Okay, boyz and girlz, if Anders pays so much money (i bet he paid at least 5 crowns), we have to give him inspiration and entertainment

So I'll invite you ALL(!) to participate in some action, also the bandmembers are welcome. You only have to answer some questions and the one who gives the most intelligent answers to these stupid questions, will get the TURBOMAN award. I will be the jury, who declares the glorious winner. Here we go:
Katagory guitar:
How deep can you tune your guitar (but that's boring...)?
How high can tune your guitar before the strings break (more interesting)?
For slide guitar players: What's the coolest thing, you can use INSTEAD of a bottleneck (I use a banana...)?
What's the most incredible place where you found your plectrum? What do you use, when you can't find one?
How many effects can you use at the same time?
Can you turn your amp to eleven?
What's your favourite posing?
How do you annoy your band members most?
Katagory Bass:
Who's coolest bassplayer?
What's the coolest bassamp?
Do you use a Fred-less?
Who played bass on for "funerals to come" (song)?
What's the bassplayer's favourite drink (only alcoholic)?
Should bass players also have non-alcoholic drinks (answer is easy...)?
Should bass players be bandleaders?
What should bass player get when they finally hit the correct tone? what should they get when they're bad?
Katagory vocals:
Can you sing with a banana as a microphone?
Would TURBOMAN do this?
Do you think, I'm a good singer?
Which Katatonia text is the most funny?
Why Jonas does this pocketslapping?
Should there be world championships in pocketslapping?
Do vocalists generally have ego problems? (I don't mean Jonas)
Do you think, it's easy to find a good vocalist? Why?
Why female vocalists look better than male?
Is Jonas a girl?
Katagory Drums:
Are there any good questions about drums?
Are drumcomputers better?
Katagory Keyboards:
Why they are UNTRUE?
Why they suck?
Why good bands don't have them?
Do you like Crematoy?
Katagory general:
left or right?
up or down?
back or front?
lazy as an ape or busy as a bee?
drink or eat?
work or sleep?
guitar or bass?
astronaut or cosmonaut?
Broiler oder Hühnchen?
french fries or freedom fries?
Burger King or MC Donalds?
Aldi or Lidl?
male or female?
Kata or Tonia?
Christmas or Easter?
Last or least:
Who is strong enough to carry around the BIG FINNTROLL?
Good night, I wish you ALL happy christmas, and a new year full of ACTION (please participate, doesn't matter if depressed or not), and good snowball battles and here's the last question for JUDAS PRIEST fans (so, Anders,what's the answer...?):