acoustic side project concert in holland 1st may

A song from the heady, jupiterian gravity of the LEAFBLADE would be a rich tapestry of weaving to describe.
Herein lies the blood of the forest, the spirals and whorls that dance through Shaman’s own bone marrow, reflected in the turning music of the spheres, the golden song of ancient sun after ancient sun.
Stars are born and die in the falling of a teardrop.
The great As Above So Below courses through the intense wizardry, sheer masterpiece of their musical colours until we are lost in the gleaming and the shimmering of the senses overwhelmed.

If the Quantum could ever be seen to coil its infinite tail about the patterns and weaves of the Celtic, the tenth-century Bardic tradition, or the ecstatic dances of the Ragas, or the bejewelled, shimmering exotica of the opium-perfumed Arabian Nights, then LEAFBLADE are indeed master-conjurers.
A supreme interweaving maze of the folk-like, the intensely Mediaeval, haunting vocal structures as well as the lighter shades have allowed the creatures in LEAFBLADE to dance off beyond the horizon into those nebulous realms where, in a true Lovecraftian sense, we are as liable to hand you a rose as cut your head off.
Dynamics, as well as a rustic, soft-focus simplicity bathe their work.
This is the music straight from the Forest of the Heart, channelled on visionary levels that take the human spirit beyond reason, comprehension.
In this fantasy tableaux of pure Imagination, we dance with the real Faerie, we harken to the wondrous gentility of the forest as well as the intense frequency of the wood: that of succession, striving for both the light of the sun and sky or the worm-cool depths of the earth-dark…illimitable horror…rapturous beauty.
It is both a Wordsworthian ecstasy and the experience of the mystic deafened, pilloried and rendered broken by the dying of every leaf, the pulsing of the sap, the deep-throated, curiously-sighted, languid crawling of the roots…

A few earth-brains, cranial slimes, have been involved in this rejuvenation, this Spring greening, this White Crown gathering since the birth of LEAFBLADE.
Suffice to say, they are souls who’ve danced the star vault many times, seeking the Poetry, the Cosmic Love, the Nature Mysticism.
This mysticism is perhaps a core element in the rising of LEAFBLADE.
Their multifarious colours, spiralling acoustic weaves, orchestrated textures, fluted visionary powers, Jazz Apples, R&B Punchy Strawberries, their ambient soundscapes, paintings and all-round canvas wizardry is purely intended to astound, to breathe anew with the freshness of a Venusian Spring into the great niche that awaits them.
Any musical diapasic blurbing conjuring in one instant the confused ramblings of Leonardo through to a Prothalamion evoking the marriage of the Spring Goddess and Summer Lord, onto songs of the Sacred Geometry through to Runic invocations has to be heard to believed.
They have a positive library of original material here, a gathering of musical tomes and opuses old and new, an anthology of science and art, visual, emotive colour, majesty.
It is a gallery for those perceptive souls who would run with Shaman through the labyrinth of their own bone hollow and sing the God-Songs.
Already they are reminiscing about the Future.

But we must bring some earthly names, earthly sagas, into this wonderful panoply of beauty, dear reader, some names of the creatures who will be channelling earthward this fabric of musical rainbows for your delectation.
For any who may be familiar with the name, a few of these souls were once associated with the band VALLE CRUCIS, beasts of thunder and bright eyes from the forests of old England…Once upon a time… Founder member of LEAFBLADE and all round good-egg, Poet and syntaxial Cosmic Fool, Sean Jude Hawthorn Rooney, had originally danced from the green with the birth of VALLE CRUCIS many moons ago.
He was found washed up on a lonely beach in a guitar-shaped coracle somewhere in an outer quadrant of Andromeda about a billion years ago.
When still a child, he realised he could break guitar strings just by smiling at them.
Fuelled by moonlight, Earl Grey Tea and an original copy of one of Mozart’s E flat Horn Concertos, he began composing and writing like a possessed bastard until after just ten years he had written a lifetime’s work just for a laugh.
He finished, then laughed.
He had a plan, and that was simple: as a destined beast, he was to wait for the right time, place and fellow wizards to gather.
Now the proud possessor of the Secret of Creation, a very low sperm-count and about forty albums of madness, he awaited the arrival of the Fellowship to imbue the LEAFBLADE cauldron of ideas with even richer spices…By the Gods, he fought, wept and laughed, ripping sounds from the ether…
Now then, Sean had for many years been good mates with the ANATHEMA lads.
He grew with them, jammed with then, laughed until his head fell off with them, tuned up for them backstage, went through the Doors with them, enjoyed a musical growing and closeness such that their involvement with various VALLE CRUCIS projects over the years always had the close involvement of one or more of the mighty Cavanagh Brothers linked to it.
Across the summer of 1995, Jay Cavanagh nearly died at the mixing desk producing VALLE CRUCIS’ magnum opus “A Garden Of Verses”, a work that received such brilliant acclaim from all quarters.
That saga will be a book in itself-cheers Jay!
Over 1996-97, Vinny Cavanagh had worked extensively on VALLE CRUCIS’ follow up “Three Adorations”, again a work that swept the boards with astounding reviews of its blood-stirring wonder.
1999 saw VALLE CRUCIS moving into a more nebulous, dangerous-trancey sounding magnitude, as well as a few more blistering pieces of undeniable catchiness.
This work, the mighty “The Birth Of Venus and Mars”, saw Vinny Cavanagh extensively assisting with production, vocals and guitars, and brother Danny launching into a fiery guitar solo on one of the tracks.
(VALLE CRUCIS also had CRADLE OF FILTH and ex-MY DYING BRIDE keyboard animal Martin Powell adding more piano and keys on the album.)

