Solo C Head
Poulin Solo C Preamp
Poulin Solo C Full Stack

AcmeBarGig Scar Tube distortion designer
AcmeBarGig RedShift Overdrive
AcmeBarGig Preampus Distortus Head

Catharsis Studios IR Cabs for Solo C

Enjoy guys and the only thing this is gonna cost you is some hearing loss..
LePou, Ryan(Catharsis), and AcmeBarGig are once again happy to bring this to you..

its really fucking awesome that you guys have ryan on board for this
i cant wait for this release :D:D
i am going to make this shit drone the fuck out
Cheers, mang! I have 0.00 Euros and New Zealand Dollars as well, I hope these will be acceptable.

@TheXRatedDodo: It's all about da stoner doom \m/
Can't wait....... Must have..... It's my birthday - can I have it early? Can I, Can I? :worship: Just kidding, I'm sure it will be great.
WHAT??? I have to wait til FRIDAY???
I'm not sure i can! lololol.
but seriously, all u guys rock, I (and i'm sure everybody else)
really appreciate all ur work, especially when it's for free, cus i'm sure
you could make a lot of money selling this stuff.

Keep up the outstanding work!
You guys rule! :kickass:
Well Thanks Guys, LePou and I have been planning this for quite a while. Ryan came on board I guess about a month ago, and we're both really glad he did. He is a gifted artists and IR maker..I expect to see big things in Ryan's future..
Thanks Esch, Both Lepou and I are Caunuckle heads...Me from Ontario, LePou from Quebec...

What can be said about a country where you can drink the water from the streams? Not everywhere mind you, like you would'nt want to try that in Hamilton, Toronto or Montreal. But you can around Vancouver. I've done it...People see Canada and they think of only the big cities, and in fact that is not what Canada is about...

Couple Quick Facts..
From most Canadian Cites, you can fly 4 hours north and step where no one, or at least very few humans have ever been before. The animals in some cases have never seen a human..

Brandon Manitoba..
On Halloween the people stand on street corners with Guns...Why? Because too many children have been eaten by Polar Bears while trick or treating!

Largest "Undocumented" Export for British Columbia...Marijuana

The French Cajun People of Louisiana are actually French Canadians..

No we don't have snow year round!

My list of favorite Winter activities...
You and about 6 friends drag a "hut" out onto a frozen lake. Make a hole in the ice and in the floor of the hut. Drop your fishing line through it. If you are smart you get a hut with a fireplace and sleeping accomodations. What an excellent weekend, Beer fresh fish, Poker, and sooner or later someone gets dared to streak around the lake in -20 degree weather.

Like riding a dirt bike only on snow..

Hockey Night in Canada!
Every Saturday someone hosts this "EVENT" This is especially cool in Quebec.

Pack the kids up, find the biggest most dangerous hill you can find...Then PUSH THEM DOWN IT AS HARD AS YOU CAN!
This is self explanatory, and anyone with kids knows what a blessing tobogganing is! :)

You and a bunch of friends find a frozen lake, bring beer and play hockey, sort of... You usually end up playing the "who's turn it to get th puck from the 8 foot snow drift game"...

Sugar Shack trips(More of a Quebec thing)
They take the sap from Maple trees, boil it over oak or Maple wood, that makes maple syrup like for pancakes. But when you go to the sugar shacks(which is what they are called). They usually have a space where they pour the syrup into the snow. It freezes. When you eat that it has a flavor like nothing else on earth. I usually do this and then take the kids tobogganing, make a day of it, plus it burns off all that sugar!

Canadian Equivalents
Metre = Meter
Chesterfield = Couch
Why its called a Chesterfield? I dunno, but thats what I usually call it!
To write in Canadian English, just spell things with the R in the second last spot...Like Liter(US Version) Litre(Canadian Version)...Why do we do this? I dunno, I just do it...

Canadian Cuisine!
Canadian Bacon...What is this, I never heard of Canadian Bacon until I went to the USA and ordered a Pizza. I was expecting to get something I could be proud of that comes from Canada that I did not know about...Turns out, Apparently Canadian Bacon is Ham?? There is no such thing...But, we do have a bacon here called Back Bacon, which is not ham, and is delicious...

Poutine...From LePou's neck of the woods
Poutine is French Canadien Cheese curds, Gravy, and French Fries...I thought it sounded awful until I tried it...Wow! However, you can only get this in Quebec, I have tried everyone's adaptation of it, and it is not real unless these are French Canadien Cheese curds made in Quebec(Preferably from St. Albert Cheese) which is IMO the best cheese in the world, second is in Little Chutte Wisconsin).

Newfy Steak(newfoundland)
Hot dog!

Canadian Ghoulash...A personal Favorite..
Can of HEINZ Pork and Beans, Burger meat fried with onions, Boiled Potatoes...While the burger meat is cooking,add some water to it, and some OXO cubes(2) Make that into a gravy..
The trick to this as any Canadian/Canadien knows, is the way in which you mix it up. The potatoes you mash on your plate, then you mix the entire thing together on your plate and voila..Amazing Cheap, and kids love this stuff!

Well See you got me started on Canada...Sorry for the OT guys, but just wanted to give some insight into our little slice of the planet..