Active Pick-ups???


New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2009
Raleigh, NC
I have an Ibanez RG3EX1 with the stock passive EMGs. Honestly, they suck. I was thinking about putting some active pick-ups in it. I thought EMGs were my only option. Then, I heard about Seymour Duncan's Blackouts. I was thinking about putting the Blackout Metal in the bridge and the regular Blackout in the neck. Any thoughts?

If it makes a difference: I play all kinds of metal: Thrash, old school death, melodic death, neo-classical, power, grindcore and technical death.
1) what are the stock pickups? like the actual model
2) there are plenty of good passive pickups, emg makes great passive ones
3) putting active pickups in a passive guitar costs more money because they have to make a battery cavity and do other routing etc.
4) blackouts are shit, i personally hate them. everyone seems to be getting them nowadays but i know a lot of people who have regretted it

look at other options, theres a lot of good companies
There are the Select SEP set. I understand it is a lot of money to change, but the stock pick-ups are too hollow and "twangy." How much money am I talking anyway? I thought that if I was going spend money to change pick-ups that I would get the top of the line. I thought Blackouts were the shit, not shit. Your insight is very appreciated.
well the 18v doesnt do much IMO besides makes the batteries last longer. a tad bit of tone change but not that much

but yeah an 81/60 combo can never steer you wrong :)

look at dimarzio's to, some of those are badass. look at the x2n
lots of people like the de-activators as well (i think those are dimarzios??)