Since this time there had always been much talk and speculation about the ANATHEMA lads joining forces with the VALLE CRUCIS machine on a series of albums.
And so, 30 albums from Sean, lots of cakes and big thoughts, several hundred beers and 1000 cups of tea later, the inevitable happened: ANATHEMA’s Danny Cavanagh suggested that the time had arisen for the joint working to begin.
Fuelled by a mutual respect for each other’s composing and ideas, after a few false starts, by Autumn 2003 Sean and Danny began to work on many of Sean’s ideas.
They experimented on a few new ideas, but Danny’s plan was to explore initially Sean’s library of original material that had been gathering dust in the dungeons beneath the old VALLE CRUCIS groves.
He wanted to augment and add a few brush strokes to many of the pieces, and, true to form, Danny knew many of Sean’s pieces better than Sean did!
To add to the creative titillation, sparkle and zest of this first LEAFBLADE album, Vinny Cavanagh is eager to add vocal and guitar parts hither and thither, perhaps even playing drums on a crunchy blues number.
Bring on the next beast to enter the fray: ANATHEMA ex-bass man, all round fantastic fish and ANTIMATTER wizard Duncan Patterson.
Dunc ‘Runcle Runstan’, as Sean called him, had gone back such a long way with VALLE CRUCIS that Sean and Dunc had played footy with Cerberus before he got the job of guarding the Underworld.
They used to play footy and volleyball on the beach with him when he was just a puppy.
(Cerberus, that is, not Dunc.
) Right from the start Dunc had offered LEAFBLADE the chance to have their first album released through Dunc’s label Strangelight Records.
(At the time of this going to press we are still unsure as to the deal with Dunc, but be sure, good reader, Dunc IS and WAS the definitive VALLE CRUCIS fan, having more bootleg copies and recordings of their music than anyone on the planet.
He is 100% behind anything LEAFBLADE will produce, and it just makes me love Dunc, with or without his beard, all the fucking more.)

The great honour for Sean at LEAFBLADE has been the great interest, energy and desire on the part of the more ‘well known’ chaps in this whole project.
This isn’t a question of LEAFBLADE milking the help of better-known faces: the fact is, they have recognised the merits of the music in its own right and are prepared to apply their personal glimmerings to an already gleaming diamond that they feel should reach, and astound, a wider audience.
For this reason, I doff my cap, then say “Yes, life is very short, thank you for recognising my genius.
Anyone for tennis?”

