acoustic concert in belgium, gent.

Nina said:
The Frontline is in 'T Steegske', 50 metres (direction St Pietersplein) from the previous location on the corner with tStalhof :p

See you there.
from your description, it seems to me that it is the same place where antimatter had their gig.
or am i wrong?
Bastet said:
yeah, well, i thought it used to be at the corner of stalhof and overpoort, must have been wrong then.
it was for a while, before that is was across the vooruit, and now it moved again.. and it's very small now as i heared

Bastet said:
no worries i'll find it :)
i know where it is, you need a co-pilote?
Cerulean said:
Well I don't think we can get home (me and gf), and I gotta go to school the day after, so sleeping somewhere in Ghent is tricky as well :erk:
well you know both of you can sleep in my room and i can sleep in the room of my absent neighbour if you want. ive to go working at 9 something but i guess schools start earlier these days :) if you make it youre welcome.

siderea said:
baby if youve got to go away....
dont think i could take the pain...
wont you stay another day?
:OMG: what did you remind me of!haahhahahahaha


anyways have fun loves:Spin: even for us that we'll be missing:(

now gorik i guess you need to take the first train home then? maybe you can stay at my place but im not sure yet. im working in the morning so then i can drop you at the station at 5h30 sth. its on me way.

havent promised a thing yet but itll be okay i guess.
It's so hard to decide :yell:
Thanks for the offer Pieter, but as I told you on MSN, 5.30 is too early :erk:
So, Elisabeth, if it's absolutely no problem at all for you, we'll probably be staying at your house. We'll have to be at the train station at 7.45 though, Pieter said there was a tram we could take so I guess that would work...