Bass Guitar Pick-Ups?


Dead By Xmas
Feb 5, 2003
i don't know barely anything about pick-ups especially bass guitar pick-up's...
all i have is a few names floating around in my head, Seymour Duncans, EMG's + DiMazzio's(i think its spelt)
i've got an esp f-104 i think it has double humbucker esp soapbox pickup's but i'm looking for a better quality pick-up with a cleaner, more exciting sound.

what pick-ups would you recogmend, for playing music like, melodic death metal, black metal, and old school stuff like iron maiden black sabbath etc...

your feedback would be much appriciated??
bartolini. great pickups. they came stock in tobias basses and they i believe conklin uses them as well. you may also wanna look into a piezo system. the pickups are in the bridge and it reads the tone directly from the strings. ive heard good things about em, and the concept is interesting to me. i have yet to play one.

seymore duncan is ok. id stay away from emg though