But there are still the extra old troops of VALLE CRUCIS to mention, they who will be augmenting firstly the live shows and hopefully the forthcoming album.
Firstly, there is the creature known as Pete Gilchrist, a beast of such productive invention and concentration that he has happily swept Sean off his feet with his ideas on numerous occasions since their first meeting during the winter of 1998.
A computer whizzkid and all round guitar and vocal brain, Pete will be a fundamental force in the live shows.
For the moment, LEAFBLADE are concentrating pretty much on Sean’s material, but as Pete has been maturing like a bottle of Chateau Laffite these past years and adding some blazing power to dynamise LEAFBLADE’s ideas, his musical colours will be more and more prevalent in forthcoming albums and shows, because, dear reader, there WILL be a host of thunderous, evocative, delicious weaves coming from this Coven over the coming sidereal year.
(That’s a two hundred and fifty thousand year stretch, by the way.
) Long live the Pete Blob, as Sean likes to call him.
The man is the VALLE CRUCIS Archivist, Keeper of the Sacred Lore of the Music as ordained by the Gods, Protector of the Faith, Watcher of the Divine Tomes on cassette, MD, CD and Zip and all round Defender Of The Band From Naughty Things.
We love him.
Bleep to the Blob!
Last, but most certainly not least, is a very rare Cherub indeed: a Lord of Colour whom had danced with Sean at the very birth of VALLE CRUCIS all those moons ago.
We shall call him Kay Mu, a true Shaman who drinks the stars and all creation through the most majestic of eyes.
Sean loves to call Kay “Hell’s Very Own Ken”, a name to which he could never object.
Kay’s ideas are a cosmic world unto themselves, a frequency most indubitably their own.
There will never be a more original, soul-truthful organism than Hell’s Ken.
A wizard in his own illimitable right, Ken’s forte is bass, the big strings.
His legs are cellos, his liver emits a low sub-atomic hum similar to the encroaching gravitational intensity experienced by Ganymede when she nears the atomic ferocity of Jupiter and his ears are amphitheatres for the unheard, his eyes wrenched from the outside world to sparkle with the unseen.
A beast whom has professed to understand insect consciousness, Ken will be adding the more exotic, lavish elements to later albums, a swirling, ambient hypnotism inspired by the celestial madnesses both in the blood and beyond the stars.
At the moment the live shows will be handled by Pete, Danny and Sean, but Ken will be an invaluable aid in fleshing later albums.
For the moment, the impetus has been toward working on a live show, then production will begin sometime in the autumn on the first LEAFBLADE album.
Their aim is to cause a sensation, an opus of pure originality.
And so it begins.
The band midwives are busy preparing for a birth of cosmic uterine proportions, fun and games, nose-tweaking and all manner of neutrinic naughtiness.
A niche has been prepared within the labyrinth of musical hollows; haunting beauty, enraptured tales, love and war, celestial colour, blood and honour, inner journeys, fiery revelations…all in the gleam of a god’s eye…along the winking prisms of the sunlit sword…in the Faerie glamour of the sun-kissed thorn, in the green-gold healing and wonder of the LEAFBLADE.

Sean Jude, Spring 2004
inside said:
A song from the heady, jupiterian gravity of the LEAFBLADE would be a rich tapestry of weaving to describe.
Herein lies the blood of the forest, the spirals and whorls that dance through Shaman’s own bone marrow, reflected in the turning music of the spheres, the golden song of ancient sun after ancient sun.
Stars are born and die in the falling of a teardrop.
The great As Above So Below courses through the intense wizardry, sheer masterpiece of their musical colours until we are lost in the gleaming and the shimmering of the senses overwhelmed.

If the Quantum could ever be seen to coil its infinite tail about the patterns and weaves of the Celtic, the tenth-century Bardic tradition, or the ecstatic dances of the Ragas, or the bejewelled, shimmering exotica of the opium-perfumed Arabian Nights, then LEAFBLADE are indeed master-conjurers.
A supreme interweaving maze of the folk-like, the intensely Mediaeval, haunting vocal structures as well as the lighter shades have allowed the creatures in LEAFBLADE to dance off beyond the horizon into those nebulous realms where, in a true Lovecraftian sense, we are as liable to hand you a rose as cut your head off.
Dynamics, as well as a rustic, soft-focus simplicity bathe their work.
This is the music straight from the Forest of the Heart, channelled on visionary levels that take the human spirit beyond reason, comprehension.
In this fantasy tableaux of pure Imagination, we dance with the real Faerie, we harken to the wondrous gentility of the forest as well as the intense frequency of the wood: that of succession, striving for both the light of the sun and sky or the worm-cool depths of the earth-dark…illimitable horror…rapturous beauty.
It is both a Wordsworthian ecstasy and the experience of the mystic deafened, pilloried and rendered broken by the dying of every leaf, the pulsing of the sap, the deep-throated, curiously-sighted, languid crawling of the roots…

