Acoustic Geeeetar

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Anyone have any really terrific reccomendations for some excellent acoustic guitar oriented music?

I have Empyrium's Where at Night The Wood Grouse Plays and Weiland. Also, some Forseti which is okay and Jeff Buckley, which is absolutely stunning at times. I know I have a shitload more than this and not just folk-oriented either but am coming up blank and am pretty damn lazy at the moment to sift through everything.

Anyone care to share their recommendations or just refresh my memory?

Mucho Gracias mi amigos.
Its quite awesome stuff. I highly reccomend. His demo which is mostly available on his site scored him a contract with Hammerheart records. Dig it.
Ya, I just contacted him through email. Hopefully he will respond so I can dig this demo. It sounds like awesome stuff man. When I have time, I want to read the story on the site as well.
Dude go to Target and get those Lifescapes CDs like Forest or Pissing in a River, there is a lot of great acoustic work on them things. Seriously.
Some ideas:

Have you heard Jethro Tull's "Songs from the Wood"? Please tell me you have.

And of course, you're already in the process of tracking down some October Falls.

I know you've heard Tenhi - have you got the "airut:ciwi" EP?
JayKeeley said:
Some ideas:

Have you heard Jethro Tull's "Songs from the Wood"? Please tell me you have.

And of course, you're already in the process of tracking down some October Falls.

I know you've heard Tenhi - have you got the "airut:ciwi" EP?

1) Yes. Jethro Tull is one of my all-time favs. I have a lot of his stuff, and what I don't have, my father has in albums. I dont like his 80's stuff though.

2) Indeed. :)

3) NO. I had no idea that Tenhi had anything other Kauan and Vare. I'm on it.

...and to the rest: THANK YOU & I'm on it!!!!

'Demix, I just talked to Daemonskald and should receive that demo soon. :kickass:
I just went to Target and saw one of the CDs you should get. Dammit, I really should have burned you some of these in the last batch.
Doomcifer said:
I dont like his 80's stuff though.
That's because it's crap. :tickled:
One Inch Man said:
Dude go to Target and get those Lifescapes CDs like Forest or Pissing in a River, there is a lot of great acoustic work on them things. Seriously.