A few earth-brains, cranial slimes, have been involved in this rejuvenation, this Spring greening, this White Crown gathering since the birth of LEAFBLADE.
Suffice to say, they are souls who’ve danced the star vault many times, seeking the Poetry, the Cosmic Love, the Nature Mysticism.
This mysticism is perhaps a core element in the rising of LEAFBLADE.
Their multifarious colours, spiralling acoustic weaves, orchestrated textures, fluted visionary powers, Jazz Apples, R&B Punchy Strawberries, their ambient soundscapes, paintings and all-round canvas wizardry is purely intended to astound, to breathe anew with the freshness of a Venusian Spring into the great niche that awaits them.
Any musical diapasic blurbing conjuring in one instant the confused ramblings of Leonardo through to a Prothalamion evoking the marriage of the Spring Goddess and Summer Lord, onto songs of the Sacred Geometry through to Runic invocations has to be heard to believed.
They have a positive library of original material here, a gathering of musical tomes and opuses old and new, an anthology of science and art, visual, emotive colour, majesty.
It is a gallery for those perceptive souls who would run with Shaman through the labyrinth of their own bone hollow and sing the God-Songs.
Already they are reminiscing about the Future.

But we must bring some earthly names, earthly sagas, into this wonderful panoply of beauty, dear reader, some names of the creatures who will be channelling earthward this fabric of musical rainbows for your delectation.
For any who may be familiar with the name, a few of these souls were once associated with the band VALLE CRUCIS, beasts of thunder and bright eyes from the forests of old England…Once upon a time… Founder member of LEAFBLADE and all round good-egg, Poet and syntaxial Cosmic Fool, Sean Jude Hawthorn Rooney, had originally danced from the green with the birth of VALLE CRUCIS many moons ago.
He was found washed up on a lonely beach in a guitar-shaped coracle somewhere in an outer quadrant of Andromeda about a billion years ago.
When still a child, he realised he could break guitar strings just by smiling at them.
Fuelled by moonlight, Earl Grey Tea and an original copy of one of Mozart’s E flat Horn Concertos, he began composing and writing like a possessed bastard until after just ten years he had written a lifetime’s work just for a laugh.
He finished, then laughed.
He had a plan, and that was simple: as a destined beast, he was to wait for the right time, place and fellow wizards to gather.
Now the proud possessor of the Secret of Creation, a very low sperm-count and about forty albums of madness, he awaited the arrival of the Fellowship to imbue the LEAFBLADE cauldron of ideas with even richer spices…By the Gods, he fought, wept and laughed, ripping sounds from the ether…
Now then, Sean had for many years been good mates with the ANATHEMA lads.
He grew with them, jammed with then, laughed until his head fell off with them, tuned up for them backstage, went through the Doors with them, enjoyed a musical growing and closeness such that their involvement with various VALLE CRUCIS projects over the years always had the close involvement of one or more of the mighty Cavanagh Brothers linked to it.
Across the summer of 1995, Jay Cavanagh nearly died at the mixing desk producing VALLE CRUCIS’ magnum opus “A Garden Of Verses”, a work that received such brilliant acclaim from all quarters.
That saga will be a book in itself-cheers Jay!
Over 1996-97, Vinny Cavanagh had worked extensively on VALLE CRUCIS’ follow up “Three Adorations”, again a work that swept the boards with astounding reviews of its blood-stirring wonder.
1999 saw VALLE CRUCIS moving into a more nebulous, dangerous-trancey sounding magnitude, as well as a few more blistering pieces of undeniable catchiness.
This work, the mighty “The Birth Of Venus and Mars”, saw Vinny Cavanagh extensively assisting with production, vocals and guitars, and brother Danny launching into a fiery guitar solo on one of the tracks.
(VALLE CRUCIS also had CRADLE OF FILTH and ex-MY DYING BRIDE keyboard animal Martin Powell adding more piano and keys on the album.)

Since this time there had always been much talk and speculation about the ANATHEMA lads joining forces with the VALLE CRUCIS machine on a series of albums.
And so, 30 albums from Sean, lots of cakes and big thoughts, several hundred beers and 1000 cups of tea later, the inevitable happened: ANATHEMA’s Danny Cavanagh suggested that the time had arisen for the joint working to begin.
Fuelled by a mutual respect for each other’s composing and ideas, after a few false starts, by Autumn 2003 Sean and Danny began to work on many of Sean’s ideas.
They experimented on a few new ideas, but Danny’s plan was to explore initially Sean’s library of original material that had been gathering dust in the dungeons beneath the old VALLE CRUCIS groves.
He wanted to augment and add a few brush strokes to many of the pieces, and, true to form, Danny knew many of Sean’s pieces better than Sean did!
To add to the creative titillation, sparkle and zest of this first LEAFBLADE album, Vinny Cavanagh is eager to add vocal and guitar parts hither and thither, perhaps even playing drums on a crunchy blues number.
Bring on the next beast to enter the fray: ANATHEMA ex-bass man, all round fantastic fish and ANTIMATTER wizard Duncan Patterson.
Dunc ‘Runcle Runstan’, as Sean called him, had gone back such a long way with VALLE CRUCIS that Sean and Dunc had played footy with Cerberus before he got the job of guarding the Underworld.
They used to play footy and volleyball on the beach with him when he was just a puppy.
(Cerberus, that is, not Dunc.
) Right from the start Dunc had offered LEAFBLADE the chance to have their first album released through Dunc’s label Strangelight Records.
(At the time of this going to press we are still unsure as to the deal with Dunc, but be sure, good reader, Dunc IS and WAS the definitive VALLE CRUCIS fan, having more bootleg copies and recordings of their music than anyone on the planet.
He is 100% behind anything LEAFBLADE will produce, and it just makes me love Dunc, with or without his beard, all the fucking more.)

The great honour for Sean at LEAFBLADE has been the great interest, energy and desire on the part of the more ‘well known’ chaps in this whole project.
This isn’t a question of LEAFBLADE milking the help of better-known faces: the fact is, they have recognised the merits of the music in its own right and are prepared to apply their personal glimmerings to an already gleaming diamond that they feel should reach, and astound, a wider audience.
For this reason, I doff my cap, then say “Yes, life is very short, thank you for recognising my genius.
Anyone for tennis?”

But there are still the extra old troops of VALLE CRUCIS to mention, they who will be augmenting firstly the live shows and hopefully the forthcoming album.
Firstly, there is the creature known as Pete Gilchrist, a beast of such productive invention and concentration that he has happily swept Sean off his feet with his ideas on numerous occasions since their first meeting during the winter of 1998.
A computer whizzkid and all round guitar and vocal brain, Pete will be a fundamental force in the live shows.
For the moment, LEAFBLADE are concentrating pretty much on Sean’s material, but as Pete has been maturing like a bottle of Chateau Laffite these past years and adding some blazing power to dynamise LEAFBLADE’s ideas, his musical colours will be more and more prevalent in forthcoming albums and shows, because, dear reader, there WILL be a host of thunderous, evocative, delicious weaves coming from this Coven over the coming sidereal year.
(That’s a two hundred and fifty thousand year stretch, by the way.
) Long live the Pete Blob, as Sean likes to call him.
The man is the VALLE CRUCIS Archivist, Keeper of the Sacred Lore of the Music as ordained by the Gods, Protector of the Faith, Watcher of the Divine Tomes on cassette, MD, CD and Zip and all round Defender Of The Band From Naughty Things.
We love him.
Bleep to the Blob!
Last, but most certainly not least, is a very rare Cherub indeed: a Lord of Colour whom had danced with Sean at the very birth of VALLE CRUCIS all those moons ago.
We shall call him Kay Mu, a true Shaman who drinks the stars and all creation through the most majestic of eyes.
Sean loves to call Kay “Hell’s Very Own Ken”, a name to which he could never object.
Kay’s ideas are a cosmic world unto themselves, a frequency most indubitably their own.
There will never be a more original, soul-truthful organism than Hell’s Ken.
A wizard in his own illimitable right, Ken’s forte is bass, the big strings.
His legs are cellos, his liver emits a low sub-atomic hum similar to the encroaching gravitational intensity experienced by Ganymede when she nears the atomic ferocity of Jupiter and his ears are amphitheatres for the unheard, his eyes wrenched from the outside world to sparkle with the unseen.
A beast whom has professed to understand insect consciousness, Ken will be adding the more exotic, lavish elements to later albums, a swirling, ambient hypnotism inspired by the celestial madnesses both in the blood and beyond the stars.
At the moment the live shows will be handled by Pete, Danny and Sean, but Ken will be an invaluable aid in fleshing later albums.
For the moment, the impetus has been toward working on a live show, then production will begin sometime in the autumn on the first LEAFBLADE album.
Their aim is to cause a sensation, an opus of pure originality.
And so it begins.
The band midwives are busy preparing for a birth of cosmic uterine proportions, fun and games, nose-tweaking and all manner of neutrinic naughtiness.
A niche has been prepared within the labyrinth of musical hollows; haunting beauty, enraptured tales, love and war, celestial colour, blood and honour, inner journeys, fiery revelations…all in the gleam of a god’s eye…along the winking prisms of the sunlit sword…in the Faerie glamour of the sun-kissed thorn, in the green-gold healing and wonder of the LEAFBLADE.

Sean Jude, Spring 2004
Hum...Bless you!:grin: